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Created November 14, 2022 10:46
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# # '''import random
# # numbers = ['jkhgjh',True]
# # for i in range(6):
# # numbers.append(random.randint(-10, 10))
# # print(numbers)
# # s = []
# # u = 0
# # for i in range(8):
# # if type(numbers[i]) == int:
# # s.append(numbers[i])
# # print(s)
# #
# # for i in range(len(s) - 1):
# # for j in range(len(s) - i - 1):
# # if s[j] > s[j + 1]:
# # s[j] , s[j + 1] = s[j + 1] , s[j]
# #
# # print(s)
# #
# # import re
# # str = 'We four guys, live at 2nd street of Malibeu. I had a cash of $248 in my pocket. I got a ticket with serial number 88796451-52.'
# # #search using regex
# # count=0
# # x = re.findall('[0-9]+', str)
# # print(count)
# # print(x)'''
# # # count=1
# # # while True:
# # # a=int(input('введите число - '))
# # # if a>0:
# # # count+=1
# # # elif a==0:
# # # break
# # # print(f"количество введенных чисел : {count}")
# # # while True:
# # # b=input()
# # # if b=='STOP':
# # # break
# # # else:
# # # print(b)
# # # sum=0
# # # while True:
# # # c=int(input('введите число - '))
# # # if c>0:
# # # sum+=c
# # # elif c<0:
# # # break
# # #
# # # print(sum)
# # # num=10000
# # # count2=0
# # # p=0.25
# # # while True:
# # # num=num+num*p
# # # count2+=1
# # # if num>15000:
# # # break
# # # print(f" cherez {count2} mesyaca summa prevysit 15000")
# # #
# # # n=int(input())
# # # for i in range(1,101):
# # # print(i)
# # # if n%i==0:
# # # print(f"{n} prostoe chislo")
# # # else:
# # # continue
# # # num=int(input())
# # # reverse_number = 0
# # # n=num
# # # while n!=0:
# # #
# # # rem=n % 10
# # # reverse_number=reverse_number * 10 + rem
# # # n=int(n / 10)
# # #
# # # if num == reverse_number:
# # # print("Palindrom")
# # # else:
# # # print("Ne palindrom")
# # import operator
# # import datetime
# # import operator
# #
# #
# # class Account():
# # def __init__(self, id, name, login, password):
# # = id
# # = name
# # self.login = login
# # self.password = password
# #
# # # класс клиент
# #
# # def show_maneger(self):
# # print(' Имя: {}'.format(
# #
# # class Admin(Account):
# # def __init__(self, id, name, login, password):
# # super().__init__(id, name, login, password)
# #
# # def show_admin(self):
# # print(' Имя: {}'.format(
# #
# # class Client(Account):
# # def __init__(self, id, name, login, password, my_balance, schet, depozit, kredit,second_kredit, zp, percent_bank, timeDay,timeMonth,message=None):
# # super().__init__(id, name, login, password)
# # self.my_balance = my_balance
# # self.schet = schet
# # self.depozit = depozit
# # self.kredit = kredit
# # self.second_kredit = second_kredit
# # self.zp = zp
# # self.percent_bank = percent_bank
# # self.timeDay=timeDay
# # self.timeMonth=timeMonth
# # self.message=message
# # def show_client(self):
# # print(' name {}'
# # ' schet {}'
# # ' depozit {}'
# # ' kredit {}'
# # ' zp {}'
# # ' percent_bank {}'
# # ' timeDay {}'
# # ' timeMonth {}'
# # ' message {}'
# # .format(, self.schet, self.depozit, self.kredit, self.zp, self.percent_bank,self.timeDay,self.timeMonth,self.message))
# #
# #
# #
# # c1 = Client('031113551327', 'Bokeikhan Alisher', 'a', '1', '2016348751234005698', 1000000, 0, 280000,0,0,0)
# # c2 = Client('041104651952', 'Tukhpatulla Shara', 'shara_krasavchik', '123456qwerty', '20001234221156785940', 0,250000, 35000,0, 7,date.month)
# # c3 = Client('030302551311', 'Kudaibergenov Mukhit', 'yourrocean', 'alishloh', '4400430114001440655', 10000, 0, 36600, 0,0,0)
