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Last active February 5, 2023 10:34
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from __future__ import division # use // for integer division
from __future__ import absolute_import # use from . import
from __future__ import print_function # print function
from __future__ import unicode_literals # all the strings are unicode
__author__ = 'Youhei Akimoto'
import warnings
from math import sqrt, exp, log, ceil, floor
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import randn
from numpy.linalg import norm, eigh
class VkdCma(object):
"""O(N*k^2 + k^3) Time/Space Variant of CMA-ES with C = D * (I + V * V^T) * D
[1] Youhei Akimoto and Nikolaus Hansen.
Online Model Selection for Restricted Covariance Matrix Adaptation.
In Proc. of PPSN 2016, pp. 3--13 (2016)
[2] Youhei Akimoto and Nikolaus Hansen.
Projection-Based Restricted Covariance Matrix Adaptation for High
Dimension. In Proc. of GECCO 2016, pp. 197--204 (2016)
def __init__(self, func, xmean0, sigma0, **kwargs):
# ES Parameters
self.N = len(xmean0)
self.lam = kwargs.get('lam', int(4 + floor(3 * log(self.N))))
wtemp = np.array([
np.log(np.float(self.lam + 1) / 2.0) - np.log(1 + i)
for i in range(self.lam // 2)
self.w = kwargs.get('w', wtemp / np.sum(wtemp))
self.sqrtw = np.sqrt(self.w)
self.mueff = 1.0 / (self.w**2).sum() = self.w.shape[0]
self.neval = 0
# Arguments
self.func = func
self.xmean = np.array(xmean0)
if isinstance(sigma0, np.ndarray):
self.sigma = np.exp(np.log(sigma0).mean())
self.D = sigma0 / self.sigma
self.sigma = sigma0
self.D = np.ones(self.N)
# VkD Static Parameters
self.k = kwargs.get('k_init', 0) # alternatively, self.w.shape[0]
self.kmin = kwargs.get('kmin', 0)
self.kmax = kwargs.get('kmax', self.N - 1)
assert (0 <= self.kmin <= self.kmax < self.N)
self.k_inc_cond = kwargs.get('k_inc_cond', 30.0)
self.k_dec_cond = kwargs.get('k_dec_cond', self.k_inc_cond)
self.k_adapt_factor = kwargs.get('k_adapt_factor', 1.414)
self.factor_sigma_slope = kwargs.get('factor_sigma_slope', 0.1)
self.factor_diag_slope = kwargs.get(
'factor_diag_slope', 1.0) # 0.3 in PPSN (due to cc change)
self.opt_conv = 0.5 * min(1, self.lam / self.N)
self.accepted_slowdown = max(1., self.k_inc_cond / 10.)
self.k_adapt_decay = 1.0 / self.N
self.k_adapt_wait = 2.0 / self.k_adapt_decay - 1
# VkD Dynamic Parameters
self.k_active = 0
self.last_log_sigma = np.log(self.sigma)
self.last_log_d = 2.0 * np.log(self.D)
self.last_log_cond_corr = np.zeros(self.N)
self.ema_log_sigma = ExponentialMovingAverage(
decay=self.opt_conv / self.accepted_slowdown, dim=1)
self.ema_log_d = ExponentialMovingAverage(
decay=self.k_adapt_decay, dim=self.N)
self.ema_log_s = ExponentialMovingAverage(
decay=self.k_adapt_decay, dim=self.N)
self.itr_after_k_inc = 0
# CMA Learning Rates = kwargs.get('cm', 1.0)
(self.cone, self.cmu, = self._get_learning_rate(self.k)
# TPA Parameters
self.cs = kwargs.get('cs', 0.3)
self.ds = kwargs.get('ds', np.sqrt(self.N)) # or 4 - 3/N
