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Created March 13, 2009 12:08
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* SymphonyEx::class.databasemanipulator.php
* Created on Feb 11, 2009
* FIXME: use the ASDC class!
if(!defined('__IN_SYMPHONY__')) die('<h2>Error</h2><p>You cannot directly access this file</p>');
** Include the symphony core stuff
require_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.entrymanager.php');
require_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.sectionmanager.php');
class DatabaseManipulator
// Symphony entity managers
private static $em=null, $sm=null, $ASDC=null;
** Associate the object with a Symphony _Parent
public static function associateParent( $parent, $initialise_em=true, $initialise_sm=true )
// FIXME! Check for parent's class name
// Plug in in the ASDC class. FIXME: Path
require_once (WORKSPACE . "/api/class.asdc.php");
self::$ASDC = ASDCLoader::instance();
// Standard symphony init
if ($initialise_sm) self::$sm = new SectionManager($parent);
if ($initialise_em) self::$em = new EntryManager($parent);
** Check is the objects are intiialised
public static function isInitialised( $check_sm=true, $check_em=true )
return ( ($check_em ? ( self::$em ? true : false) : true) && ($check_sm ? ( self::$sm ? true : false) : true));
** Get a section ID by name using managers
public static function getSectionIDByName( $section_name )
self::_assert(false, true);
if (is_array( $section_name ))
$ret = array();
foreach ($section_name as $name)
$ret[$name] = self::$sm->fetchIDFromHandle(Lang::createHandle($name));
return $ret;
return self::$sm->fetchIDFromHandle(Lang::createHandle($section_name));
** Returns an array of field names mapped to IDs
public static function getFieldIDsByName( $field_names, $section_id )
if (!is_numeric($section_id))
$section_id = self::getSectionIDByName($section_id);
// Retun array
$field_ids = array();
// Get the section entry
$fields = end(self::$sm->fetch($section_id));
if (is_array($field_names))
foreach ( $field_names as $key )
$field_ids[$key] = $fields->fetchFieldIDFromElementName($key, $section_id);
else if ($field_names=="*")
foreach ($fields->fetch(null, $section_id) as $field)
$tmp = $field->get();
$field_ids[$tmp['element_name']] = $tmp['id'];
return $field_ids;
** Get a single field IS by name
public static function getFieldIDByName( $field_name, $section_id )
$fields = self::getFieldIDsByName( "*", $section_id );
return $fields[$field_name];
** Fetch entries from a section, returning their associated counts
** filter argument is an array which matches field names to values
** :: array ("name" => "mr. stanfont")
** Or, in the case of section links
** :: array ("parent-band:relation_id" => $band_id)
public static function getEntries( $section_id, $field_ids=null, $filter=null, $conditions=null, $callback=null )
$mem_start = memory_get_usage();
// Perform all conditional replacements here
$limit = null;
$start = null;
${'show-counts'} = null;
// Assume the conditions data is to be trusted
if ($conditions)
extract($conditions, EXTR_IF_EXISTS);
// non-conditional variables
if (!is_numeric($section_id))
$section_id = self::getSectionIDByName($section_id);
// field data
if ($field_ids)
$field_ids = self::getFieldIDsByName($field_ids, $section_id);
// Filtering
$where = NULL;
$joins = NULL;
$entry_id = null;
if ($filter)
$processed_filters = array();
foreach ($filter as $key => $value)
if ($key == 'system:id')
$entry_id = $value;
list($field_name, $column_name) = explode(':', $key);
if (!is_numeric($field_name))
$field_name = self::getFieldIDByName($field_name, $section_id);
** Generate the SQL 'where' string, and modify if there a col name
if (!$field = self::$em->fieldManager->fetch($field_name))
throw new Exception(__CLASS__ . ":: field $field_name does not exist!");
if (!method_exists($field, 'buildDSRetrivalSQL'))
throw new Exception(__CLASS__ . ":: field SQL cannot be retrieved - method doesn't exist");
// A new storage variable for each iteration
$_where = null;
$_joins = null;
// Get the WHERE and JOIN
