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Yosh yoshuawuyts

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nolanlawson /
Last active August 14, 2023 20:08
"Parens and Performance" – counterpost

"Parens and Performance" – counterpost

Kyle Simpson (@getify) wrote a very thoughtful post decrying optimize-js, which is a tool I wrote that exploits known optimizations in JavaScript engines to make JS bundles parse faster (especially minified bundles, due to what could be reasonably described as a bug in Uglify).

Kyle lays out a good case, but I tend to disagree with nearly all his points. So here's my rebuttal.

davidmarkclements /
Last active March 31, 2017 18:45
Idea - Single Request SPA
danielrw7 / replify
Last active October 24, 2023 12:03
replify - Create a REPL for any command
printf "Initialized REPL for `%s`\n" "$command"
printf "%s> " "$command"
read -r input
while [ "$input" != "" ];
eval "$command $input"
printf "%s> " "$command"
junosuarez / firstJank.js
Created August 16, 2016 17:05
key RUM perf metric: time-to-first-jank
if (window.requestAnimationFrame) {
function checkForJank () { // eslint-disable-line no-inner-delcarations
const frameStart =
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
const frameDuration = - frameStart
if (frameDuration > 17) {
} else {
alias ..='cd ..'
alias ls='gls --color=auto'
alias ll='ls -lh --group-directories-first'
alias slt='open -a "Sublime Text"'
alias npm-offline="npm --cache-min Infinity "
alias publish='git push && git push --tags && npm publish'
alias nodeir='node --trace-hydrogen --trace-phase=Z --trace-deopt --code-comments --hydrogen-track-positions --redirect-code-traces --redirect-code-traces-to=code.asm --print-opt-code --trace_hydrogen_file=hydrogen.cfg'
export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups
export PS1="\[\033[44m\] \W \[\033[49m\]\[\033[42m\]\$(__git_ps1 \" %s \")\[\033[49m\] "
ahdinosaur / choo.txt
Created July 21, 2016 01:24
chat logs from freenode #choo
20:04 < ahdinosaur> if anyone is interested in a choo-like API where it's pull-streams all the way down, i made some helpers for `inu`:
20:04 < yoshuawuyts> ahdinosaur: I'm curious: how big is inu?
20:04 < yoshuawuyts> probably smaller than choo I'd think
20:05 < yoshuawuyts> well, inux would be more fair to compare I reckon but still
20:05 < ahdinosaur> one sec, i'll discify
20:05 < yoshuawuyts> ahdinosaur: I'm using this for choo
20:06 < yoshuawuyts> gzip size tends to translate slightly better I find
20:06 < ronnross> So curious how one would use something like in Choo.
20:07 < ronnross> Would you work directly with the dome of use subscriptions to handle working with it.
20:07 < ronnross> Might sound like a crazy question, but when I implemented it in Elm I had to use ports and subscriptions.


✔ Platform [pass: 1, fail: 0, duration: 1ms]
✔ init [pass: 22, fail: 0, duration: 1ms]
✔ emit [pass: 27, fail: 0, duration: 12ms]
✔ emit with context [pass: 42, fail: 0, duration: 5ms]
✔ emit one value - two listeners [pass: 57, fail: 0, duration: 2ms]
✔ emit one value - one listener [pass: 40, fail: 0, duration: 1ms]
✔ emit many listeners [pass: 30, fail: 0, duration: 1ms]


✔ Platform [pass: 1, fail: 0, duration: 1ms]
✔ init [pass: 22, fail: 0, duration: 1ms]
✔ emit [pass: 27, fail: 0, duration: 12ms]
✔ emit with context [pass: 42, fail: 0, duration: 5ms]
✔ emit one value - two listeners [pass: 57, fail: 0, duration: 2ms]
✔ emit one value - one listener [pass: 40, fail: 0, duration: 1ms]
✔ emit many listeners [pass: 30, fail: 0, duration: 1ms]
bmhatfield / .profile
Last active May 6, 2024 22:27
Automatic Git commit signing with GPG on OSX
# In order for gpg to find gpg-agent, gpg-agent must be running, and there must be an env
# variable pointing GPG to the gpg-agent socket. This little script, which must be sourced
# in your shell's init script (ie, .bash_profile, .zshrc, whatever), will either start
# gpg-agent or set up the GPG_AGENT_INFO variable if it's already running.
# Add the following to your shell init to set up gpg-agent automatically for every shell
if [ -f ~/.gnupg/.gpg-agent-info ] && [ -n "$(pgrep gpg-agent)" ]; then
source ~/.gnupg/.gpg-agent-info
# to test run eval "$(curl -sL)"
PS1_EMOJIS=("😀" "😬" "😁" "😂" "😃" "😄" "😅" "😆" "😇" "😉" "😊" "🙂" "🙃" "☺️" "😋" "😌" "😍" "😘" "😗" "😙" "😚" "😜" "😝" "😛" "🤑" "🤓" "😎" "🤗" "😏" "😶" "😑" "🙄" "🤔" "😳" "😞" "😟" "😠" "😔" "😕" "🙁" "😣" "😖" "😩" "😤" "😮" "😱" "😨" "😰" "😯" "😦" "😧" "😢" "😥" "😪" "😓" "😭" "😲" "🤐" "😷" "😴" "💩" "😺" "😸" "😹" "😻" "😼" "😽" "🙀" "😿" "😾" "👏" "👋" "👂" "👁" "💋" "🕶" "🐶" "🐱" "🐭" "🐹" "🐰" "🐻" "🐼" "🐨" "🐯" "🦁" "🐮" "🐷" "🐽" "🐸" "🐙" "🐵" "🙈" "🙉" "🙊" "🐒" "🐔" "🐧" "🐦" "🐤" "🐣" "🐥" "🐺" "🐗" "🐴" "🦄" "🐝" "🐛" "🐌" "🐞" "🐜" "🕷" "🦂" "🦀" "🐍" "🐢" "🐠" "🐟" "🐡" "🐬" "🐳" "🐋" "🐊" "🐆" "🐅" "🐃" "🐂" "🐄" "🐪" "🐫" "🐘" "🐐" "🐏" "🐑" "🐎" "🐖" "🐀" "🐁" "🐓" "🦃" "🕊" "🐕" "🐩" "🐈" "🐇" "🐿" "🐾" "🐉" "🐲" "🕸" "🍤" "🏇")
_p1_emoji () {
printf "${PS1_EMOJIS[$RANDOM % 152]} ${PS1_EMOJIS[$RANDOM % 152]} ${PS1_EMOJIS[$RANDOM % 152]} "
export PS1="$PS1\$(_p1_emoji)"