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Last active October 15, 2021 19:04
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Single Lane Bridge Problem
-------------------------- MODULE SingleLaneBridge --------------------------
\* This is my solution to the Single Lane Bridge problem in TLA+
\* Also available in:
\* A bridge over a river is only wide enough to permit a single lane of traffic.
\* Consequently, cars can only move concurrently if they are moving in the same
\* direction. A safety violation occurs if two cars moving in different directions
\* enter the bridge at the same time.
\* To visualize the problem, refer to
EXTENDS Naturals, FiniteSets, Sequences
CONSTANTS CarsRight, CarsLeft, Bridge, Positions
VARIABLES Location, WaitingBeforeBridge
vars == <<Location, WaitingBeforeBridge>>
StartPos == CHOOSE min \in Positions : \A p \in Positions : min <= p
EndPos == CHOOSE max \in Positions : \A p \in Positions : max >= p
StartBridge == CHOOSE min \in Bridge : \A e \in Bridge : min <= e
EndBridge == CHOOSE max \in Bridge : \A e \in Bridge : max >= e
ASSUME CarsRight \cap CarsLeft = {}
ASSUME Cardinality(CarsRight \union CarsLeft ) # 0
ASSUME StartPos < StartBridge /\ EndPos > EndBridge /\ Cardinality(Bridge) < Cardinality(Positions)
SeqFromSet(S) ==
IF S = {} THEN << >>
IN << x >> \o SeqFromSet(S \ {x})
Cars == CarsRight \union CarsLeft
CarsInBridge == { c \in Cars : Location[c] \in Bridge }
CarsBeforeBridge == { car \in CarsRight : EndPos - EndBridge = 1 } \cup { car \in CarsLeft : StartBridge - StartPos = 1 }
RMove(pos) == IF pos > StartPos THEN pos - 1 ELSE EndPos
LMove(pos) == IF pos < EndPos THEN pos + 1 ELSE StartPos
NextLocation(car) == IF car \in CarsRight THEN RMove(Location[car]) ELSE LMove(Location[car])
ChangeLocation(car) ==
/\ IF \/ car \in CarsRight /\ NextLocation(car) = EndBridge + 1
\/ car \in CarsLeft /\ NextLocation(car) = StartBridge - 1
THEN WaitingBeforeBridge' = Append(WaitingBeforeBridge, car)
ELSE UNCHANGED WaitingBeforeBridge
/\ Location' = [ Location EXCEPT ![car] = NextLocation(car) ]
HaveSameDirection(car) ==
\/ car \in CarsRight /\ \A c \in CarsInBridge : c \in CarsRight
\/ car \in CarsLeft /\ \A c \in CarsInBridge : c \in CarsLeft
\* Actions
MoveOutsideBridge(car) ==
/\ NextLocation(car) \notin Bridge
/\ ChangeLocation(car)
MoveInsideBridge(car) ==
/\ car \in CarsInBridge
/\ \A c \in Cars : Location[c] # NextLocation(car)
/\ ChangeLocation(car)
EnterBridge ==
\/ /\ CarsInBridge = {}
/\ Len(WaitingBeforeBridge) # 0
/\ Location' = [ Location EXCEPT ![Head(WaitingBeforeBridge)] = NextLocation(Head(WaitingBeforeBridge)) ]
/\ WaitingBeforeBridge' = Tail(WaitingBeforeBridge)
\/ /\ Len(WaitingBeforeBridge) # 0
/\ Head(WaitingBeforeBridge) \notin CarsInBridge
/\ HaveSameDirection(Head(WaitingBeforeBridge))
/\ \A c \in Cars : Location[c] # NextLocation(Head(WaitingBeforeBridge))
/\ Location' = [ Location EXCEPT ![Head(WaitingBeforeBridge)] = NextLocation(Head(WaitingBeforeBridge)) ]
/\ WaitingBeforeBridge' = Tail(WaitingBeforeBridge)
Init ==
/\ Location = [ c \in Cars |-> IF c \in CarsRight THEN EndPos ELSE StartPos ]
/\ WaitingBeforeBridge = SeqFromSet(CarsBeforeBridge)
Next == \E car \in Cars : EnterBridge \/ MoveOutsideBridge(car) \/ MoveInsideBridge(car)
Fairness ==
/\ \A car \in Cars : WF_vars(MoveOutsideBridge(car))
/\ \A car \in Cars : WF_vars(MoveInsideBridge(car))
/\ \A car \in Cars : WF_vars(EnterBridge)
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars /\ Fairness
Invariants ==
\* Two cars or more cannot be in the same location in the Bridge at the same time
/\ \A a,b \in Cars :
/\ Location[a] \in Bridge
/\ Location[a] = Location[b]
=> a = b
\* The bridge capacity should be respected
/\ Cardinality(CarsInBridge) < Cardinality(Bridge) + 1
\* Two cars of different directions can never be in the bridge
/\ \A <<r,l>> \in CarsRight \X CarsLeft :
~ (Location[r] \in Bridge /\ Location[l] \in Bridge)
TypeOK ==
/\ Location \in [ Cars -> Positions ]
/\ Len(WaitingBeforeBridge) <= Cardinality(Cars)
CarsInBridgeExitBridge ==
\* All cars eventually exit the Bridge
\A car \in Cars : Location[car] \in Bridge ~> Location[car] \notin Bridge
CarsEnterBridge ==
\* All cars eventually enter the bridge
\A car \in Cars : Location[car] \notin Bridge ~> Location[car] \in Bridge
THEOREM Spec => [] Invariants
THEOREM Spec => [] TypeOK
THEOREM Spec => CarsInBridgeExitBridge
THEOREM Spec => CarsEnterBridge
\* Modification History
\* Last modified Tue Oct 12 00:20:28 CEST 2021 by youne
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