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Last active July 1, 2022 10:18
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open SCaml
let empty_bytes = Bytes "0x"
let is_empty_bytes b = (Bytes.length b = Nat 0)
let bytes_concat sep ss =
match ss with
| [] -> empty_bytes
| s0 :: ss ->
List.fold_left' (fun (acc, s) -> Bytes.concat (Bytes.concat acc sep) s) s0 ss
type encoded_segment = bytes
let encode_segment (seg : encoded_segment) : bytes = seg
module Hash = struct
type prefix = bytes
let prefix_to_bytes p : bytes = p
type t = (prefix * bytes)
let of_prefix p : t = (p, empty_bytes)
let zero : t = of_prefix (Bytes "0x00000000000000000000000000000000")
let of_bytes b : prefix = Crypto.blake2b b
let of_list ss : prefix = of_bytes (bytes_concat empty_bytes ss)
let to_bytes_list : t -> bytes list = function
| (p, b) when is_empty_bytes b -> [prefix_to_bytes p]
| (p, b) -> [prefix_to_bytes p; b]
let combine_flags (p: prefix) (flags:nat) : prefix =
let to_prefix : t -> prefix = fst
let make prefix b : t = (prefix, b)
(* let to_string ((prefix, b): t) =*)
(* Bytes.to_string prefix ^ "-" ^ Bytes.to_string b*)
type hash = Hash.t
let hash_of_bud : hash option -> hash = function
| None ->
| Some h ->
let p = Hash.of_list (Hash.to_bytes_list h) in
let p = Hash.combine_flags p (Nat 0b11) in
Hash.of_prefix p
let hash_of_leaf (v: bytes) : hash =
Hash.of_prefix (Hash.of_bytes v)
let hash_of_internal (h1: hash) (h2 : hash) =
let p = Hash.of_list [Hash.to_prefix h1; Hash.to_prefix h2] in
Hash.of_prefix p
let hash_of_extender (seg: encoded_segment) (h : hash) =
Hash.make (Hash.to_prefix h) (encode_segment seg)
type node_key = nat
type node_ref =
| Hash of hash
| Bud of node_key option
| Leaf of bytes
| Internal of node_key * node_key
| Extender of encoded_segment * node_key
type node = {root_key : node_key; elems: (node_key * node_ref) list}
type hash_cache = (node_key, hash) Map.t
let compute_hash node =
let hashes = List.fold_left'
(fun (cache, (node_key, node_ref)) ->
let h =
match node_ref with
| Hash h -> Some h
| Bud None ->
Some (hash_of_bud None)
| Bud (Some n) ->
begin match Map.get n cache with
| None -> None
| Some h -> Some (hash_of_bud (Some h))
| Leaf v -> Some (hash_of_leaf v)
| Internal (l, r) ->
begin match Map.get l cache, Map.get r cache with
| Some h1, Some h2 ->
Some (hash_of_internal h1 h2)
| _, _ -> None
| Extender (seg, n) ->
begin match Map.get n cache with
| None -> None
| Some h ->
Some (hash_of_extender seg h)
match h with
| None ->
failwith "compute_hash"
| Some h ->
Map.update node_key (Some h) cache)
Map.get node.root_key hashes
type proof = node
type storage = NoStorage
type segment_elem = L | R | Seg of encoded_segment
type segment = segment_elem list
type path = segment list
let find_child node_map segment node_key =
let f = function
| (None, _) -> None
| (Some (Internal (l, _)), L) ->
Map.get l node_map
| (Some (Internal (_, r)), R) ->
Map.get r node_map
| (Some (Extender (eseg, n)), Seg s) when (eseg = s) ->
Map.get n node_map
| (Some _, _) -> None
let top = Map.get node_key node_map in
List.fold_left' f top segment
let map_of_assoc (list : (node_key * node_ref) list) =
List.fold_left' (fun (map, (key,value)) -> Map.update key (Some value) map) Map.empty list
let find path proof =
let node_map = map_of_assoc proof.elems in
let root = Map.get proof.root_key node_map in
let leaf_opt =
List.fold_left' (function
| (None, _) -> None
| (Some (Bud (Some n)), segment) ->
find_child node_map segment n
| (Some _, _) -> None)
match leaf_opt with
| None -> None
| Some (Leaf v) -> Some v
| Some _ -> None
type param = {
proof: proof;
expected_root_hash : hash;
data: (path * bytes) list;
let is_proof_valid expected_root_hash proof =
match compute_hash proof with
| Some h ->
(expected_root_hash = h)
| None ->
let check_data proof data =
let check proof (path, v_expected) =
match find path proof with
| None -> false
| Some v -> v_expected = v
List.fold_left' (fun (acc, path) -> acc && check proof path) true data
let [@entry] verify param NoStorage =
if is_proof_valid param.expected_root_hash param.proof = false then
failwith "is_proof_valid"
else if check_data param.proof = false then
failwith "check data"
([], NoStorage)
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