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Last active April 18, 2022 23:44
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Saddle Point Optimization with Approximate Minimization Oracle
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from scipy.optimize import minimize
"""Saddle Point Optimization with Approximate Minimization Oracle
Adversarial Evolution Strategy : Zero-order saddle point optimizer
Adversarial SLSQP : First-order saddle point optimizer
Its extended version is available at (
Youhei Akimoto. 2021.
Saddle point optimization with approximate minimization oracle.
In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO '21).
Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 493–501.
def aslsqp_fixed(f, df, x0, y0, eta, tau, nstep, maxeval, minitr, tolgap=0):
"""Adversarial SLSQP with Fixed Learning Rate
f : callable
df : callable or None
derivative of objective
numerical approximation is used if None
x0, y0 : ndarray (1d)
initial x and y
eta : float
learning rate
tau : int
coefficient determining the number of successful steps
nstep : int
number of steps
maxeval : int
number of f-calls
minitr : int
minimum iterations
tolgap : float, optional
tolerance for approximate suboptimality error
x, y (ndarray, 1D) : solutions
res (ndarray, 2D) : log
res[t] = neval, f(x(t), y(t)), f(x', yt), f(xt, y'), ndfx, ndfy, x(t+1), y(t+1), eta(t+1)
res = np.zeros((nstep, 7+len(x0)+len(y0)))
neval = 0
ndfx = ndfy = 0
x = np.copy(x0)
y = np.copy(y0)
for i in range(nstep):
fxy = f(x, y)
# Oracle Calls
fx = lambda z: f(z, y)
fy = lambda z: -f(x, z)
if df is None:
xres = minimize(fx, x, method="SLSQP", options={'maxiter':tau})
yres = minimize(fy, y, method="SLSQP", options={'maxiter':tau})
gx = lambda z: df(z, y)[:len(x)]
gy = lambda z: -df(x, z)[len(x):]
xres = minimize(fx, x, method="SLSQP", jac=gx, options={'maxiter':tau})
yres = minimize(fy, y, method="SLSQP", jac=gy, options={'maxiter':tau})
xp = xres.x
fx =
nx = xres.nfev
ndx = xres.njev
yp = yres.x
fy = -
ny = yres.nfev
ndy = yres.njev
# Update
x += eta * (xp - x)
y += eta * (yp - y)
neval += nx + ny
ndfx += ndx
ndfy += ndy
res[i, 0] = neval
res[i, 1] = fxy
res[i, 2] = fx
res[i, 3] = fy
res[i, 4] = ndfx
res[i, 5] = ndfy
res[i, 6:6+len(x)] = x
res[i, 6+len(x):6+len(x)+len(y)] = y
res[i, -1] = eta
if neval >= maxeval:
if res[i, 3] - res[i, 2] < tolgap:
if i >= minitr - 1:
gap = res[i+1-minitr:i+1, 3] - res[i+1-minitr:i+1:, 2]
if minitr > 1 and np.all(gap[1:minitr] - gap[0:minitr-1] > 0):
return x, y, res[:i+1]
def aslsqp(f, df, x0, y0, etamin, maxeval, tolgap=1e-6, tau=5, aeta=1, beta=5, ceta=1.1):
"""Adversarial Evolution Strategy with Learning Rate Adaptation
f : callable
df : callable or None
derivative of objective
numerical approximation is used if None
x0, y0 : ndarray (1d)
initial x and y
etamax : float
maximal learning rate
maxeval : int
number of f-calls
tolgap : float, optional
tolerance for approximate suboptimality error
