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Last active April 24, 2019 12:06
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Rails 6 + Shoulda matchers + minitest-matchers_vaccine
gem install rails -v 6.0.0.beta3
rails _6.0.0.beta3_ new shoulda-matchers_test
bin/rails g scaffold User username:string
rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
# Add the following gems to the test group
gem 'shoulda-matchers', git: '' # Required for Rails 6 (
gem 'minitest-matchers_vaccine'
# Add some validation to the user model, see user.rb
# Update the user test, see user_test.rb
bin/rails test test/models/user_test.rb # Fails because of an "undefined method `validate_presence_of'"
# Uncomment the fourth line in user_test.rb to include the ActiveModel matchers manually.
bin/rails test test/models/user_test.rb # Success
class User < ApplicationRecord
validates :username, presence: true
require 'test_helper'
class UserTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
# include Shoulda::Matchers::ActiveModel
setup do
@subject =
test 'validations and associations' do
must validate_presence_of(:username)
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