self.flg_injection = False = 0
# Initialize Dynamic Parameters
self.V = np.zeros((self.k, self.N))
self.S = np.zeros(self.N)
self.pc = np.zeros(self.N)
self.dx = np.zeros(self.N)
self.U = np.zeros((self.N, self.k + + 1))
self.arx = np.zeros((self.lam, self.N))
self.arf = np.zeros(self.lam)
# Stopping Condition
self.fhist_len = 20 + self.N // self.lam
self.tolf_checker = TolfChecker(self.fhist_len)
self.ftarget = kwargs.get('ftarget', 1e-8)
self.maxeval = kwargs.get('maxeval', 5e3 * self.N * self.lam)
self.tolf = kwargs.get('tolf', abs(self.ftarget) / 1e5)
self.tolfrel = kwargs.get('tolfrel', 1e-12)
self.minstd = kwargs.get('minstd', 1e-12)
self.minstdrel = kwargs.get('minstdrel', 1e-12)
self.maxconds = kwargs.get('maxconds', 1e12)
self.maxcondd = kwargs.get('maxcondd', 1e6)
# Other Options
self.batch_evaluation = kwargs.get('batch_evaluation', False)
def run(self):
itr = 0
satisfied = False
while not satisfied:
itr += 1
satisfied, condition = self._check()
if itr % 20 == 0:
print(itr, self.neval, self.arf.min(), self.sigma)
if satisfied:
return self.xmean
def _onestep(self):
# ======================================================================
# VkD-CMA (GECCO 2016)
k = self.k
ka = self.k_active
# Sampling
if True:
# Sampling with two normal vectors
# Available only if S >= 0
arzd = randn(self.lam, self.N)
arzv = randn(self.lam, ka)
ary = (arzd + * np.sqrt(self.S[:ka]), self.V[:ka])
) * self.D
# Sampling with one normal vectors
# Available even if S < 0 as long as V are orthogonal to each other
arz = randn(self.lam, self.N)
ary = arz +, self.V[:ka].T) *
(np.sqrt(1.0 + self.S[:ka]) - 1.0), self.V[:ka])
ary *= self.D
# Injection
if self.flg_injection:
mnorm = self._mahalanobis_square_norm(self.dx)
dy = (norm(randn(self.N)) / sqrt(mnorm)) * self.dx
ary[0] = dy
ary[1] = -dy
self.arx = self.xmean + self.sigma * ary
# Evaluation
if self.batch_evaluation:
self.arf = self.func(self.arx)
self.neval += self.lam
self.arf = np.zeros(self.lam)
for i in range(self.lam):
self.arf[i] = self.func(self.arx[i])
self.neval += 1
idx = np.argsort(self.arf)
if not np.all(self.arf[idx[1:]] - self.arf[idx[:-1]] > 0.):
warnings.warn("assumed no tie, but there exists", RuntimeWarning)
sary = ary[idx[]]
# Update xmean
self.dx =, sary) = self._inv_sqrt_ivv(self.dx / self.D) # For flg_dev_kadapt
self.xmean += ( * self.sigma) * self.dx
# TPA (PPSN 2014 version)
if self.flg_injection:
alpha_act = np.where(idx == 1)[0][0] - np.where(idx == 0)[0][0]
alpha_act /= float(self.lam - 1) += self.cs * (alpha_act -
self.sigma *= exp( / self.ds)
hsig = < 0.5
self.flg_injection = True
hsig = True
# Cumulation
self.pc = (1 - * self.pc + hsig * sqrt( * (2 -
* self.mueff) * self.dx
# Update V, S and D
# Cov = D(alpha**2 * I + UU^t)D
if self.cmu == 0.0:
rankU = ka + 1
alpha = sqrt(
abs(1 - self.cmu - self.cone + self.cone * (1 - hsig) *
* (2 -
self.U[:, :ka] = (self.V[:ka].T * (np.sqrt(self.S[:ka]) * alpha))
self.U[:, rankU - 1] = sqrt(self.cone) * (self.pc / self.D)
elif self.cone == 0.0:
