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Last active May 3, 2024 08:29
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  • Save youfun/952e2aea3f0a8fc319ad4a57aa4fe718 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# 更新系统
sudo xbps-install -Su
sudo xbps-install curl wget unzip zip nano
# 安装所需的服务和窗口管理器
sudo xbps-install dbus elogind
sudo ln -s /etc/sv/dbus /var/service
sudo ln -s /etc/sv/elogind /var/service
# If you installed via xfce live image, and want to switch from lxde to GDM, don't forget to disable lxde service first. Haven't tried that though.
sudo xbps-install xorg budgie-desktop gdm xdg-user-dirs-gtk gnome-control-center
sudo xbps-install nautilus gedit gedit-plugins gnome-terminal gnome-calculator gnome-disk-utility gnome-system-monitor
# 创建服务链接以启用它们
sudo ln -s /etc/sv/gdm /var/service
udo ln -sv /etc/sv/NetworkManager /var/service
sudo xbps-install -S bluez
ln -s /etc/sv/bluetoothd /var/service/bluetoothd
sv start bluetoothd
# 声音服务
sudo xbps-install pipewire
sudo ln -s /etc/sv/pipewire /var/service
sudo xbps-install pulseaudio
mkdir -p /etc/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d
ln -s /usr/share/examples/pipewire/20-pipewire-pulse.conf /etc/pipewire/pipewire.conf.d/
# 安装中文字体
sudo xbps-install wqy-microhei noto-fonts-cjk
sudo xbps-reconfigure -f fontconfig
sudo xbps-install ibus-rime
ibus restart
#到設置-鍵盤裏面選擇漢語,然后在ibus里面启用rime ,默认的切换输入法快捷键好像是ctrl+空格
ibus engine rime
sudo xbps-install ruby git
# step1: 克隆/下载 latest 最新的稳定版到本地
git clone --depth=1 --branch latest
#step2: 进入项目目录
cd rime-auto-deploy
# step3: 执行部署脚本
# reboot when install finish and then restart rime
ibus engine rime
sudo xbps-install papirus-icon-theme
# install ubuntu-font
sudo xbps-install ttf-ubuntu-font-family
sudo xbps-install liberation-fonts-ttf dejavu-fonts-ttf fonts-roboto-ttf
# install nonfree repo
sudo xbps-install void-repo-nonfree
sudo xbps-install vivaldi
# 重启系统以应用更改
sudo reboot
# if you miss install item ,use crtl +alt +f2 to login tty2
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youfun commented May 3, 2024

sudo xbps-install autoconf dpkg gcc make ncurses-devel openssl-devel lksctp-tools-devel pax-utils binutils git

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youfun commented May 3, 2024

$sudo xbps-install mise
$ mise doctor
$ mise use nodejs@19.6.1

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youfun commented May 3, 2024

iBus: ~/.config/ibus/rime
Fcitx: ~/.config/fcitx/rime

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youfun commented May 3, 2024

  1. 解决系统启动时IBus不显示打字框:创建~/.config/autostart/Ibus.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Description=Start ibus, show panel
Exec=/usr/bin/ibus-daemon -r -d

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