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Created November 14, 2011 00:58
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Public Const COLUMN_NAME_X = 10
Public Const COLUMN_TYPE_X = 18
Public Const COLUMN_DIGIT_X = 24
Public Const COLUMN_NULL_X = 28
Public Const COLUMN_UNIQUE_X = 30
Public Const COLUMN_TYPE_START = 18
Public Const COLUMN_LIMIT_START = 45
Public Const COLUMN_NULL_START = 60
Public Type ColumnData
name As String
type As String
digit As Integer
null As Boolean
unique As Boolean
End Type
Function ReadColumnData(sheet As Worksheet) As ColumnData()
Dim column() As ColumnData
Dim idx As Long
column_count = ColumnCount()
ReDim column(column_count)
idx = 0
Do While idx <= column_count
column(idx).name = sheet.Cells(15 + idx, COLUMN_NAME_X).Value
column(idx).type = sheet.Cells(15 + idx, COLUMN_TYPE_X).Value
column(idx).digit = sheet.Cells(15 + idx, COLUMN_DIGIT_X).Value
str_null = sheet.Cells(15 + idx, COLUMN_NULL_X).Value
If str_null = "不可" Then
column(idx).null = False
column(idx).null = True
End If
str_unique = sheet.Cells(15 + idx, COLUMN_UNIQUE_X).Value
If str_null = "一意" Then
column(idx).unique = True
column(idx).unique = False
End If
idx = idx + 1
ReadColumnData = column
End Function
Function GenerateMigrationFile(sheet As Worksheet, idx As Integer) As String
Dim str As String
Dim table_name As String
Dim column_data() As ColumnData
table_name = sheet.Cells(5, 8).Value
column_data = ReadColumnData(sheet)
str = "class %classname% < ActiveRecord::Migration" & vbCrLf
str = str + " def change" & vbCrLf
str = str + " create_table :%tablename% do |t|" & vbCrLf
str = str + "%columns%" & vbCrLf
str = str + " t.timestamps" & vbCrLf
str = str + " end" & vbCrLf
str = str + " end" & vbCrLf
str = str + "end" & vbCrLf
str = Replace(str, "%classname%", GetClassName(table_name))
str = Replace(str, "%tablename%", table_name)
str = Replace(str, "%columns%", GetMigrationColumns(column_data))
'Debug.Print (str)
' FreeFile値の取得(以降この値で入出力する)
intFF = FreeFile
' 指定ファイルをOPEN(出力モード)
Open str_dir & Format(Date, "yyyymmdd") & Format(idx, "000000") & "_create_" & table_name & ".rb" For Output As #intFF
Print #intFF, str
' 指定ファイルをCLOSE
Close #intFF
End Function
Function GetClassName(table_name As String)
GetClassName = "Create" & Application.Substitute(Application.Proper(table_name), "_", "")
End Function
Function GetMigrationColumns(column_datas() As ColumnData) As String
Dim str_column As String
Dim idx As Long
idx = 0
Do While idx <= UBound(column_datas)
str_column = str_column & GenarateMigrationColumn(column_datas(idx)) & vbCrLf
idx = idx + 1
GetMigrationColumns = str_column
End Function
Function GenarateMigrationColumn(column_data As ColumnData)
Dim str_column As String
str_column = " t." & column_data.type
str_column = str_column & String(COLUMN_TYPE_START - Len(str_column), " ") & ":" &
If column_data.digit > 0 Then
str_column = str_column & "," & String(COLUMN_LIMIT_START - Len(str_column), " ") & ":limit => " & column_data.digit
End If
If column_data.null = False Then
str_column = str_column & "," & String(COLUMN_NULL_START - Len(str_column), " ") & ":null => false"
End If
GenarateMigrationColumn = str_column
End Function
Function ColumnCount() As Integer
Dim r As Variant
r = Range("J14").End(xlDown).Row
ColumnCount = r - 14 - 3
End Function
Sub migrationファイル生成マクロ()
Dim str_dir As String
Dim str_migration As String
Dim intFF As Integer ' FreeFile値
Dim sheet As Worksheet
Dim idx As Integer
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
If .Show = True Then
str_dir = .SelectedItems(1)
Debug.Print (str_dir)
End If
End With
idx = 0
While idx < Worksheets.Count - 4
Set sheet = Worksheets(4 + idx)
Call GenerateMigrationFile(sheet, idx)
idx = idx + 1
End Sub
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