tau : int, optional
coefficient determining the number of successful steps
aeta, beta : int, optional
number of iterations to estimate the slope is aeta / eta + beta
ceta : float, > 1, optional
factor to increase and decrease the learning rate
x, y (ndarray, 1D) : solutions
res (ndarray, 2D) : log
res[t] = neaval, f(x(t), y(t)), f(x', yt), f(xt, y'), sx(t+1), sy(1+1), x(t+1), y(t+1), eta(t+1)
res = np.zeros((0, 7+len(x0)+len(y0)))
neval = 0
ndfx = ndfy = 0
x = np.copy(x0)
y = np.copy(y0)
eta = 1.0
slp = 0.0
# Main Loop
while neval < maxeval:
u = np.random.rand()
if u < 1/3:
eta1 = eta * ceta
elif 1/3 <= u < 2/3:
eta1 = eta
eta1 = eta / ceta
eta1 = np.clip(eta1, etamin, 1)
nstep = beta + int(aeta/eta1)
x1, y1, res1 = aslsqp_fixed(f, df, x, y, eta, tau, nstep, maxeval, beta, tolgap)
res1[:, 0] += neval
res1[:, 4] += ndfx
res1[:, 5] += ndfy
res = np.vstack((res, res1))
neval = res1[-1, 0]
ndfx = res1[-1, 4]
ndfy = res1[-1, 5]
xarr = np.arange(res1.shape[0])
slp1, _, _, _, std1 = stats.linregress(xarr, np.log(res1[:, 3] - res1[:, 2]))
if slp1 - 2*std1 < 0:
x = x1
y = y1
if slp >= 0 and slp1 >= 0:
eta = np.clip(eta / ceta**3, etamin, 1)
slp = 0.0
elif slp1 <= slp:
eta = eta1
slp = slp1
elif eta == eta1:
slp = slp1
if res[-1, 3] - res[-1, 2] < tolgap:
return x, y, res
def esstep(h, z, sz, hz):
"""Evolution Strategy (Randomized Hill-Climbing)
h : callable
function to be minimized
z : ndarray (1d)
initial solution
sz : float, > 0
hz : float
z (ndarray, 1d) : next solution
sz (float) : next step-size
hz (float) : h(z)
success (bool) : whether the step is successful
Nz = len(z)
aup = np.exp(1.0/np.sqrt(2*Nz))
adown = aup**(-0.25)
ztt = z + sz * np.random.randn(Nz)
hztt = h(ztt)
if hztt > hz:
return z, sz * adown, hz, False
return ztt, sz * aup, hztt, True
def es_minimize(f, x, y, sx, sy, fxy, tau):
"""Locate approximate solutions to min_{xt} f(xt, y) and max_{yt} f(x, yt)
f : callable
x, y : ndarray (1d)
x and y
sx, sy : float, > 0
initial step-size for x and y updates
fxy : float
f(x, y) value
tau : int
coefficient determining the number of successful steps
xt, yt (ndarray, 1d) : approximate solutions
fx, fy (float) : f(xt, y) and f(x, yt)
sx, sy (float) : step-size for x and y updates
neval_x, neval_y (int) : number of f-calls for x and y updates
Nx = len(x)
nsucc_x = 0
neval_x = 0
xt = np.copy(x)
fx = fxy
while nsucc_x < Nx * tau:
xt, sx, fx, succ = esstep(lambda z: f(z, y), xt, sx, fx)
nsucc_x += int(succ)
neval_x += 1
Ny = len(y)
nsucc_y = 0
neval_y = 0
yt = np.copy(y)
fy = -fxy
while nsucc_y < Ny * tau:
yt, sy, fy, succ = esstep(lambda z: -f(x, z), yt, sy, fy)
nsucc_y += int(succ)
neval_y += 1
return xt, yt, fx, -fy, sx, sy, neval_x, neval_y
def aes_fixed(f, x0, y0, eta, sx0, sy0, sxmax, symax, tau, nstep, maxeval, minitr, tolgap=0):
"""Adversarial ES with Fixed Learning Rate
f : callable
x0, y0 : ndarray (1d)
initial x and x
eta : float
learning rate
sx0, sy0 : float, > 0
