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Created June 3, 2016 12:43
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var InsightRestClient = require('insight-cli').RestClient;
var task = require('promise-util-task');
var checkTXConfirmState = function(insight, confirmation_count, txid){
var reqtime = new Date() / 1000 | 0;
return insight.transaction(txid).then(function(tx){
var state = (tx.confirmations >= confirmation_count) ? 'CONFIRM' : 'UNCONFIRM';
return [tx.txid, tx.time, tx.confirmations, state]
case 404: return [txid, reqtime, -1, 'ERROR']
default: return [txid, reqtime, -1, 'RETRY']
var getUtxo = function(insight, addresses, dust_satoshi){
var bitcoin_filter_dust = function(satoshi, dust_satoshi){
return satoshi < dust_satoshi ? 1 : 0
var utxoMapper = function(utxos){
return {
tx_id : utxo.txid,
tx_vout : utxo.vout,
address : utxo.address,
amount : utxo.satoshis,
confirmations : utxo.confirmations ? utxo.confirmations : 0,
is_dust : bitcoin_filter_dust(utxo.amount, dust_satoshi) ? 1 : 0,
return insight.utxo(addresses).then(function(utxos){
return utxoMapper(utxos)
var InsightBlockExploler = function(uri, timeout){
this.api = new InsightRestClient(uri, timeout);
InsightBlockExploler.prototype.checkTXConfirmState = function(count, txids){
var self = this;
txids = (txids instanceof Array) ? txids : [txids];
return task.seq({ return function() {
return checkTXConfirmState(self.api, count, txid).then(function(res){
return {
tx_id : res[0],
time : res[1],
confirmations : res[2],
state : res[3],
InsightBlockExploler.prototype.getUtxo = function(dust, addresses){
var max = 20;
var self = this;
addresses = (addresses instanceof Array) ? addresses : [addresses];
var list = [[]];
var n = 0;
if(list[n].length >= max) list[++n] = [];
list[ n ].push(address)
return task.seq({ return function() {
return getUtxo(self.api, addresses, dust)
return res.reduce(function(r, v){ return [].concat(r, v) }, [])
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