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Last active February 5, 2020 07:34
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Fetch Gmail article showed in web browser into local folder
;;; gmail-grabber.el --- Fetch Gmail article showed in web browser into local folder
;; Description: Fetch Gmail article showed in web browser into local folder
;; Author: Yoshinari Nomura <>
;; Created: 2020-01-30
;; Version: 0.1.1
;; Keywords: Mew Gmail
;; URL:
;; Package-Requires:
;;; Commentary:
;; On reading Gmail in some web browser, you would want to reply to it
;; using Emacs MUA (Mew). This small elisp enables us to do that:
;; 1) When reading a Gmail article on your web browser (Chrome, Firefox...).
;; 2) Activate Emacs and invoke `gmail-grabber-mew-fetch-from-browser`.
;; 3) Emacs captures the URL part of your web browser and extract
;; information about the article: message-id, thread-id, ...
;; 5) Invoke glima to fetch the article according to the information.
;; 6) Store the article into local file, say, ~/Mail/inbox/3.
;; 7) Kick your MUA (mew) on Emacs.
;; Maybe it would be easy to use another MUA or something instead of Mew.
;;; Code:
(declare-function grab-x-link-chrome "grab-x-link")
(declare-function mew-summary-visit-folder "mew-summary4")
(declare-function mew-summary-ls "mew-scan")
(declare-function url-unhex-string "url-util")
;;; Constant and settings
(defvar gmail-grabber-url-regexp ;; FIXME: defconst?
"Regexp for grabbing message-url in browser window, looks like:")
(defvar gmail-grabber-user-number-alist ;; FIXME: defcustom?
"If you have multiple accounts, set this alist:
'((\"0\" . \"\") (\"1\" . \"\") ...)
Number \"0\", \"1\".. is indicated in Gmail URL part like:")
(defvar gmail-grabber-grab-link-function ;; FIXME: defcustom?
;; 'grab-x-link-firefox
;; 'org-mac-firefox-get-frontmost-url
;; 'org-mac-chrome-get-frontmost-url
;; 'org-mac-safari-get-frontmost-url
"Function to grab URL of your browser window.
it (car (funcall gmail-grabber-grab-link-function))
should return Front-most URL in your browser.")
;;; Public functions
(defun gmail-grabber-mew-fetch-from-browser (&optional folder)
"Store Gmail article showed on your web browser into local Mew FOLDER.
Default FOLDER is +inbox"
(let* ((folder (or folder "+inbox"))
(new-message-path (mew-folder-new-message folder)))
(mew-summary-visit-folder folder t)
(gmail-grabber-get-params-from-browser) new-message-path)
(mew-summary-ls nil t t)
(goto-char (point-max))))
(defun gmail-grabber-mew-fetch-from-url (gmail-url &optional folder)
"Fetch Gmail article from GMAIL-URL and store it into local Mew FOLDER.
Default folder is +inbox"
(let ((params (gmail-grabber-url-to-params gmail-url))
(new-message-path (mew-folder-new-message (or folder "+inbox"))))
(gmail-grabber-glima-fetch-article-to-file params new-message-path)))
(defun gmail-grabber-get-params-from-browser ()
"Get information about a Gmail article that showed on your web browser.
Set `gmail-grabber-grab-link-function` to interact with your browser.
See `gmail-grabber-url-to-params` about the format of information."
(let ((gmail-url (funcall gmail-grabber-grab-link-function)))
(if (consp gmail-url)
;; ("URL" . "TITLE")
(car gmail-url)
;; "URL"
(defun gmail-grabber-glima-fetch-article-to-file (params filename &optional overwrite)
"Fetch Gmail article using PARAMS and store it into FILENAME.
Overwrite if OVERWRITE is non-nil.
see also `gmail-grabber-url-to-params` about the format of PARAMS."
(let* ((message-id (cdr (assoc 'message-id params)))
(user-number (cdr (assoc 'user-number params)))
(user (cdr (assoc user-number gmail-grabber-user-number-alist)))
(full-path (expand-file-name filename)))
;; Sanity check
(if (and (not overwrite) (file-exists-p full-path))
(error "File %s is already exists" filename))
(unless message-id
(error "No valid message-id in params"))
;; Call glima
(format "glima show %s --raw %s > %s"
(if user (format "--user %s" (shell-quote-argument user)) "")
(shell-quote-argument full-path)))))
(defun gmail-grabber-url-to-params (gmail-url)
"Get information about a GMAIL-URL of Gmail article.
