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Created January 8, 2021 10:51
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  • Save yorickvP/2f2d2ce5ba54791bce1b2587fea16746 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save yorickvP/2f2d2ce5ba54791bce1b2587fea16746 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, cmake, pkgconfig }:
inherit (stdenv.lib) optionals;
isCross = stdenv.buildPlatform != stdenv.hostPlatform;
stdenv.mkDerivation {
pname = "raspberrypi-armstubs";
version = "2020-10-08";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "raspberrypi";
repo = "tools";
rev = "fc0e73c13865450e95edd046200e42a6e52d8256";
sha256 = "1g6ikpjcrm5x0rk5aiwjdd8grf997qkvgamcrdxy6k9ln746h25s";
preConfigure = ''
cd armstubs
makeFlags = [
++ optionals (stdenv.isAarch64) [ "armstub8.bin" "armstub8-gic.bin" ]
++ optionals (stdenv.isAarch32) [ "armstub7.bin" "armstub8-32.bin" "armstub8-32-gic.bin" ]
installPhase = ''
mkdir -vp $out/
cp -v *.bin $out/
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "Firmware related ARM stubs for the Raspberry Pi";
homepage =;
license = licenses.bsd3;
platforms = [ "armv6l-linux" "armv7l-linux" "aarch64-linux" ];
maintainers = with maintainers; [ samueldr ];
{ pkgs, lib, modulesPath, }: {
imports = [
(modulesPath + "/installer/cd-dvd/sd-image-armv7l-multiplatform.nix")
nixpkgs.overlays = [ (super: self: {
ubootRaspberryPi3_32bit = self.buildUBoot {
defconfig = "rpi_3_32b_defconfig";
extraMeta.platforms = ["armv7l-linux"];
filesToInstall = ["u-boot.bin"];
ubootRaspberryPi4_32bit = self.buildUBoot {
defconfig = "rpi_4_32b_defconfig";
extraMeta.platforms = ["armv7l-linux"];
filesToInstall = ["u-boot.bin"];
raspberrypi-armstubs = super.callPackage ./raspberrypi-armstubs.nix {};
}) ];
boot.kernelPackages = lib.mkForce pkgs.linuxPackages_rpi4;
# see
# see
sdImage = {
populateFirmwareCommands = let
configTxt = pkgs.writeText "config.txt" ''
# Otherwise the resolution will be weird in most cases, compared to
# what the pi3 firmware does by default.
# U-Boot needs this to work, regardless of whether UART is actually used or not.
# Look in arch/arm/mach-bcm283x/Kconfig in the U-Boot tree to see if this is still
# a requirement in the future.
# Prevent the firmware from smashing the framebuffer setup done by the mainline kernel
# when attempting to show low-voltage or overtemperature warnings.
in lib.mkForce ''
(cd ${pkgs.raspberrypifw}/share/raspberrypi/boot && cp bootcode.bin fixup*.dat start*.elf $NIX_BUILD_TOP/firmware/)
# Add the config
cp ${configTxt} firmware/config.txt
# Add pi3 specific files
cp ${pkgs.ubootRaspberryPi3_32bit}/u-boot.bin firmware/u-boot-rpi3.bin
# Add pi4 specific files
cp ${pkgs.ubootRaspberryPi4_32bit}/u-boot.bin firmware/u-boot-rpi4.bin
cp ${pkgs.raspberrypi-armstubs}/armstub8-32.bin firmware/armstub8-32.bin
cp ${pkgs.raspberrypi-armstubs}/armstub8-32-gic.bin firmware/armstub8-32-gic.bin
cp ${pkgs.raspberrypifw}/share/raspberrypi/boot/bcm2711-rpi-4-b.dtb firmware/
nixpkgs.localSystem = {
system = "armv7l-linux";
{ config, pkgs, lib, modulesPath, ... }:
imports = [
(modulesPath + "/profiles/minimal.nix")
(modulesPath + "/profiles/installation-device.nix")
(modulesPath + "/installer/cd-dvd/sd-image.nix")
nixpkgs.overlays = [(self: super: {
# Does not cross-compile...
alsa-firmware = pkgs.runCommandNoCC "neutered-firmware" {} "mkdir -p $out";
# A "regression" in nixpkgs, where python3 pycryptodome does not cross-compile.
crda = pkgs.runCommandNoCC "neutered-firmware" {} "mkdir -p $out";
# Regression caused by including a new package in the closure
# Added in f1922cdbdc608b1f1f85a1d80310b54e89d0e9f3
smartmontools = super.smartmontools.overrideAttrs(old: {
configureFlags = [];
e2fsprogs = super.e2fsprogs.overrideAttrs (old: {
postPatch = old.postPatch + ''
rm -r tests/m_hugefile
# (Failing build in a dep to be investigated)
security.polkit.enable = false;
# cifs-utils fails to cross-compile
# Let's simplify this by removing all unneeded filesystems from the image.
boot.supportedFilesystems = lib.mkForce [ "vfat" ];
# texinfoInteractive has trouble cross-compiling = lib.mkForce false;
# `xterm` is being included even though this is GUI-less.
# →
services.xserver.desktopManager.xterm.enable = lib.mkForce false;
# ec6224b6cd147943eee685ef671811b3683cb2ce re-introduced udisks in the installer
# udisks fails due to gobject-introspection being not cross-compilation friendly.
services.udisks2.enable = lib.mkForce false;
services.openssh.enable = true;
users.users.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [
"ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIDo1N5E6qkb3McJOvv0PqI7E8iYLAcjil5RWc+zeTtN/"
# nixos-20.09
nixpkgs = fetchTarball;
(import "${nixpkgs}/nixos/lib/eval-config.nix" {
modules = [ ./armv7l-rpi4-linux.nix ./configuration.nix ];
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