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Created June 1, 2010 07:50
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package MyApp::Config;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw( Class::Singleton );
use Config::Any;
use Data::Visitor::Callback;
use Catalyst::Utils ();
use Path::Class;
our $Debug = 0;
sub _new_instance {
my $class = shift;
my $self = $class->new( @_ );
return $self;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
do '/etc/' or die "$class: $!";
my $self = bless {}, $class;
my @files = $self->find_files;
my $cfg = Config::Any->load_files( {
files => \@files,
filter => \&_fix_syntax,
use_ext => 1,
} );
# map the array of hashrefs to a simple hash
my %configs = map { %$_ } @$cfg;
# split the responses into normal and local cfg
my $local_suffix = $self->get_config_local_suffix;
my ( @main, @locals );
for ( sort keys %configs ) {
if ( m{$local_suffix\.}ms ) {
push @locals, $_;
else {
push @main, $_;
# load all the normal cfgs, then the local cfgs last so they can override
# normal cfgs
my %config;
for my $file ( @main, @locals ) {
for my $key ( keys %{ $configs{ $file } } ) {
$config{ $key } = $configs{$file}->{$key};
my $v = Data::Visitor::Callback->new(
plain_value => sub {
return unless defined $_;
$self->config_substitutions( $_ );
$v->visit( \%config );
$self->{ $_ } = $config{ $_ } for keys %config;
return $self;
sub load_config {
my $self = shift;
my $ref = shift;
my ( $file, $config ) = %$ref;
$self->{ $_ } = $config->{ $_ } for keys %$config;
warn "Loaded Config $file" if $Debug;
sub find_files {
my $self = shift;
my ( $path, $extension ) = $self->get_config_path;
my $suffix = $self->get_config_local_suffix;
my @extensions = @{ Config::Any->extensions };
my @files;
if ( $extension ) {
die "Unable to handle files with the extension '${extension}'"
unless grep { $_ eq $extension } @extensions;
( my $local = $path ) =~ s{\.$extension}{_$suffix.$extension};
push @files, $path, $local;
else {
@files = map { ( "$path.$_", "${path}_${suffix}.$_" ) } @extensions;
sub get_config_path {
my $self = shift;
(my $appname = ref $self || $self) =~ s/^([^:]+).*$/$1/;
my $prefix = Catalyst::Utils::appprefix( $appname );
my $path = Catalyst::Utils::env_value( $appname, 'CONFIG' )
|| $self->path_to( $prefix );
my ( $extension ) = ( $path =~ m{\.(.{1,4})$} );
if ( -d $path ) {
$path =~ s{[\/\\]$}{};
$path .= "/$prefix";
return ( $path, $extension );
sub get_config_local_suffix {
my $self = shift;
(my $appname = ref $self || $self) =~ s/^([^:]+).*$/$1/;
my $suffix = Catalyst::Utils::env_value( $appname, 'CONFIG_LOCAL_SUFFIX' )
|| 'local';
return $suffix;
sub _fix_syntax {
my $config = shift;
my @components = (
map +{
prefix => $_ eq 'Component' ? '' : $_ . '::',
values => delete $config->{ lc $_ } || delete $config->{ $_ }
grep { ref $config->{ lc $_ } || ref $config->{ $_ } }
qw( Component Model M View V Controller C Plugin )
foreach my $comp ( @components ) {
my $prefix = $comp->{ prefix };
foreach my $element ( keys %{ $comp->{ values } } ) {
$config->{ "$prefix$element" } = $comp->{ values }->{ $element };
sub config_substitutions {
my $self = shift;
my $subs = {};
$subs->{ HOME } ||= sub { shift->path_to( '' ); };
$subs->{ ENV } ||=
sub {
my ( $self, $v ) = @_;
if ( !defined( $ENV{ $v } ) ) {
warn "Missing environment variable: $v";
return "";
} else {
return $ENV{ $v };
$subs->{ path_to } ||= sub { shift->path_to( @_ ); };
$subs->{ literal } ||= sub { return $_[ 1 ]; };
my $subsre = join( '|', keys %$subs );
for ( @_ ) {
{$subs->{ $1 }->( $self, $2 ? split( /,/, $2 ) : () ) }eg;
sub path_to {
my ( $self, @path ) = @_;
my $class = ref $self || $self;
my $home = Catalyst::Utils::home( $class );
my $path = Path::Class::Dir->new( $home, @path );
if ( -d $path ) { return $path }
else { return Path::Class::File->new( $home, @path ) }
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