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Last active June 7, 2017 00:51
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Module for Computationally Efficient Eigen Decomposition of Low Rank Matrix
! Module for Computationally Efficient Eigen Decomposition of Low Rank Matrix
! ---------
! This module provides functionarities to compute the eigen decomposition of
! a real-valued matrix of the form
! C = alpha * Q * B * Q' + beta * X * X' + gamma * Y * Y',
! where
! Q: m-by-n with orthonormal columns
! B: n-by-n symmetric matrix
! X: m-by-nx arbitrary matrix
! Y: m-by-ny arbitrary matrix
! alpha, beta, gamma: arbitrary real numbers
! If n + nx + ny < m, C is not full rank. In this case, `feigh`
! computes the non-zero eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors of C
! with O(m * (n + nx + ny)^2) floating point operations and
! 3 * (m + n + nx + ny + 1) * (n + nx + ny) extra memory.
! If n + nx + ny >= m, C is full rank. Hence, we use the LAPACK `dsyev`
! function. Indeed, if 3 * (m + n + nx + ny + 1) * (n + nx + ny) > m * m,
! `dsyev` of LAPACK is used.
! -----------
! Optimized LAPACK (Accerelate/vecLib for older Mac OS, ATLAS for Linux)
! Type the following to check your system
! f2py --help-link lapack_opt
! -------
! To compile the module as a Python module, one can use `f2py` command
! that comes with `scipy`. The compile can be done as follows
! f2py -c -m effeig --link-lapack_opt effeig.f90
! If the program is compiled successfully, you will find .so file.
! -----
! A python sample code is given in the following
! #---------- Python Sample Code ----------#
! import time
! import math
! import numpy as np
! import effeig
! def pyfeigh(alpha, Q, B, beta, Y, gamma, Z, E, D):
! assert Q.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']
! assert B.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']
! assert Y.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']
! assert Z.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']
! assert E.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']
! assert D.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']
! M = Q.shape[0]
! N = Q.shape[1]
! Ny = Y.shape[1]
! Nz = Z.shape[1]
! myQ = Q if N > 0 else np.empty((M, 1), order='F')
! myB = B if N > 0 else np.empty((1, 1), order='F')
! myY = Y if Ny > 0 else np.empty((M, 1), order='F')
! myZ = Z if Nz > 0 else np.empty((M, 1), order='F')
! myalpha = alpha if N > 0 else 0.0
! mybeta = beta if Ny > 0 else 0.0
! mygamma = gamma if Nz > 0 else 0.0
! return effeig.feigh(myalpha, myQ, myB, mybeta, myY, mygamma, myZ, E, D)
! #timer = time.perf_counter
! timer = time.process_time
! M = 10000 # number of rows
! N = int(math.log(M)) # number of columns of Q
! Nx = N # number of columns of X
! Ny = N # number of columns of Y
! No = N + Ny + Nx # number of columns of output matrix
! # Prepare input and output matrices
! # Note that the arrays need to be column major
! Q = np.random.randn(N, M)
! for j in range(Q.shape[0]):
! for k in range(j):
! Q[j] -=[k], Q[j]) * Q[k]
! Q[j] /= np.linalg.norm(Q[j])
! B = np.random.randn(N, N)
! B = (B + B.T) / 2.
! X = np.random.randn(Nx, M)
! Y = np.random.randn(Ny, M)
! E = np.empty((No, M)) # matrix of eigenvectors
! D = np.empty(No) # vector of eigenvalues
! t1 = timer()
! info = pyfeigh(1.0, Q.T, B.T, 1.0, X.T, -1.0, Y.T, E.T, D)
! t2 = timer()
! print(t2 - t1)
! #----------------------------------------#
! -----------
! 2017/05/22: first release
! Author
! ------
! Youhei Akimoto, Ph.D., Assistant Professor,
! Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan.
