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Created May 2, 2013 21:06
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RSYNC is a software application for Unix systems which synchronizes files and directories from one location to another
# RSYNC is a software application for Unix systems which synchronizes files and directories from one location to another :::
# IMPORTANT : add your own data or parameters, I make use of double segments [[ your variable ]]. eg. ssh root@[[ ]] should be replaced with ssh root@888.88.88.88 where "888.88.88.88" is your value, variable etc. I have a habit of using ":::" to indicate line ending and end of paragraph, crazy I know but be warned its just how I write ::: All notes are for my own use & should you use any it's at your own risk, it's NOT a Tutorial :::
# Backing up files can be simple like my example below, or a bit more complicated backing up with RSYNC to another server etc. I did not need anything "complicated" but if you require exteral sync, below are several links to get you going :::
# resources
# Backup WP Folders
# Create a directory preferably outside wwww : eg. [[ user ]]/var/[[ BU-folder ]]
sudo mkdir /var/[[ BU-folder ]]
# Lets create a shell scrip to BU some folders, in a Typical WP install this would be the "wp-content" folder
# You will notice I added a "day_stamp, this will add the day of the week eg Thursday will be "4", This way I alwas have a 7 day backup :::
# Backup Typical Wordpress Folders.
# Format day eg. 1
day_stamp=$(date +%u)
# Use RSYNC to backup
rsync -az /var/www/wp-content /var/[[ yourdir ]]/wp-content_$day_stamp
# Lets run a Cron
# Example Schedule
# Backup Wordpress Site Files Daily @ 01:00 AM
# m h dom mon dow command
00 01 * * * bash /var/www/[[ yourdir ]]/
# Notes
# If you get an error like this : line 8: $'\r': command not found , you have CRLF line endings (that's \r\n in C and related languages).
# The simplest is to install dos2unix
sudo apt-get install dos2unix
# Then run
sudo dos2unix /var/www/[[ yourdir ]]/
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