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Last active September 2, 2015 18:39
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pingping -- start of a pong game with quil
(ns pingping.core
(:import [java.awt.event KeyEvent])
(:require [quil.core :as q]))
(defn draw-rect [r]
(q/rect (:x r) (:y r) (:w r) (:h r)))
;; define left- and right-side rackets, as well as a ball and ball velocity
(def r-left (atom {:x 10 :y 65 :w 10 :h 70}))
(def r-right (atom {:x 430 :y 65 :w 10 :h 70}))
(def ball (atom {:x 225 :y 100 :w 10 :h 10}))
(def ball-dir (atom [3 0]))
;; store the old ball dir in the event of a pause
(def old-ball-dir (atom [0 0]))
;; track the number of racket hits
(def racket-hits (atom 0))
;; track the score
(def score (atom [0 0]))
;; calculates a new ball position from a ball and ball-dir
(defn next-ball [b [dx dy]]
(assoc b :x (+ (:x b) dx)
:y (+ (:y b) dy)))
;; reset the ball's position to the middle
(defn reset-ball [b]
(assoc b :x 225 :y 100))
;; calculate where the ball hits the racket
;; 0.5, 0 or -0.5 depending on where it hits
(defn anglefactor [r b]
(- (/ (- (:y b) (:y r))
(:h r))
;; bump the ball's velocity based on some factor
(defn bump-vel [[dx dy] f]
(and (>= dx 0) (>= dy 0))
[(+ dx f) (+ dy f)]
(and (< dx 0) (>= dy 0))
[(- dx f) (+ dy f)]
(and (< dx 0) (< dy 0))
[(- dx f) (- dy f)]
(and (>= dx 0) (< dy 0))
[(+ dx f) (- dy f)]
[dx dy]))
;; determine if two rectangles intersect
(defn rect-intersects? [a b]
(let [top-left-corner-a-x (:x a)
top-left-corner-a-y (:y a)
bottom-right-corner-a-x (+ (:x a) (:w a))
bottom-right-corner-a-y (+ (:y a) (:h a))
top-left-corner-b-x (:x b)
top-left-corner-b-y (:y b)
bottom-right-corner-b-x (+ (:x b) (:w b))
bottom-right-corner-b-y (+ (:y b) (:h b))]
(<= top-left-corner-a-x bottom-right-corner-b-x)
(>= bottom-right-corner-a-x top-left-corner-b-x)
(<= top-left-corner-a-y bottom-right-corner-b-y)
(>= bottom-right-corner-a-y top-left-corner-b-y))
(defn update []
; update the ball's position
(swap! ball next-ball @ball-dir)
; ball hit top or bottom border? invert the y direction
(when (or (> (:y @ball) 200) (< (:y @ball) 0))
(swap! ball-dir (fn [[x y]] [x (- y)])))
; ball hit left racket..
; invert x, set y to anglefactor, increase ball-dir
(when (rect-intersects? @r-left @ball)
(let [t (anglefactor @r-left @ball)]
(swap! ball-dir (fn [[x _]] [(- x) t])))
(swap! ball-dir bump-vel (/ @racket-hits 3))
(swap! racket-hits inc))
; ball hit right racket..
; invert x, set y to anglefactor, increase ball-dir
(when (rect-intersects? @r-right @ball)
(let [t (anglefactor @r-right @ball)]
(swap! ball-dir (fn [[x _]] [(- x) t])))
(swap! ball-dir bump-vel (/ @racket-hits 3))
(swap! racket-hits inc))
; ball goes past the left paddle..
; update the score, reset the ball
(when (< (+ (:w @ball) (:x @ball)) 0)
(swap! score (fn [[l r]] [l (inc r)]))
(println @score)
(swap! ball reset-ball)
(swap! ball-dir (fn [dir] [-3 0]))
(swap! racket-hits (fn [hits] 0)))
; ball goes past the right paddle..
; update the score, reset the ball
(when (> (:x @ball) 450)
(swap! score (fn [[l r]] [(inc l) r]))
(println @score)
(swap! ball reset-ball)
(swap! ball-dir (fn [dir] [3 0]))
(swap! racket-hits (fn [hits] 0))))
(defn draw []
(q/background-float 0x20)
(q/fill 0xff)
(draw-rect @r-left)
(draw-rect @r-right)
(draw-rect @ball))
(defn key-pressed []
; left player uses W/S
(= (q/key-code) KeyEvent/VK_W)
(swap! r-left update-in [:y] (fn [y] (- y 7)))
(= (q/key-code) KeyEvent/VK_S)
(swap! r-left update-in [:y] (fn [y] (+ y 7)))
; right player uses up/down
(= (q/key-code) KeyEvent/VK_UP)
(swap! r-right update-in [:y] (fn [y] (- y 7)))
(= (q/key-code) KeyEvent/VK_DOWN)
(swap! r-right update-in [:y] (fn [y] (+ y 7)))
; pause with spacebar
(= (q/key-code) KeyEvent/VK_SPACE)
; if the ball's not moving, unpause
(= @ball-dir [0 0])
(swap! ball-dir (fn [dir] [(get @old-ball-dir 0) (get @old-ball-dir 1)]))
; if the ball is moving, pause and store the old ball-dir
(swap! old-ball-dir (fn [dir] [(get @ball-dir 0) (get @ball-dir 1)]))
(swap! ball-dir (fn [dir] [0 0]))))))
(q/defsketch example
:title "oh my"
:size [450 200]
:setup (fn [] (q/smooth) (q/no-stroke) (q/frame-rate 60))
:draw (fn [] (update) (draw))
:key-pressed key-pressed)
(defn -main [& args]
(defproject pingping "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "FIXME: write description"
:url ""
:license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
:url ""}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]
[quil "1.7.0"]]
:main pingping.core)
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