! y_akimoto [at]
module effeig
implicit none
subroutine thinsvd(M, N, X, U, S, VT, work)
! Compute the thin SVD of X O(m*n^2)
! The thin SVD of X is
! X = U * S * VT,
! where
! U: the left singular vectors (m-by-r, orthonormal columns)
! S: the singular values (r-by-r, diagonal)
! VT: transpose of the right singular vectors (r-by-n, orthonormal rows)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: M, N
double precision, intent(in) :: X(M, N)
double precision, intent(out) :: U(M, N), S(N), VT(N, N), work(:)
integer :: lda, ldu, ldvt, lwork, info
character(1), parameter :: jobu = 'S'
character(1), parameter :: jobvt = 'S'
lda = M
ldu = M
ldvt = N
lwork = size(work)
call dgesvd(jobu, jobvt, M, N, X(1:M, 1:N), lda, S(1:N), U(1:M, 1:N), ldu,&
VT(1:N, 1:N), ldvt, work(1:lwork), lwork, info)
end subroutine thinsvd
subroutine qb(M, N, R, Qi, Bi, Xi, Qo, Bo, sign, work)
! Compute a decomposition of Q*B*Q' + X*X'
! Decomposition is defined as
! Qo*Bo*Qo' = Qi*Bi*Qi' + sign * Xi*Xi.
! Let r <= n + k be the rank of the matrix above. Then,
! Qo is an m-by-r matrix with orthonormal columns,
! Bo is an r-by-r full-rank symmetric matrix.
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: M, N, R
double precision, intent(in) :: Qi(M, N)
double precision, intent(in) :: Bi(N, N)
double precision, intent(in) :: Xi(M, R)
double precision, intent(out) :: Qo(M, N+R)
double precision, intent(out) :: Bo(N+R, N+R)
double precision, intent(in) :: sign
double precision, intent(out) :: work(:)
integer :: i, lwork
lwork = size(work)
do i = 1, R
work(R*R+R+1+M*(i-1):R*R+R+M*i) = Xi(1:M, i)
end do
Qo(1:M, 1:N) = Qi(1:M, 1:N)
call dgemm('T', 'N', N, R, M, 1.0d0, Qi(1:M, 1:N), M, Xi(1:M, 1:R), M, 0.0d0, Bo(1:N, N+1:N+R), N)
call dgemm('N', 'N', M, R, N, -1.0d0, Qi(1:M, 1:N), M, Bo(1:N, N+1:N+R), N, 1.0d0, work(R*R+R+1:R*R+R+M*R), M)
call thinsvd(M, R, work(R*R+R+1:R*R+R+M*R), Qo(1:M, N+1:N+R), work(R*R+1:R*R+R), work(1:R*R), work(R*(R+M+1)+1:lwork))
do i = 1, R
work(1+R*(i-1):R*i) = work(1+R*(i-1):R*i) * work(R*R+1:R*R+R)
end do
Bo(1:N, 1:N) = Bi(1:N, 1:N)
call dgemm('N', 'T', N, N, R, sign, Bo(1:N, N+1:N+R), N, Bo(1:N, N+1:N+R), N, 1.0d0, Bo(1:N, 1:N), N)
call dgemm('N', 'T', R, R, R, sign, work(1:R*R), R, work(1:R*R), R, 0.0d0, Bo(N+1:N+R, N+1:N+R), R)
call dgemm('N', 'T', R, N, R, sign, work(1:R*R), R, Bo(1:N, N+1:N+R), N, 0.0d0, Bo(N+1:N+R, 1:N), R)
do i = 1, R
Bo(1:N, N+i) = Bo(N+i, 1:N)
end do
end subroutine qb
subroutine qbeigh(M, N, Qio, Bio, work)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: M, N
double precision, intent(inout) :: Qio(M, N)
double precision, intent(inout) :: Bio(N, N)
double precision, intent(out) :: work(:)
integer :: lwork, info, i