initial step-size
sxmax, symax : float, > 0
maximal step-size
tau : int
coefficient determining the number of successful steps
nstep : int
number of steps
maxeval : int
number of f-calls
minitr : int
minimum iterations
tolgap : float, optional
tolerance for approximate suboptimality error
x, y (ndarray, 1D) : solutions
sx, sy (float) : step-size
res (ndarray, 2D) : log
res[t] = neval, f(x(t), y(t)), f(x', yt), f(xt, y'), sx(t+1), sy(1+1), x(t+1), y(t+1), eta(t+1)
res = np.zeros((nstep, 7+len(x0)+len(y0)))
neval = 0
sx = sx0
sy = sy0
x = np.copy(x0)
y = np.copy(y0)
for i in range(nstep):
fxy = f(x, y)
xp, yp, fx, fy, sx, sy, nx, ny = es_minimize(f, x, y, sx, sy, fxy, tau)
x += eta * (xp - x)
y += eta * (yp - y)
sx = min(sx, sxmax)
sy = min(sy, symax)
neval += nx + ny
res[i, 0] = neval
res[i, 1] = fxy
res[i, 2] = fx
res[i, 3] = fy
res[i, 4] = sx
res[i, 5] = sy
res[i, 6:6+len(x)] = x
res[i, 6+len(x):6+len(x)+len(y)] = y
res[i, -1] = eta
if neval >= maxeval:
if res[i, 3] - res[i, 2] < tolgap:
if i >= minitr - 1:
gap = res[i+1-minitr:i+1, 3] - res[i+1-minitr:i+1:, 2]
if minitr > 1 and np.all(gap[1:minitr] - gap[0:minitr-1] > 0):
return x, y, sx, sy, res[:i+1]
def aes(f, x0, y0, etamin, sxmax, symax, maxeval, tolgap=0, tau=5, aeta=1, beta=5, ceta=1.1):
"""Adversarial Evolution Strategy with Learning Rate Adaptation
f : callable
x0, y0 : ndarray (1d)
initial x and y
etamax : float
maximal learning rate
sxmax, symax : float, > 0
maximal step-size
maxeval : int
number of f-calls
tolgap : float, optional
tolerance for approximate suboptimality error
tau : int
coefficient determining the number of successful steps
aeta, beta : int, optional
number of iterations to estimate the slope is aeta / eta + beta
ceta : float, > 1, optional
factor to increase and decrease the learning rate
x, y (ndarray, 1D) : solutions
res (ndarray, 2D) : log
res[t] = neval, f(x(t), y(t)), f(x', yt), f(xt, y'), sx(t+1), sy(1+1), x(t+1), y(t+1), eta(t+1)
res = np.zeros((0, 7+len(x0)+len(y0)))
neval = 0
sx = sxmax
sy = symax
x = np.copy(x0)
y = np.copy(y0)
eta = 1.0
slp = 0.0
while neval < maxeval:
u = np.random.rand()
if u < 1/3:
eta1 = eta * ceta
elif 1/3 <= u < 2/3:
eta1 = eta
eta1 = eta / ceta
eta1 = np.clip(eta1, etamin, 1)
nstep = beta + int(aeta/eta1)
x1, y1, sx1, sy1, res1 = aes_fixed(f, x, y, eta1, sx, sy, sxmax, symax, tau, nstep, maxeval, beta, tolgap)
res1[:, 0] += neval
res = np.vstack((res, res1))
neval = res1[-1, 0]
xarr = np.arange(res1.shape[0])
slp1, _, _, _, std1 = stats.linregress(xarr, np.log(res1[:, 3] - res1[:, 2]))
if slp1 - 2*std1 < 0:
x = x1
y = y1
sx = sx1
sy = sy1
if slp >= 0 and slp1 >= 0:
eta = np.clip(eta / ceta**3, etamin, 1)
slp = 0.0
elif slp1 <= slp:
eta = eta1
slp = slp1
elif eta == eta1:
slp = slp1
if res[-1, 3] - res[-1, 2] < tolgap:
return x, y, res
def f1(x, y, a=1.0, b=10.0, c=1.0):
fx = (a/2) *, x)
fxy = b *, y)
fy = (c/2) *, y)
return fx + fxy - fy
def df1(x, y, a=1.0, b=10.0, c=1.0):
