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Last active January 23, 2020 18:19
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Related Reading

Generate a private key:

It's important to note here that without the -v argument, your generated key would be stuck inside the container and deleted when the container exits! This example mounts the current directory pwd inside the container at the /keys path.

docker run --entrypoint /bin/bash -it -v $(pwd)/:/keys codaprotocol/coda-daemon:0.0.11-beta1-release-0.0.12-beta-493b4c6 -c "CODA_PRIVKEY_PASS='password' coda client-old generate-keypair -privkey-path /keys/my_key"

Basic Daemon:

This will run a full node without any extra features.

docker run -d --entrypoint /bin/bash codaprotocol/coda-daemon:0.0.11-beta1-release-0.0.12-beta-493b4c6 -c "coda daemon \
-log-level Info -config-directory /root/.coda-config \
-client-port 8301 -rest-port 3085 \
-external-port 8302 -discovery-port 8303 \
-metrics-port 10000  \
 -peer /dns4/ \
-peer /dns4/"

Block Producers:

This will run a block producer with a key you specify.

export MY_KEY_DIRECTORY=/absolute/path/to/keys
docker run  -d -v $(MY_KEY_DIRECTORY)/:/keys --entrypoint /bin/bash codaprotocol/coda-daemon:0.0.11-beta1-release-0.0.12-beta-493b4c6 -c "coda daemon \
-privkey-path /keys/my_key
-log-level Info -config-directory /root/.coda-config \
-client-port 8301 -rest-port 3085 \
-external-port 8302 -discovery-port 8303 \
-metrics-port 10000  \
 -peer /dns4/ \
-peer /dns4/"

Snark Worker:

This will run a SNARK worker. As there are no external components (like a private key) that need to be provided, no volumes!

docker run  -d --entrypoint /bin/bash codaprotocol/coda-daemon:0.0.11-beta1-release-0.0.12-beta-493b4c6 -c "coda daemon \
-snark-key <PUBLIC_KEY> 
-snark-fee 20
-log-level Info -config-directory /root/.coda-config \
-client-port 8301 -rest-port 3085 \
-external-port 8302 -discovery-port 8303 \
-metrics-port 10000  \
 -peer /dns4/ \
-peer /dns4/"
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