character(1), parameter :: jobz = 'V', uplo = 'U'
lwork = size(work)
call dsyev(jobz, uplo, N, Bio(1:N, 1:N), N, work(1:N), work(N+1:lwork), lwork-N, info)
call dgemm('N', 'N', M, N, N, 1.0d0, Qio(1:M, 1:N), M, Bio(1:N, 1:N), N, 0.0d0, work(N+1:N+M*N), M)
Bio(1:N, 1) = work(1:N)
Bio(1:N, 2:N) = 0.0d0
do i = 1, N
Qio(1:M, i) = work(N+M*(i-1)+1:N+M*i)
end do
end subroutine qbeigh
subroutine fasteigh(alpha, Q, B, beta, Y, gamma, Z, E, D, info)
implicit none
double precision, intent(in) :: alpha, beta, gamma
double precision, intent(in) :: Q(:, :), B(:, :), Y(:, :), Z(:, :)
double precision, intent(out) :: E(:, :), D(:)
integer, intent(out) :: info
double precision, allocatable :: work(:)
integer :: M, N, ny, nz, no, i, lwork
character(1), parameter :: jobz = 'V', uplo = 'U'
M = size(Q, 1)
N = size(Q, 2)
ny = size(Y, 2)
nz = size(Z, 2)
no = size(E, 2)
if (alpha == 0.0d0) then
N = 0
end if
if (beta == 0.0d0) then
ny = 0
end if
if (gamma == 0.0d0) then
nz = 0
end if
if (size(Y, 1) /= M .or. size(Z, 1) /= M .or. size(E, 1) /= M) then
print *, 'row dimension mismatch'
info = -1
else if (size(B, 1) /= N .and. alpha /= 0.0d0) then
print *, 'column dimension of Q and row dimension of B are different'
info = -2
else if (size(B, 2) /= N .and. alpha /= 0.0d0) then
print *, 'B not square'
info = -3
else if (size(D) /= no) then
print *, 'column dimension of E and length of D are different'
info = -4
else if (no < min(N + ny + nz, M)) then
print *, 'length of D smaller than min. of M and the sum of columns of Q, Y, and Z'
info = -5
end if
if (no >= M) then
lwork = M * M
lwork = 3 * (M + N + ny + nz + 1) * (N + ny + nz)
end if
E(:, :) = 0.0d0
D(:) = 0.0d0
if (no >= M) then
if (N > 0) then
call dgemm('N', 'T', N, M, N, 1.0d0, B(1:N, 1:N), N, Q(1:M, 1:N), M, 0.0d0, work(1:N*M), N)
call dgemm('N', 'N', M, M, N, 1.0d0, Q(1:M, 1:N), M, work(1:N*M), N, 0.0d0, E(1:M, 1:M), M)
end if
if (ny > 0) then
call dgemm('N', 'T', M, M, ny, beta, Y(1:M, 1:ny), M, Y(1:M, 1:ny), M, alpha, E(1:M, 1:M), M)
E(1:M, 1:M) = E(1:M, 1:M) * alpha
end if
if (nz > 0) then
call dgemm('N', 'T', M, M, nz, gamma, Z(1:M, 1:nz), M, Z(1:M, 1:nz), M, 1.0d0, E(1:M, 1:M), M)
end if
call dsyev(jobz, uplo, M, E(1:M, 1:M), M, D(1:M), work(:), lwork, info)
info = 0
else if (alpha /= 0.0d0 .and. beta /= 0.0d0 .and. gamma /= 0.0d0) then
call qb(M, N, ny, Q, B, Y, work(1:M*(N+ny)), work(M*(N+ny)+1:M*(N+ny)+(N+ny)**2), beta / alpha, &
call qb(M, N+ny, nz, work(1:M*(N+ny)), work(M*(N+ny)+1:M*(N+ny)+(N+ny)**2), Z, E(1:M, 1:N+ny+nz), &
work(M*(N+ny)+(N+ny)**2+1:M*(N+ny)+(N+ny)**2+(N+ny+nz)**2), gamma / alpha, &
work(1:(N+ny+nz)**2) = work(M*(N+ny)+(N+ny)**2+1:M*(N+ny)+(N+ny)**2+(N+ny+nz)**2)
