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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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import Data.List
-- import Debug.Trace
data Node a = DeadEnd a
| Passage a (Node a)
| Fork a (Node a) (Node a)
instance (Show a) => Show (Node a) where
show (DeadEnd a) = "DeadEnd " ++ show a
show (Passage a _) = "Passage " ++ show a
show (Fork a _ _) = "Fork " ++ show a
data Branch a = KeepStraightOn a
| TurnLeft a (Node a)
| TurnRight a (Node a)
type Thread a = [Branch a]
type Zipper a = (Thread a, Node a)
get :: Zipper a -> a
get (_, DeadEnd a ) = a
get (_, Passage a _) = a
get (_, Fork a _ _ ) = a
put :: a -> Zipper a -> Zipper a
put v (t, DeadEnd oldV ) = (t, DeadEnd v)
put v (t, Passage oldV dest) = (t, Passage v dest)
put v (t, Fork oldV a b ) = (t, Fork v a b)
update :: (a -> a) -> Zipper a -> Zipper a
update x n = put (x $ get n) n
turnRight :: Zipper a -> Maybe (Zipper a)
turnRight (t, Fork x l r) = Just (TurnRight x l : t, r)
turnRight _ = Nothing
turnLeft :: Zipper a -> Maybe (Zipper a)
turnLeft (t, Fork x l r) = Just (TurnLeft x r : t, l)
turnLeft _ = Nothing
keepStraightOn :: Zipper a -> Maybe (Zipper a)
keepStraightOn (t, Passage x n) = Just (KeepStraightOn x : t, n)
keepStraightOn _ = Nothing
back :: Zipper a -> Maybe (Zipper a)
back ([] , _) = Nothing
back (KeepStraightOn x : t , n) = Just (t, Passage x n)
back (TurnLeft x r : t , l) = Just (t, Fork x l r)
back (TurnRight x l : t , r) = Just (t, Fork x l r)
maze :: Node (Int, Int)
maze = Fork (0, 2)
(Passage (2, 0)
(Fork (1, 0) (DeadEnd (0, -1)) $ Passage (0, 1) $ DeadEnd (0, 0)))
(Fork (-2, 0) (DeadEnd (-1, 0)) (DeadEnd (0, -2)))
getDrawCoord :: Node (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
getDrawCoord (DeadEnd (x,y) ) = (x*4, y*4)
getDrawCoord (Passage (x,y) _) = (x*4, y*4)
getDrawCoord (Fork (x,y) _ _ ) = (x*4, y*4)
getBranchDrawCoord :: Branch (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
getBranchDrawCoord (KeepStraightOn (x,y)) = (x*4,y*4)
getBranchDrawCoord (TurnLeft (x,y) _) = (x*4,y*4)
getBranchDrawCoord (TurnRight (x,y) _) = (x*4,y*4)
data Drawable = DrawNode (Int, Int)
| Connection Char (Int, Int)
deriving Show
getCoord (DrawNode p) = p
getCoord (Connection _ p) = p
drawConnection :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> [Drawable]
drawConnection a@(ax, ay) b@(bx, by)
| a == b = []
| otherwise = Connection (direction a b) a : drawConnection (closer ax bx, closer ay by) b where
direction a@(ax, ay) b@(bx, by)
| ax == bx = '|'
| ay == by = '-'
-- slope
| (ax - bx) `div` (ay - by) > 0 = '/'
| otherwise = '\\'
closer a b = a + (signum $ b - a)
expandConnection :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> [Drawable]
expandConnection (ax, ay) (bx, by) = drawConnection (ax', ay') (bx, by) where
ax' = ax + (signum $ bx - ax)
ay' = ay + (signum $ by - ay)
expandNodeConnection a b = expandConnection (getDrawCoord a) (getDrawCoord b)
drawNode = DrawNode . getDrawCoord
expandNode :: Node (Int, Int) -> [Drawable]
expandNode x@(DeadEnd _ ) = [drawNode x]
expandNode x@(Passage _ n) = (drawNode x):
(expandNodeConnection x n) ++ expandNode n
expandNode x@(Fork _ a b) = (drawNode x):
expandNodeConnection x a ++ expandNodeConnection x b ++ expandNode a ++ expandNode b
expandZipper :: Zipper (Int, Int) -> [Drawable]
expandZipper ([], n) = [drawNode n]
expandZipper (thread@(x:_), n) = (drawNode n) :
expandConnection (getDrawCoord n) (getBranchDrawCoord x) ++
expandThread thread where
expandThread (x:y:xs) = (DrawNode $ getBranchDrawCoord x) :
expandConnection (getBranchDrawCoord x) (getBranchDrawCoord y) ++
expandThread (y:xs)
expandThread (x:[]) = [DrawNode $ getBranchDrawCoord x]
expandThread [] = []
sortCoord :: [Drawable] -> [Drawable]
sortCoord = sortBy (\ a b -> compare (sortCoord a) (sortCoord b)) where
sortCoord (DrawNode (x, y)) = (-y, x)
sortCoord (Connection _ (x, y)) = (-y, x)
bold x = "\ESC[1m" ++ x ++"\ESC[0m"
renderMaze :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> [Drawable] -> (Int, Int) -> String
renderMaze s@(sx, sy) curpos nodes pos@(px, py)
| (x:xs) <- nodes
, getCoord x == pos
= case x of
(DrawNode _) -> if curpos == pos then bold ['*'] else ['*']
(Connection x _) -> [x]
++ renderMaze s curpos xs (px + 1, py)
| px > sx = '\n' : renderMaze s curpos nodes (-sx, py - 1)
| py < (-sy) = ""
| otherwise = ' ' : renderMaze s curpos nodes (px + 1, py)
drawMaze :: (Int, Int) -> Zipper (Int, Int) -> String
drawMaze size@(sx, sy) pos@(_, maze) = renderMaze size (getDrawCoord maze) (sortCoord $ expandZipper pos) (-sx, sy)
drawFullMaze size@(sx, sy) pos@(_, maze) = renderMaze size (getDrawCoord maze) (sortCoord $ expandNode maze) (-sx, sy)
clearScreen = putStr "\ESC[2J"
ambiance (_, DeadEnd _) = "there's a wall in front of you. (back)"
ambiance (_, Passage _ _) = "you're in a corridor, it makes a sharp turn here (continue, back)"
ambiance (_, Fork _ _ _) = "there are two ways to go here (left, right, back)"
executeCommand :: String -> Zipper a -> Maybe (Zipper a)
executeCommand cmd = case cmd of
"left" -> turnLeft
"right" -> turnRight
"back" -> back
"continue" -> keepStraightOn
_ -> \ _ -> Nothing
doMaze pos = do
putStrLn $ drawMaze (8, 8) pos
putStrLn $ ambiance pos
input <- getLine
let newpos = executeCommand input pos
case newpos of
Nothing -> do
putStrLn "that was not a way you could go"
doMaze pos
Just p -> doMaze p
main = do
putStrLn "You try to memorize the map"
putStrLn $ drawFullMaze (8, 8) ([], maze)
doMaze ([], maze)
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