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Last active December 18, 2015 03:59
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augroup VCSCommand
autocmd User VCSBufferCreated call s:vcscommand_buffer_settings()
augroup END
function! s:vcscommand_buffer_settings() "{{{3
if !exists('b:VCSCommandCommand') | return | endif
if b:VCSCommandCommand !=# 'commitlog' | setlocal readonly | endif
if b:VCSCommandCommand !=# 'vimdiff' | setlocal nofoldenable | endif
if &filetype ==# 'gitlog' | setlocal syntax=git | endif
nmap <unique> <buffer> <silent> q :bwipeout<CR>
if &filetype =~# '^\(svnlog\|gitlog\|hglog\)$'
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <CR> :<C-u>call <SID>vcscommand_filetype('log', 'VCSDiff')<CR>gg
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> v :<C-u>call <SID>vcscommand_filetype('log', 'VCSVimDiff')<CR>gg
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> r :<C-u>call <SID>vcscommand_filetype('log', 'VCSReview')<CR>gg
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> i :<C-u>call <SID>vcscommand_filetype('log', 'VCSInfo')<CR>gg
elseif b:VCSCommandCommand =~# '.*annotate'
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <CR> :<C-u>call <SID>vcscommand_filetype('annotate', 'VCSDiff')<CR>gg
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> v :<C-u>call <SID>vcscommand_filetype('annotate', 'VCSVimDiff')<CR>gg
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> r :<C-u>call <SID>vcscommand_filetype('annotate', 'VCSReview')<CR>gg
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> l :<C-u>call <SID>vcscommand_filetype('annotate', 'VCSLog')<CR>gg
nnoremap <silent> <buffer> i :<C-u>call <SID>vcscommand_filetype('annotate', 'VCSInfo')<CR>gg
endfunction "}}}
function! s:vcscommand_exec(command, option) "{{{3
if a:command =~# '^\(VCSDiff\|VCSLog\)$'
let g:VCSCommandSplit = winnr('$') == 1 ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal'
execute a:command a:option
unlet! g:VCSCommandSplit
endfunction "}}}
function! s:vcscommand_log(...) "{{{3
let option = join(a:000)
if exists('b:VCSCommandVCSType')
if exists('b:VCSCommandCommand')
if b:VCSCommandCommand ==# 'log'
echo "Sorry, you cannot open vcslog on vcslog buffer"
unlet option
elseif b:VCSCommandCommand =~# 'diff\|review'
if !exists('b:VCSCommandStatusText')
echo "Sorry, you are on a working buffer"
unlet option
" Shows only the target revision/commit
if b:VCSCommandVCSType ==# 'SVN'
let matched = matchlist(b:VCSCommandStatusText, '(\d\+ : \(\d\+\))')
if len(matched) | let option = matched[1] | endif
elseif b:VCSCommandVCSType ==# 'git'
let matched = matchlist(b:VCSCommandStatusText, '\S\+ \(\w\+\)')
if len(matched) | let option = '-n 1 ' . matched[1] | endif
elseif b:VCSCommandVCSType ==# 'HG'
let matched = matchlist(b:VCSCommandStatusText, '(\(\d\+\) : \w\+)')
if len(matched) | let option = matched[1] | endif
elseif v:count
if b:VCSCommandVCSType ==# 'SVN'
let limit_option = '-l'
elseif b:VCSCommandVCSType ==# 'git'
let limit_option = '-n'
elseif b:VCSCommandVCSType ==# 'HG'
let limit_option = '-l'
let option = limit_option . ' ' . v:count
if exists('option')
call s:vcscommand_exec('VCSLog', option)
endfunction "}}}
function! s:vcscommand_filetype(filetype, command) " {{{3
let given_count1 = v:count1
let revision = s:vcscommand_get_revision_on_cursor_line(a:filetype)
if strlen(revision)
let option = s:vcscommand_make_vcs_option(a:command, revision, given_count1)
call s:vcscommand_exec(a:command, option)
endfunction "}}}
function! s:vcscommand_get_revision_on_cursor_line(filetype) " {{{3
let save_cursor = getpos('.')
let save_yank_register = getreg('"')
if a:filetype ==# 'log'
if &filetype ==# 'svnlog'
normal! j
?^r\d\+\ |
normal! 0lye
elseif &filetype ==# 'gitlog'
normal! j
?^commit\ \w\+$
normal! 0wy7l
elseif b:VCSCommandVCSType ==# 'HG'
normal! j
?^changeset:\ \+\d\+:\w\+$
normal! Wyw
elseif a:filetype ==# 'annotate'
if b:VCSCommandVCSType ==# 'SVN'
normal! 0wye
elseif b:VCSCommandVCSType ==# 'git'
normal! 0t yb
elseif b:VCSCommandVCSType ==# 'HG'
normal! 0f:yb
let revision = @"
call setpos('.', save_cursor)
call setreg('"', save_yank_register)
return revision
endfunction "}}}
function! s:vcscommand_make_vcs_option(command, revision, given_count1) " {{{3
let option = a:revision
if b:VCSCommandVCSType ==# 'SVN'
if a:command ==# 'VCSLog'
let older = a:given_count1 == 1 ? '' : a:given_count1 . ':'
let option = '-r ' . older . a:revision
elseif a:command ==# 'VCSInfo'
let option = '-r ' . a:revision
elseif a:command =~# 'VCSDiff\|VCSVimDiff'
let older = a:given_count1 == 1 ? str2nr(a:revision) - 1 : a:given_count1
let option = older . ' ' . a:revision
elseif b:VCSCommandVCSType ==# 'git'
if a:command ==# 'VCSLog'
let option = '-n ' . a:given_count1 . ' ' . a:revision
elseif a:command =~# 'VCSDiff\|VCSVimDiff'
let older = a:revision . '~' . a:given_count1
let option = older . ' ' . a:revision
elseif b:VCSCommandVCSType ==# 'HG'
if a:command ==# 'VCSLog'
let option = '-l ' . a:given_count1 . ' -r ' . a:revision
elseif a:command =~# 'VCSDiff\|VCSVimDiff'
let older = a:given_count1 == 1 ? str2nr(a:revision) - 1 : a:given_count1
"let option = '-r ' . older . ' -r ' . a:revision
let option = a:revision
return option
endfunction "}}}
let mapleader = ','
nnoremap [VCS] <Nop>
nmap <Leader>v [VCS]
let g:VCSCommandMapPrefix = '[VCS]'
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