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Created October 4, 2019 02:01
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Takes a Unity Texture2D and get a Google Cloud vision annotation response. Please replace api key accordingly and *make sure Google Cloud billing is enabled*
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace GoogleCloudVision {
public class AnnotateImageRequests
public List<AnnotateImageRequest> requests;
public class AnnotateImageRequest
public Image image;
public List<Feature> features;
public class Image
public string content;
public class Feature
public string type;
public int maxResults;
public enum FeatureType
public class AnnotateImageResponses
public List<AnnotateImageResponse> responses;
public class AnnotateImageResponse
public List<FaceAnnotation> faceAnnotations;
public List<EntityAnnotation> landmarkAnnotations;
public List<EntityAnnotation> logoAnnotations;
public List<EntityAnnotation> labelAnnotations;
public List<EntityAnnotation> textAnnotations;
public class FaceAnnotation
public BoundingPoly boundingPoly;
public BoundingPoly fdBoundingPoly;
public List<Landmark> landmarks;
public float rollAngle;
public float panAngle;
public float tiltAngle;
public float detectionConfidence;
public float landmarkingConfidence;
public string joyLikelihood;
public string sorrowLikelihood;
public string angerLikelihood;
public string surpriseLikelihood;
public string underExposedLikelihood;
public string blurredLikelihood;
public string headwearLikelihood;
public class EntityAnnotation
public string mid;
public string locale;
public string description;
public float score;
public float confidence;
public float topicality;
public BoundingPoly boundingPoly;
public List<LocationInfo> locations;
public List<Property> properties;
public class Vertex
public float x;
public float y;
public class BoundingPoly
public List<Vertex> vertices;
public class Position
public float x;
public float y;
public float z;
public class Landmark
public string type;
public Position position;
public class Property
string name;
string value;
public class Image2GoogleVision : MonoBehaviour
public Texture2D texture;
public int maxResults = 10;
public FeatureType featureType = FeatureType.LABEL_DETECTION;
private void Awake()
wp = GetComponent<WWWPost>();
private void Start()
public void SendToGV(Texture2D texture2D)
string url = "";
string key =
// texture2D.Apply(false); // Not required. Because we do not need to be uploaded it to GPU
byte[] jpg = texture2D.EncodeToJPG();
string base64 = System.Convert.ToBase64String(jpg);
Application.ExternalCall("post",, "OnSuccessFromBrowser", "OnErrorFromBrowser", this.url + this.apiKey, base64, this.featureType.ToString(), this.maxResults);
AnnotateImageRequests requests = new AnnotateImageRequests();
requests.requests = new List<AnnotateImageRequest>();
AnnotateImageRequest request = new AnnotateImageRequest();
request.image = new Image();
request.image.content = base64;
request.features = new List<Feature>();
Feature feature = new Feature();
feature.type = this.featureType.ToString();
feature.maxResults = this.maxResults;
string jsonData = JsonUtility.ToJson(requests, false);
if (jsonData != string.Empty)
byte[] postData = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(jsonData);
url += "?key=" + key; print(url);
wp.Post(url, postData, ProcessReturn);//,WWWPost.SignHeaders(key,true) );
void ProcessReturn( string t)
WWWPost wp;
void Sample_OnAnnotateImageResponses(AnnotateImageResponses responses)
if (responses.responses.Count > 0)
if (responses.responses[0].labelAnnotations != null && responses.responses[0].labelAnnotations.Count > 0)
// Debug.Log("desc: " + responses.responses[0].labelAnnotations[0].description);
for(int i=0;i< responses.responses[0].labelAnnotations.Count; i++)
string desc = responses.responses[0].labelAnnotations[i].description;
float conf = (responses.responses[0].labelAnnotations[i].score * 100f);//.ToString("F4");
print(desc + " " + conf);
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