rankU = ka +
alpha = sqrt(
abs(1 - self.cmu - self.cone + self.cone * (1 - hsig) *
* (2 -
self.U[:, :ka] = (self.V[:ka].T * (np.sqrt(self.S[:ka]) * alpha))
self.U[:, ka:rankU] = sqrt(self.cmu) * self.sqrtw * (sary /
rankU = ka + + 1
alpha = sqrt(
abs(1 - self.cmu - self.cone + self.cone * (1 - hsig) *
* (2 -
self.U[:, :ka] = (self.V[:ka].T * (np.sqrt(self.S[:ka]) * alpha))
self.U[:, ka:rankU - 1] = sqrt(self.cmu) * self.sqrtw * (sary /
self.U[:, rankU - 1] = sqrt(self.cone) * (self.pc / self.D)
if self.N > rankU:
# O(Nk^2 + k^3)
DD, R = eigh([:, :rankU].T, self.U[:, :rankU]))
idxeig = np.argsort(DD)[::-1]
gamma = 0 if rankU <= k else DD[idxeig[k:]].sum() / (self.N - k)
beta = alpha * alpha + gamma
self.k_active = ka = min(np.sum(DD >= 0), k)
self.S[:ka] = (DD[idxeig[:ka]] - gamma) / beta
self.V[:ka] = ([:, :rankU], R[:, idxeig[:ka]]) /
# O(N^3 + N^2(k+mu+1))
# If this is the case, the standard CMA is preferred
DD, L = eigh([:, :rankU], self.U[:, :rankU].T))
idxeig = np.argsort(DD)[::-1]
gamma = 0 if rankU <= k else DD[idxeig[k:]].sum() / (self.N - k)
beta = alpha * alpha + gamma
self.k_active = ka = min(np.sum(DD >= 0), k)
self.S[:ka] = (DD[idxeig[:ka]] - gamma) / beta
self.V[:ka] = L[:, idxeig[:ka]].T
self.D *= np.sqrt(
(alpha * alpha + np.sum(
self.U[:, :rankU] * self.U[:, :rankU], axis=1)) /
(1.0 +[:ka], self.V[:ka] * self.V[:ka])))
# Covariance Normalization by Its Determinant
gmean_eig = np.exp(self._get_log_determinant_of_cov() / self.N / 2.0)
self.D /= gmean_eig
self.pc /= gmean_eig
# ======================================================================
# k-Adaptation (PPSN 2016)
self.itr_after_k_inc += 1
# Exponential Moving Average
self.ema_log_sigma.update(log(self.sigma) - self.last_log_sigma)
self.lnsigma_change = self.ema_log_sigma.M / (self.opt_conv /
self.last_log_sigma = log(self.sigma)
self.ema_log_d.update(2. * np.log(self.D) + np.log(1 +
self.S[:self.k], self.V[:self.k]**2)) - self.last_log_d)
self.lndiag_change = self.ema_log_d.M / (self.cmu + self.cone)
self.last_log_d = 2. * np.log(
self.D) + np.log(1 +[:self.k], self.V[:self.k]**2))
self.ema_log_s.update(np.log(1 + self.S) - self.last_log_cond_corr)
self.lnlambda_change = self.ema_log_s.M / (self.cmu + self.cone)
self.last_log_cond_corr = np.log(1 + self.S)
# Check for adaptation condition
flg_k_increase = self.itr_after_k_inc > self.k_adapt_wait
flg_k_increase *= self.k < self.kmax
flg_k_increase *= np.all((1 + self.S[:self.k]) > self.k_inc_cond)
flg_k_increase *= (
np.abs(self.lnsigma_change) < self.factor_sigma_slope)
flg_k_increase *= np.all(
np.abs(self.lndiag_change) < self.factor_diag_slope)
# print(self.itr_after_k_inc > self.k_adapt_wait, self.k < self.kmax,
# np.all((1 + self.S[:self.k]) > self.k_inc_cond),
# np.abs(self.lnsigma_change) < self.factor_sigma_slope,
# np.percentile(np.abs(self.lndiag_change), [1, 50, 99]))
flg_k_decrease = (self.k > self.kmin) * (
1 + self.S[:self.k] < self.k_dec_cond)
flg_k_decrease *= (self.lnlambda_change[:self.k] < 0.)