-> ((user-number . "1")
(folder . \"label/labo/staff\")
(thread-id . \"16fe5683996e2bd2\")
(message-id . \"16fefe1a2a849a60\"))"
(if (string-match gmail-grabber-url-regexp gmail-url)
(let ((user-number (match-string 1 gmail-url))
(folder (match-string 2 gmail-url))
(magic (match-string 3 gmail-url)))
`((user-number . ,user-number)
(folder . ,(decode-coding-string (url-unhex-string folder) 'utf-8))
,@(gmail-grabber--url-magic-trailer-to-params magic)))
(error "Invalid Gmail URL: %s" gmail-url)))
;;; private functions
;; WhctKJVjVlrsQlNtRrRFzwdBLJgFzndxTbtsvtQZxPfGtkZTrkRdpXShNFlNVtjXqSfqLXG
;; → "f:1657226717035126661|msg-f:1657226717035126661"
;; → ((thread-id . "16ffa6eb352a5f85") (message-id . "16ffa6eb352a5f85"))
(defun gmail-grabber--url-magic-trailer-to-params (magic-trailer)
(let ((decoded-string (gmail-grabber--decode-url-magic-trailer magic-trailer)))
(if (string-match "f:\\([0-9]+\\)|msg-f:\\([0-9]+\\)" decoded-string)
`((thread-id . ,(format "%x" (string-to-number (match-string 1 decoded-string))))
(message-id . ,(format "%x" (string-to-number (match-string 2 decoded-string)))))
(error "Invalid URL params: %s" magic-trailer))))
;; WhctKJVjVlrsQlNtRrRFzwdBLJgFzndxTbtsvtQZxPfGtkZTrkRdpXShNFlNVtjXqSfqLXG
;; → "f:1657226717035126661|msg-f:1657226717035126661"
;; see
(defun gmail-grabber--decode-url-magic-trailer (magic-trailer)
(let* ((alphabet-i "BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXZbcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz")
(alphabet-o "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/")
(gmail-grabber--string-to-digit-list magic-trailer alphabet-i)
(length alphabet-i)
(length alphabet-o))
(concat base64-string
(make-string (% (- 4 (% (length base64-string) 4)) 4) ?=)))))
(defun gmail-grabber--convert-radix (digit-list current-radix new-radix)
"Convert DIGIT-LIST in CURRENT-RADIX to a new digit-list in NEW-RADIX."
(let ((new-digit-list '(0)))
;; Loop MSB-first
(while (setq digit (car digit-list))
(setq new-digit-list (gmail-grabber--linear-equation new-digit-list new-radix current-radix digit)
digit-list (cdr digit-list)))
(defun gmail-grabber--linear-equation (digit-list radix coefficient constant)
(let ((digit-list-lsb-first (reverse digit-list))
(new-digit-list '())
(offset constant))
;; Loop LSB-Fist
(while (setq digit (car digit-list-lsb-first))
(setq new-digit (+ (* coefficient digit) offset))
(if (>= new-digit radix)
;; if new-digit is not less than radix,
;; make new-digit lower than radix, and
;; carry offset to upper digits.
(setq reminder (% new-digit radix)
offset (/ (- new-digit reminder) radix)
new-digit reminder)
(setq offset 0))
(setq new-digit-list (cons new-digit new-digit-list)
digit-list-lsb-first (cdr digit-list-lsb-first)))
;; if offset is still remained, slide it to upper digits.
(while (not (eq offset 0))
(setq reminder (% offset radix)
new-digit-list (cons reminder new-digit-list)
offset (/ (- offset reminder) radix)))
(defun gmail-grabber--string-to-digit-list (string &optional alphabet)
(let* ((case-fold-search nil)
(alphabet (or alphabet "BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXZbcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz"))
(vlist (mapcar (lambda (x) (string-match (char-to-string x) alphabet)) string)))
(if (member nil vlist)
(error "Invalid string %s" string)
(defun gmail-grabber--digit-list-to-string (digit-list &optional alphabet)
(let* ((alphabet (or alphabet "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"))
(clist (mapcar (lambda (x) (elt alphabet x)) digit-list)))
(apply 'string clist)))
(provide 'gmail-grabber)
;;; gmail-grabber.el ends here
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