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Ivan Yurov youroff

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require 'benchmark'
class Sqr
def initialize(xs)
@xs = xs
def run
puts "INLINE"
puts Benchmark.measure { { |x| x * x } }
def transform(value, type = :unaltered)
case value
when Hash then value.deep_transform_keys! { |key| transform(key, type) }
when Symbol then transform(value.to_s, type).to_sym
when String
case type
when :dash then value.dasherize
when :camel then value.underscore.camelize
when :camel_lower then value.underscore.camelize(:lower)
when :underscore then value.underscore
def cool_method
found = false
[1,2,3,4].each (item) ->
if item == 2
found = true
youroff / GenList.scala
Last active January 3, 2016 06:03
ScalaCheck custom list generator and sample property
package fpinscala.datastructures
import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen}
object GenList {
import fpinscala.datastructures.{Cons, Nil, List}
def genList[A:Arbitrary]: Gen[List[A]] = for {
hd <- Arbitrary.arbitrary[A]
tl <- Gen.oneOf(nilGen, genList[A])
} yield Cons(hd, tl)
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