$field->buildDSRetrivalSQL(array($value), $_joins, $_where, true);
// Get the right table alias
$table_name = self::refineTableName($_joins);
// Continue the join
$joins .= $_joins;
// Process the WHEEE conditions if necessary
if ($column_name)
if (!table_name) throw new Exception("table name not found!");
$_where = " AND ( {$table_name}.{$column_name} = '{$value}' )";
$where .= $_where;
// No need for a return if there's a callback
if (!$callback)
$entries = array();
$ASDCResult = self::$ASDC->query(self::fetchSQLQuery($entry_id, $section_id, $limit, $start, $where, $joins));
for (; $ASDCResult->valid(); $ASDCResult->next())
$current = $ASDCResult->current();
// Ugly method of grabbing the entry's data
$entry = reset(self::$em->__buildEntries(array((array)$current), $section_id));
// Handle the callback
if ($callback)
$fields = null;
if ($field_ids)
$fields = array();
foreach ($field_ids as $key => $value)
$fields[$key] = $entry->getData($value);
call_user_func($callback, $entry->get('id'), $fields);
//if (${'show-counts'})
$entries[(int)$entry->get('id')]['counts'] = $entry->fetchAllAssociatedEntryCounts();
if ($field_ids)
foreach ($field_ids as $key => $value)
$entries[(int)$entry->get('id')]['fields'][$key] = $entry->getData($value);
foreach (self::$em->fetch($entry_id, $section_id, $limit, $start, $where, $joins) as $entry)
//if (${'show-counts'})
$entries[(int)$entry->get('id')]['counts'] = $entry->fetchAllAssociatedEntryCounts();
if ($field_ids)
foreach ($field_ids as $key => $value)
$entries[(int)$entry->get('id')]['fields'][$key] = $entry->getData($value);
var_dump(memory_get_usage() - $mem_start); */
if (!$callback)
return $entries;
return true;
** Get a section entry by ID
public static function getEntryById( $section_id, $entry_id, $field_ids=null )
if (!is_numeric($section_id))
$section_id = self::getSectionIDByName($section_id);
if (!$field_ids)
return end(self::$em->fetch($entry_id))->getData();
// Single dimension arrays need to be hooked up to field IDs
if (!is_array(reset($field_ids)))
$field_ids = self::getFieldIDsByName($field_ids, $section_id);
$fields = array();
$entry = end(self::$em->fetch($entry_id));
$fields['system:id'] = (int)$entry->get('id');
foreach ($field_ids as $key => $value)
$fields[$key] = $entry->getData($field_ids[$key]);
return $fields;
** Private methods
// Generate the standard Symphony query, slightly simplified from entrymanager
private static function fetchSQLQuery($entry_id = null, $section_id = null, $limit=NULL, $start=NULL, $where=NULL, $joins=NULL, $group=false, $sort_order="ASC")
if(!$entry_id && !$section_id)
throw new Exception(__CLASS__ . "::" . __FUNCTION__ ." - neither entry_id or section_id provided");
// Currently we only sort by date
$sort = 'ORDER BY ' . ($sort_order != 'RAND' ? "`e`.`creation_date` $sort_order" : 'RAND() ');
$sql = "
SELECT ".($group ? 'DISTINCT ' : '')."`e`.id,
`e`.section_id, e.`author_id`,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.`creation_date`) AS `creation_date`,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.`creation_date_gmt`) AS `creation_date_gmt`
FROM `tbl_entries` AS `e`
".($entry_id ? "AND `e`.`id` IN ('".@implode("', '", $entry_id)."') " : '')."
".($section_id ? "AND `e`.`section_id` = '$section_id' " : '')."
$sort" .
".($limit ? 'LIMIT ' . intval($start) . ', ' . intval($limit) : '')."
return $sql;
// Ensure the properties are set
private static function _assert( $check_em=true, $check_sm=true, $check_asdc=true )
if (($check_em && !self::$em) || ($check_sm && !self::$sm) || ($check_asdc && !self::$ASDC))
throw new Exception(__CLASS__ . ":: assert() failed");
// get a handle
private static function getHandle( $inp )
if (isset($inp['handle']))
return $inp["handle"];
return $inp['value'];
// Refine a table name from a join statement
private static function refineTableName( $join )
$matches = array();
if (!preg_match('/LEFT JOIN (`|\'|")(?P<table>[^`\'"]+)(`|\'|") AS (`|\'|")(?P<alias>[^`\'"]+)(`|\'|")/', $join, $matches))
return null;
return $matches['alias'];
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