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Forked from kopiro/
Created January 14, 2022 21:06
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Telia GB Left (XBar)
# <xbar.title>Telia GB Left</xbar.title>
# <xbar.version>v1.0</xbar.version>
# <>Flavio De Stefano</>
# <>kopiro</>
# <xbar.var>string(SESSID=""): Session ID</xbar.var>
# <xbar.var>string(SUBSCRIPTION_ID=""): Subscription ID; if left blank, the first subscription found is gonna be used</xbar.var>
headers='-H "Accept: application/json" -H "X-IOS-Build: 4068" -H "ga-av: 10.10.4" -H "ga-aid: com.teliasonera.selfservice.telia" -H "User-Agent: com.teliasonera.selfservice.telia/10.10.4 (iOS 15.2; Apple)" -H "ga-an: Mitttelia"'
if [ -z "$SUBSCRIPTION_ID" ]; then
subscriptions=$(/usr/bin/curl -s -H "Cookie: STSSESSION=$SESSID" $headers)
SUBSCRIPTION_ID=$(echo "$subscriptions" | /usr/local/bin/jq -r ".[0].id")
usage=$(/usr/bin/curl -s "$SUBSCRIPTION_ID/usage" -H "Cookie: STSSESSION=$SESSID" $headers)
bytes_limit=$(echo "$usage" | /usr/local/bin/jq -r ".usagesForCategory[0].limit")
gigabytes_limit=$(echo "scale=0; $bytes_limit / 1024 / 1024 / 1024" | bc)
bytes_remaining=$(echo "$usage" | /usr/local/bin/jq -r ".usagesForCategory[0].remaining")
gigabytes_remaining=$(echo "scale=0; $bytes_remaining / 1024 / 1024 / 1024" | bc)
bytes_used=$(echo "$usage" | /usr/local/bin/jq -r ".usagesForCategory[0].used")
gigabytes_used=$(echo "scale=0; $bytes_used / 1024 / 1024 / 1024" | bc)
echo "${gigabytes_remaining}GB"
echo "---"
echo "Limit: ${gigabytes_limit}GB"
echo "Used: ${gigabytes_used}GB"
echo "Remaining: ${gigabytes_remaining}GB"
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