if (self.itr_after_k_inc > self.k_adapt_wait) and flg_k_increase:
# ----- Increasing k -----
self.k_active = k
self.k = newk = min(
max(int(ceil(self.k * self.k_adapt_factor)), self.k + 1),
self.V = np.vstack((self.V, np.zeros((newk - k, self.N))))
self.U = np.empty((self.N, newk + + 1))
# update constants
(self.cone, self.cmu, = self._get_learning_rate(self.k)
self.itr_after_k_inc = 0
elif self.itr_after_k_inc > k * self.k_adapt_wait and np.any(
# ----- Decreasing k -----
flg_keep = np.logical_not(flg_k_decrease)
new_k = max(np.count_nonzero(flg_keep), self.kmin)
self.V = self.V[flg_keep]
self.S[:new_k] = (self.S[:flg_keep.shape[0]])[flg_keep]
self.S[new_k:] = 0
self.k = self.k_active = new_k
# update constants
(self.cone, self.cmu, = self._get_learning_rate(self.k)
# ==============================================================================
# Covariance Normalization by Its Determinant
gmean_eig = exp(self._get_log_determinant_of_cov() / self.N / 2.0)
self.D /= gmean_eig
self.pc /= gmean_eig
def _mahalanobis_square_norm(self, dx):
"""Square norm of dx w.r.t. C = D*(I + V*S*V^t)*D
dx : numpy.ndarray (1D)
square of the Mahalanobis distance dx^t * (D*(I + V*S*V^t)*D)^{-1} * dx
D = self.D
V = self.V[:self.k_active]
S = self.S[:self.k_active]
dy = dx / D
vdy =, dy)
return np.sum(dy * dy) - np.sum((vdy * vdy) * (S / (S + 1.0)))
def _inv_sqrt_ivv(self, vec):
"""Return (I + V*V^t)^{-1/2} x"""
if self.k_active == 0:
return vec
return vec +[:self.k_active], vec) *
(1.0 / np.sqrt(1.0 + self.S[:self.k_active]) - 1.0
), self.V[:self.k_active])
def _get_learning_rate(self, k):
"""Return the learning rate cone, cmu, cc depending on k
k : int
the number of vectors for covariance matrix
cone, cmu, cc : float in [0, 1]. Learning rates for rank-one, rank-mu,
and the cumulation factor for rank-one.
nelem = self.N * (k + 1)
cone = 2.0 / (nelem + self.N + 2 * (k + 2) + self.mueff) # PPSN 2016
# cone = 2.0 / (nelem + 2 * (k + 2) + self.mueff) # GECCO 2016
# cc = (4 + self.mueff / self.N) / (
# (self.N + 2 * (k + 1)) / 3 + 4 + 2 * self.mueff / self.N)
# New Cc and C1: Best Cc depends on C1, not directory on K.
# Observations on Cigar (N = 3, 10, 30, 100, 300, 1000) by Rank-1 VkD.
cc = sqrt(cone)
cmu = min(1 - cone, 2.0 * (self.mueff - 2 + 1.0 / self.mueff) /
(nelem + 4 * (k + 2) + self.mueff))
return cone, cmu, cc
def _get_log_determinant_of_cov(self):
return 2.0 * np.sum(np.log(self.D)) + np.sum(
np.log(1.0 + self.S[:self.k_active]))
def _check(self):
is_satisfied = False
condition = ''
std = self.sigma * exp(self._get_log_determinant_of_cov() / self.N /
if self.arf.min() <= self.ftarget:
is_satisfied = True
condition = 'ftarget'
if not is_satisfied and self.neval >= self.maxeval:
is_satisfied = True
condition = 'maxeval'
if not is_satisfied and self.tolf_checker.check_relative(self.tolfrel):
is_satisfied = True
condition = 'tolfrel'
if not is_satisfied and self.tolf_checker.check_absolute(self.tolf):
is_satisfied = True
condition = 'tolf'
if not is_satisfied and self.tolf_checker.check_flatarea():
is_satisfied = True
condition = 'flatarea'
if not is_satisfied and std < self.minstd:
is_satisfied = True
condition = 'minstd'
if not is_satisfied and std < self.minstd * np.median(
is_satisfied = True
condition = 'minstdrel'
if not is_satisfied and np.any(
1 + self.S[:self.k_active] > self.maxconds):
is_satisfied = True
condition = 'maxconds'
if not is_satisfied and self.D.max() / self.D.min() > self.maxcondd:
is_satisfied = True
condition = 'maxcondd'
return is_satisfied, condition
class ExponentialMovingAverage(object):
"""Exponential Moving Average, Variance, and SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio)
def __init__(self, decay, dim, flg_init_with_data=False):
The latest N steps occupy approximately 86% of the information when
decay = 2 / (N - 1).