return np.concatenate((a * x + b * y, b * x - c * y))
def g1(x, y, a=1.0, b=10.0, c=1.0):
gxx = (a + b**2/c)
gyy = (c + b**2/a)
return (gxx/2) *, x) + (gyy/2) *, y)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
# Problem Setting
m = n = 5
a = 1
b = 4
c = 1
f = lambda x, y: f1(x, y, a, b, c)
df = lambda x, y: df1(x, y, a, b, c)
g = lambda x, y: g1(x, y, a, b, c)
bareta = 4 / (4 + b**2)
# AES without Learning Rate Adaptation
# Parameters
eta = bareta * 10**(-0.5)
sx0 = sxmax = 2.0
sy0 = symax = 2.0
nstep = maxeval = minitr = int(2e7)
tolgap = 1e-7
tau = 5
# Experiment
x0 = np.random.randn(m)
y0 = np.random.randn(n)
x, y, _, _, res = aes_fixed(f, x0, y0, eta, sx0, sy0, sxmax, symax, tau, nstep, maxeval, minitr, tolgap=tolgap)
# Plot
gap = np.zeros(res.shape[0])
for t in range(len(res)):
xt = res[t, 6:6+m]
yt = res[t, 6+m:6+m+n]
gap[t] = g(xt, yt)
fig = plt.figure()
plt.semilogy(res[:, 0], gap, label="G(x, y)")
plt.semilogy(res[:, 0], res[:, 3] - res[:, 2], label="F(x, y)")
plt.semilogy(res[:, 0], res[:, -1], label="eta")
plt.ylim(1e-6, 1e6)
# AES withLearning Rate Adaptation
# Parameters
etamin = 1e-6
sx0 = sxmax = 2.0
sy0 = symax = 2.0
nstep = maxeval = int(2e7)
tolgap = 1e-7
tau = 5
# Experiment
x0 = np.random.randn(m)
y0 = np.random.randn(n)
x, y, res = aes(f, x0, y0, etamin, sxmax, symax, maxeval, tolgap=tolgap, tau=tau)
# Plot
gap = np.zeros(res.shape[0])
for t in range(len(res)):
xt = res[t, 6:6+m]
yt = res[t, 6+m:6+m+n]
gap[t] = g(xt, yt)
fig = plt.figure()
plt.semilogy(res[:, 0], gap, label="G(x, y)")
plt.semilogy(res[:, 0], res[:, 3] - res[:, 2], label="F(x, y)")
plt.semilogy(res[:, 0], res[:, -1], label="eta")
plt.ylim(1e-6, 1e6)
# ASLSQP without Learning Rate Adaptation
# Parameters
eta = bareta * 10**(-0.5)
sx0 = sxmax = 2.0
sy0 = symax = 2.0
nstep = maxeval = minitr = int(2e5)
tolgap = 1e-7
tau = 5
# Experiment
x0 = np.random.randn(m)
y0 = np.random.randn(n)
x, y, res = aslsqp_fixed(f, df, x0, y0, eta, tau, nstep, maxeval, minitr, tolgap)
# Plot
gap = np.zeros(res.shape[0])
for t in range(len(res)):
xt = res[t, 6:6+m]
yt = res[t, 6+m:6+m+n]
gap[t] = g(xt, yt)
fig = plt.figure()
plt.semilogy(res[:, 0], gap, label="G(x, y)")
plt.semilogy(res[:, 0], res[:, 3] - res[:, 2], label="F(x, y)")
plt.semilogy(res[:, 0], res[:, -1], label="eta")
plt.ylim(1e-6, 1e6)
# ASLSQP with Learning Rate Adaptation
# Parameters
etamin = 1e-6
tau = 5
nstep = maxeval = int(2e5)
tolgap = 1e-7
# Experiment
x0 = np.random.randn(m)
y0 = np.random.randn(n)
x, y, res = aslsqp(f, df, x0, y0, etamin, maxeval, tolgap=tolgap, tau=tau)
# Plot
gap = np.zeros(res.shape[0])
for t in range(len(res)):
xt = res[t, 6:6+m]
yt = res[t, 6+m:6+m+n]
gap[t] = g(xt, yt)
fig = plt.figure()
plt.semilogy(res[:, 0], gap, label="G(x, y)")
plt.semilogy(res[:, 0], res[:, 3] - res[:, 2], label="F(x, y)")
plt.semilogy(res[:, 0], res[:, -1], label="eta")
plt.ylim(1e-6, 1e6)
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