call qbeigh(M, N+ny+nz, E, work(1:(N+ny+nz)**2), work((N+ny+nz)**2+1:lwork))
D(1:N+ny+nz) = work(1:N+ny+nz) * alpha
info = 1
else if (alpha /= 0.0d0 .and. beta /= 0.0d0 .and. gamma == 0.0d0) then
call qb(M, N, ny, Q, B, Y, E(1:M, 1:N+ny), work(1:(N+ny)**2), beta / alpha, work((N+ny)**2+1:lwork))
call qbeigh(M, N+ny, E(1:M, 1:N+ny), work(1:(N+ny)**2), work((N+ny)**2+1:lwork))
D(1:N+ny) = work(1:N+ny) * alpha
info = 2
else if (alpha /= 0.0d0 .and. beta == 0.0d0 .and. gamma /= 0.0d0) then
call qb(M, N, nz, Q, B, Z, E(1:M, 1:N+nz), work(1:(N+nz)**2), gamma / alpha, work((N+nz)**2+1:lwork))
call qbeigh(M, N+nz, E(1:M, 1:N+nz), work(1:(N+nz)**2), work((N+nz)**2+1:lwork))
D(1:N+nz) = work(1:N+nz) * alpha
info = 3
else if (alpha /= 0.0d0 .and. beta == 0.0d0 .and. gamma == 0.0d0) then
E(1:M, 1:N) = Q(1:M, 1:N)
do i = 1, N
work(N*(i-1)+1:N*i) = B(1:M, i)
end do
call qbeigh(M, N, E, work(1:N*N), work(N*N+1:lwork))
D(1:N) = work(1:N) * alpha
info = 4
else if (alpha == 0.0d0 .and. beta /= 0.0d0 .and. gamma /= 0.0d0) then
call thinsvd(M, ny, Y, work(1:M*ny), D(1:ny), work(M*ny+1:M*ny+ny*ny), work(M*ny+ny*ny+1:lwork))
work(M*ny+1:M*ny+ny*ny) = 0.0d0
do i = 1, ny
work(M * ny + i + ny * (i - 1)) = D(i) ** 2 * beta
end do
call qb(M, ny, nz, work(1:M*ny), work(M*ny+1:M*ny+ny*ny), Z, E(1:M, 1:ny+nz),&
work(M*ny+ny*ny+1:M*ny+ny*ny+(ny+nz)**2), gamma, work(M*ny+ny*ny+(ny+nz)**2+1:lwork))
work(1:(ny+nz)**2) = work(M*ny+ny*ny+1:M*ny+ny*ny+(ny+nz)**2)
call qbeigh(M, ny+nz, E(1:M, 1:ny+nz), work(1:(ny+nz)**2), work((ny+nz)**2+1:lwork))
D(1:ny+nz) = work(1:ny+nz)
info = 5
else if (alpha == 0.0d0 .and. beta /= 0.0d0 .and. gamma == 0.0d0) then
call thinsvd(M, ny, Y, E(1:M, 1:ny), D(1:ny), work(1:ny*ny), work(ny*ny+1:lwork))
D(1:ny) = D(1:ny) * D(1:ny) * beta
info = 6
else if (alpha == 0.0d0 .and. beta == 0.0d0 .and. gamma /= 0.0d0) then
call thinsvd(M, nz, Z, E(1:M, 1:nz), D(1:nz), work(1:nz*nz), work(nz*nz+1:lwork))
D(1:nz) = D(1:nz) * D(1:nz) * gamma
info = 7
else if (alpha == 0.0d0 .and. beta == 0.0d0 .and. gamma == 0.0d0) then
info = 8
end if
end subroutine fasteigh
subroutine checkerr(alpha, Q, B, beta, Y, gamma, Z, err)
implicit none
double precision, intent(in) :: alpha, beta, gamma
double precision, intent(in) :: Q(:, :), B(:, :), Y(:, :), Z(:, :)
double precision, intent(out) :: err
integer :: M, N, ny, nz, i, info
double precision, allocatable :: A(:, :), C(:, :), E(:, :), D(:), F(:, :)
M = size(Q, 1)
N = size(B, 2)
ny = size(Y, 2)
nz = size(Z, 2)
allocate(A(M, M), C(M, M), E(M, N+ny+nz), D(N+ny+nz), F(M, M))
if ( alpha /= 0.0d0 ) then
call dgemm('N', 'N', M, N, N, alpha, Q, M, B, N, 0.0d0, C(1:M, 1:N), M)
call dgemm('N', 'T', M, M, N, 1.0d0, C(1:M, 1:N), M, Q, M, 0.0d0, A, M)