self.decay = decay
self.M = np.zeros(dim) # Mean Estimate
self.S = np.zeros(dim) # Variance Estimate
self.flg_init = -flg_init_with_data
def update(self, datum):
a = self.decay if self.flg_init else 1.
self.S += a * ((1 - a) * (datum - self.M)**2 - self.S)
self.M += a * (datum - self.M)
class TolfChecker(object):
def __init__(self, size=20):
size : int
number of points for which the value is restored
self._min_hist = np.empty(size) * np.nan
self._l_quartile_hist = np.empty(size) * np.nan
# self._median_hist = np.empty(size) * np.nan
self._u_quartile_hist = np.empty(size) * np.nan
# self._max_hist = np.empty(size) * np.nan
# self._pop_hist = np.empty(size) * np.nan
self._next_position = 0
def update(self, arf):
self._min_hist[self._next_position] = np.nanmin(arf)
self._l_quartile_hist[self._next_position] = np.nanpercentile(arf, 25)
# self._median_hist[self._next_position] = np.nanmedian(arf)
self._u_quartile_hist[self._next_position] = np.nanpercentile(arf, 75)
# self._max_hist[self._next_position] = np.nanmax(arf)
self._next_position = (
self._next_position + 1) % self._min_hist.shape[0]
def check(self, tolfun=1e-9):
# alias to check_absolute
return self.check_relative(tolfun)
def check_relative(self, tolfun=1e-9):
iqr = np.nanmedian(self._u_quartile_hist - self._l_quartile_hist)
return iqr < tolfun * np.abs(np.nanmedian(self._min_hist))
def check_absolute(self, tolfun=1e-9):
iqr = np.nanmedian(self._u_quartile_hist - self._l_quartile_hist)
return iqr < tolfun
def check_flatarea(self):
return np.nanmedian(self._l_quartile_hist - self._min_hist) == 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
def diag_cigar(x):
return 1e6 * np.inner(x, x) + (1. - 1e6) * np.sum(x)**2 / len(x)
def ellipsoid(x):
np.logspace(0, 6, num=len(x), base=10, endpoint=True), x * x)
N = 20
fobj = diag_cigar
xmean0 = 3. + 2. * randn(N)
sigma0 = 2.
# Optional Parameters
esoption = dict()
esoption['lam'] = int(4 + 3 * log(N))
esoption['ds'] = 4 - 3 / N # sqrt(N) in PPSN
# Termination Condition
tcoption = dict()
tcoption['ftarget'] = 1e-20
tcoption['maxeval'] = int(5e3 * N * esoption['lam'])
tcoption['tolf'] = 1e-12
tcoption['tolfrel'] = 1e-12
tcoption['minstd'] = 1e-12
tcoption['minstdrel'] = 1e-12
tcoption['maxconds'] = 1e12
tcoption['maxcondd'] = 1e6
# k-adaptation
kaoption = dict()
kaoption['kmin'] = 0
kaoption['kmax'] = N - 1
kaoption['k_init'] = kaoption['kmin']
kaoption['k_inc_cond'] = 30.0
kaoption['k_dec_cond'] = kaoption['k_inc_cond']
kaoption['k_adapt_factor'] = 1.414
kaoption['factor_sigma_slope'] = 0.1
kaoption['factor_diag_slope'] = 1.0 # 0.3 in PPSN
opts = dict()
n_restart = 10
itr = 0
for r in range(n_restart):
vkd = VkdCma(fobj, xmean0, sigma0, **opts)
satisfied = False
while not satisfied:
itr += 1
satisfied, condition = vkd._check()
if itr % 20 == 0:
print(itr, vkd.neval, vkd.arf.min(), vkd.sigma, vkd.k)
if condition == 'ftarget':
opts['lam'] = opts['lam'] * 2
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