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Last active June 13, 2019 13:49
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  • Save yoshiki-0428/7cddf5dacdd6ab5c3c2d5fd27c94c5f1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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name = Yoshiki Ohashi
email =
excludesfile = /Users/YOSHIKI/.gitignore_global
pager = less -cm
quotepath = false
[difftool "sourcetree"]
cmd = opendiff \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\"
path =
[mergetool "sourcetree"]
cmd = /private/var/folders/vj/64f8wmlx0jvbbmrs0ml_fjpm0000gv/T/AppTranslocation/89817CAD-068A-47D6-9879-0752F7FFD6D8/d/ \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\" -ancestor \"$BASE\" -merge \"$MERGED\"
trustExitCode = true
log = diff-highlight | less
show = diff-highlight | less
diff = diff-highlight | less
# diff-highlight ->
tree = log --graph --all --format=\"%x09%C(cyan bold)%an%Creset%x09%C(yellow)%h%Creset %C(magenta reverse)%d%Creset %s\"
s = status
co = checkout
diffs = diff --staged
logone = log --oneline --pretty=format:'%h [%cd] %d %s <%an>' --date=format:'%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'
ui = auto
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