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Last active October 7, 2015 14:47
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Save yoshihitofujiwara/3181146 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sass @mixin backgrounds-v2.1
// Sass mixin backgrounds v2.1
// sass version 2.x
// Copyright 2012, Yoshihito Fujiwara
// MIT License.
// Date: 2012-07-25
// Author: Yoshihito Fujiwara
// Capable Browser
// chrome 19
// Firefox 12
// Opera12
// safari5
// Android Browser 2.3 later
// iOS safari4.1 later
// How To Use
// $backgrounds-prefixes
// Target browser settings. ie not supported.
// -webkit-, -moz-, -o-, '';
// $backgrounds-old-webkit
// Response to the gradient of the old webkit
// backgrounds($backgrounds-images, $backgrounds-colors, $backgrounds-position)
// $backgrounds-images
// Specify image. Multiple can be installed. No argument, no image.
// value: background-image value
// $backgrounds-colors
// Specify the color. If you specify more than one of the gradient
// value: color code, false, transparent,
// $backgrounds-position
// Direction of the gradient. Switching point of the gradient. Angle can not be specified.
// value: top, left, number[0-100]
// .example {
// @include backgrounds(#{url(../img1.png) no-repeat 100% 50%, url(../img2.png) no-repeat 100% 50%}, #fff #ccc #999, top 80 100);
// }
// ******************************************************************** initial value
// Not implemented
// Not support a gradient up to "ie9"
// If true, return the intermediate value of specified color
// If false, or if there is no color specified, does not return a value.
// $backgrounds-ms : true;
$backgrounds-prefixes : -webkit-, -moz-, -o-, '' !default;
$backgrounds-old-webkit: true !default;
$backgrounds-images : false !default;
$backgrounds-colors : false !default;
$backgrounds-position : top !default;
// ******************************************************************** @function
// Not implemented
// @function backgrounds-ms
// Returns an intermediate value of specified color (roughly)
@function backgrounds-ms($fn-backgrounds-images, $fn-backgrounds-colors){
$value: '';
$colors: nth($fn-backgrounds-colors, 1) / length($fn-backgrounds-colors);
@for $i from 2 through length($fn-backgrounds-colors) {
$colors: $colors + nth($fn-backgrounds-colors, $i) / length($fn-backgrounds-colors);
@if $fn-backgrounds-images and $fn-backgrounds-images != "" {
$value: $colors $fn-backgrounds-images;
} @else {
$value: $colors;
@return $value;
// @function backgrounds-old-webkit
// Returns the value of the background for old webkit style
@function backgrounds-old-webkit($fn-backgrounds-images, $fn-backgrounds-colors, $fn-backgrounds-position){
$value: '';
@if $fn-backgrounds-images and $fn-backgrounds-images != "" {
$value: $fn-backgrounds-images, -webkit-gradient(linear, gradient-direction-old-webkit($fn-backgrounds-position), gradient-old-webkit($fn-backgrounds-colors, $fn-backgrounds-position));
} @else {
$value: -webkit-gradient(linear, gradient-direction-old-webkit($fn-backgrounds-position), gradient-old-webkit($fn-backgrounds-colors, $fn-backgrounds-position));
@return $value;
// @function gradient-direction-old-webkit
// Returns the direction of the gradient for old webkit style
@function gradient-direction-old-webkit($fn-gradient-position){
@if nth($fn-gradient-position, 1) == left {
@return left top, right top;
@return left top, left bottom;
// @function gradient-old-webkit
// Returns the value of the gradient for old webkit style
@function gradient-old-webkit($fn-gradient-colors, $fn-gradient-position){
$i: 0;
$count: 1;
$length: length($fn-gradient-colors) - 1;
$position: 100 / $length; // old-webkit
$value: from(#{nth($fn-gradient-colors, 1)}) + ', ';
@if length($fn-gradient-colors) == length($fn-gradient-position){
@for $i from 2 through $length {
$value: $value + color-stop(nth($fn-gradient-position, $i) * 0.01, #{nth($fn-gradient-colors, $i)}) + ', ';
} @else {
@for $i from 2 through $length {
$value: $value + color-stop($position * $count * 0.01, #{nth($fn-gradient-colors, $i)}) + ', ';
$count: $count + 1;
@return $value + to(nth($fn-gradient-colors, $length + 1));
// @function backgrounds
// Returns the value of the background
@function backgrounds($fn-backgrounds-images, $fn-backgrounds-colors, $fn-backgrounds-position, $fn-prefix){
$value: '';
$direction : top;
@if nth($fn-backgrounds-position, 1) == left {
$direction: left;
@if $fn-backgrounds-images and $fn-backgrounds-images != "" {
$value: $fn-backgrounds-images, #{$fn-prefix}linear-gradient($direction, gradient($fn-backgrounds-colors, $fn-backgrounds-position));
} @else {
$value: #{$fn-prefix}linear-gradient($direction, gradient($fn-backgrounds-colors, $fn-backgrounds-position));
@return $value;
// @function gradient
// Returns the value of the gradient
@function gradient($fn-gradient-colors, $fn-gradient-position){
$i: 0;
$count: 1;
$length: length($fn-gradient-colors) - 1;
$value: nth($fn-gradient-colors, 1) + ', ';
@if length($fn-gradient-colors) == length($fn-gradient-position){
@for $i from 2 through $length {
$value: $value + nth($fn-gradient-colors, $i) + ' ' + percentage(nth($fn-gradient-position, $i) / 100) + ', ';
} @else {
@for $i from 2 through $length {
$value: $value + nth($fn-gradient-colors, $i) + ', ';
@return #{$value + nth($fn-gradient-colors, $length + 1)};
// ******************************************************************** @mixin
@mixin backgrounds($backgrounds-images, $backgrounds-colors, $backgrounds-position) {
// Initialization of argument
@if type-of(nth($backgrounds-images, 1)) == color {
@if type-of(nth($backgrounds-colors, 1)) != color {
$backgrounds-position: $backgrounds-colors;
$backgrounds-colors: $backgrounds-images;
$backgrounds-images: '';
@if length($backgrounds-colors) > 1 {
@each $prefix in $backgrounds-prefixes {
// for old webkit
@if $backgrounds-old-webkit and $prefix == -webkit- {
background: backgrounds-old-webkit($backgrounds-images, $backgrounds-colors, $backgrounds-position);
background: backgrounds($backgrounds-images, $backgrounds-colors, $backgrounds-position, $prefix);
// Not implemented
// @if $backgrounds-ms and $prefix == -ms- {
// background: backgrounds-ms($backgrounds-images, $backgrounds-colors);
// } @else if $prefix != -ms- {
// background: backgrounds($backgrounds-images, $backgrounds-colors, $backgrounds-position, $prefix);
// }
} @else {
@if $backgrounds-colors and $backgrounds-colors != "" {
background: $backgrounds-colors #{$backgrounds-images};
} @else {
background: #{$backgrounds-images};
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sass 2系で開発された古いバージョンで3系にあわせたアップデートは行っておりませんでした。


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