A(:, :) = 0.0d0
end if
call dgemm('N', 'T', M, M, ny, beta, Y, M, Y, M, 1.0d0, A, M)
call dgemm('N', 'T', M, M, nz, gamma, Z, M, Z, M, 1.0d0, A, M)
call fasteigh(alpha, Q, B, beta, Y, gamma, Z, E, D, info)
do i = 1, N+ny+nz
F(:, i) = E(:, i) * D(i)
end do
call dgemm('N', 'T', M, M, N+ny+nz, 1.0d0, F(1:M, 1:N+ny+nz), M, E, M, 0.0d0, C, M)
err = maxval(abs(A - C))
!print *, info, M, N, ny, nz, err
deallocate(A, C, E, D, F)
end subroutine checkerr
subroutine checkerrqb(alpha, Q, B, beta, Y, err1, err2)
implicit none
double precision, intent(in) :: alpha, beta
double precision, intent(in) :: Q(:, :), B(:, :), Y(:, :)
double precision, intent(out) :: err1, err2
integer :: M, N, ny, i
double precision, allocatable :: A(:, :), C(:, :), E(:, :), D(:), F(:, :), G(:, :), work(:)
M = size(Q, 1)
N = size(B, 2)
ny = size(Y, 2)
allocate(A(M, M), C(M, M), E(M, N+ny), D(N+ny), F(M, M), G(N+ny, N+ny), work(2*(M+2)*max(M, N+ny)))
! Compute a*Q*B*Qt + b*Y*Yt + g*Z*Zt
call dgemm('N', 'N', M, N, N, alpha, Q, M, B, N, 0.0d0, C(1:M, 1:N), M)
call dgemm('N', 'T', M, M, N, 1.0d0, C(1:M, 1:N), M, Q, M, 0.0d0, A, M)
call dgemm('N', 'T', M, M, ny, beta, Y, M, Y, M, 1.0d0, A, M)
! Compute qb
call qb(M, N, ny, Q, alpha * B, Y, E, G, beta, work)
call dgemm('N', 'N', M, N+ny, N+ny, 1.0d0, E, M, G, N+ny, 0.0d0, F(1:M, 1:N+ny), M)
call dgemm('N', 'T', M, M, N+ny, 1.0d0, F(1:M, 1:N+ny), M, E, M, 0.0d0, C, M)
err1 = maxval(abs(A - C))
!print *, ' QB', M, N, ny, err1
! Compute qbeigh
call qbeigh(M, N+ny, E, G, work)
do i = 1, N+ny
F(:, i) = E(:, i) * G(i, 1)
end do
call dgemm('N', 'T', M, M, N+ny, 1.0d0, F(:, 1:N+ny), M, E, M, 0.0d0, C, M)
err2 = maxval(abs(A - C))
!print *, ' QBEIGH', M, N, ny, err2
deallocate(A, C, E, D, F, G, work)
end subroutine checkerrqb
end module effeig
subroutine feigh(alpha, Q, m, n, B, beta, Y, ny, gamma, Z, nz, E, no, D, info)
use effeig, only : fasteigh
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: m, n, ny, nz, no
double precision, intent(in) :: alpha, beta, gamma
double precision, intent(in) :: Q(m, n), B(n, n), Y(m, ny), Z(m, nz)
double precision, intent(inout) :: E(m, no), D(no)
integer, intent(out) :: info
call fasteigh(alpha, Q, B, beta, Y, gamma, Z, E, D, info)
end subroutine feigh
subroutine checkerror(alpha, Q, m, n, B, beta, Y, ny, gamma, Z, nz, err)
use effeig, only : checkerr
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: m, n, ny, nz
double precision, intent(in) :: alpha, beta, gamma
double precision, intent(in) :: Q(m, n), B(n, n), Y(m, ny), Z(m, nz)
double precision, intent(out) :: err
call checkerr(alpha, Q, B, beta, Y, gamma, Z, err)
end subroutine checkerror
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