# # e = [c1, c2, c3]
# #
# #
# # # класс менеджер
# # class Meneger(Account):
# # def __init__(self, id, name, login, password, spisok):
# # super().__init__(id, name, login, password)
# # self.spisok = spisok
# #
# # def show_meneger(self):
# # print(' spisok {}'.format(self.spisok))
# #
# #
# # m1 = Meneger('990123556510', 'Markhabai Dauren', 'dauren_m', '123456789000', e)
# # m2 = Meneger('041309556211', 'Zhapalov Alkhan', 'zhapalov_a', '1234', e)
# # e1 = [m1, m2]
# #
# #
# # class Admin(Account):
# # def __init__(self, id, name, login, password, spisok):
# # super().__init__(id, name, login, password)
# # self.spisok = e
# #
# # def blok(self):
# # print('чей счет хотите заблокировать ')
# # a = input()
# # for i in e:
# # if a ==
# # e.pop(i)
# # print(e)
# #
# # def udalit(self):
# # print('кого хотите удалить?')
# # b = input()
# # for i in e:
# # if b ==
# # e.clear()
# # print(e)
# #
# # def kosu(self, e):
# # e = []
# # c4 = Client(,, self.schet(int(input())))
# # for i in e:
# # e.append()
# #
# # def show_admin(self):
# # print(' id {}'
# # ' name {}'
# # ' spisok {}'.format(,, self.spisok))
# #
# #
# # a1 = Admin('125689112354', 'Serikbay Khusein', 'serikbayy', '147852369', e)
# # a2 = Admin('042501568974', 'Marat Tileubek', 'm', 'q', e)
# # e2=[a1,a2]
# #
# # while True:
# # print('1. Meneger')
# # print('2. Admin')
# # print('3. Client')
# # print('4. exit')
# # n = int(input())
# # if n == 1:
# # login = input('Введите логин ')
# # parol = input('Введите пароль ')
# # if login == e1[0].login and parol == e1[0].password or login == e1[1].login and parol == e1[1].password:
# # while True:
# # print('1. Посомтреть клиентов у которых есть депозит')
# # print('2. Просмотр клиентов у которых есть кредит')
# # print('3. exit')
# # num = int(input())
# # if num == 1:
# # for i in e:
# # if i.depozit > 0:
# # i.show_client()
# # elif num == 2:
# # for i in e:
# # if i.kredit > 0:
# # i.show_client()
# # elif num == 3:
# # break
# # # менеджеры
# # if n == 2:
# # cheker = 0
# # login = input('Введите логин ')
# # parol = input('Введите пароль ')
# # for i in e2:
# # if login == i.login and parol == i.password:
# #
# # while True:
# # print('1. Заблокировать счет')
# # print('2. Заморозить депозит')
# # print('3. exit')
# # num = int(input())
# # if num == 1:
# #
# # name = input('Введите имя человека чей счет вам надо заблокировать')
# # for i in e:
# #
# # if
# # print('Счет',, 'заблокирован')
# # i.message="Block"
# # else:
# # print('Введите имя правильно')
# # elif num == 2:
# # name = input('Введите имя человека чей депозит надо заморозить')
# # for i in e:
# # if name.lower() == e[i].name.lower():
# #
# # cheker = 1
# # if cheker == 1:
# # print('Депозит',, 'был заморожен')
# # else:
# # print('Введите имя правильно')
# # elif num==3:
# # break
# #
# # if n == 3:
# # login = input('Введите логин ')
# # parol = input('Введите пароль ')
# # for i in e:
# # if i.password == parol and i.login == login:
# # i.show_client()
# #
# # while True:
# # print('1. Узнать номер счета')
# # print('2. Есть ли у меня кредит')
# # print('3. exit')
# # num = int(input())
# # if num == 1 and i.message!="Block":
# #
# # print(i.schet)
# #
# # elif num == 2 and i.message!="Block" :
# #
# # if i.kredit > 0:
# # cheker = 1
# # if cheker == 1:
# # print(i.kredit)
# # else:
# # print('У вас нету кредита')
# # elif num == 3:
# # break
# # elif i.message=="Block":
# # print("Block")
# # if n == 4:
# # break
# #
# import datetime
# import operator
# class Account():
# def __init__(self, id, name, login, password):
# = id
# = name
# self.login = login
# self.password = password
# class Maneger(Account):
# def __init__(self, id, name, login, password):
# super().__init__(id, name, login, password)
# def show_maneger(self):
# print(' Имя: {}'.format(
# class Admin(Account):
# def __init__(self, id, name, login, password):
# super().__init__(id, name, login, password)
# def show_admin(self):
# print(' Имя: {}'.format(
# class Client(Account):
# def __init__(self, id, name, login, password, my_balance, schet, depozit, kredit, second_kredit, zp, timeday, timemonth, massage = None):
# super().__init__(id, name, login, password)
# self.my_balance = my_balance
# self.schet = schet
# self.depozit = depozit
# self.kredit = kredit
# self.second_kredit = second_kredit
# self.zp = zp
# self.timeday = timeday
# self.timemonth = timemonth
# self.massage = massage
# def show_client(self):
# print(' ИИН: {}'
# ' Имя: {}'
# ' Личный счет: {}'
# ' Депозит: {}'
# ' Кредит: {}'
# ' salary: {}'
# ' Второй кредит: {}'
# ' День оплаты: {}'
# ' Месяц оплаты: {}'.format(,, self.my_balance, self.depozit, self.kredit,self.zp, self.second_kredit, self.timeday, self.timemonth))
# c1 = Client('031113551327', 'Бокейхан Алишер', 'ba', '1', 100000, 1200000, 4000000, 3000000, 0, 36600, 10,12)
# c2 = Client('041236547859', 'Кудайбергенов Мухит', 'km', '2', 126547, 1199999, 3250000, 0, 0, 200000, 11,11)
# c3 = Client('041104556984', 'Тухпатулла Шара', 'ts', '3', 500000, 2500000, 6000000, 1500000, 0, 13000, 7,10)
# e = [c1, c2, c3]
# m1 = Maneger('021456398745', 'Муратов Алихан', 'ma', '4')
# m2 = Maneger('125478632148', 'Марат Тилеубек', 'mt', '5')
# e1 = [m1, m2]
# a1 = Admin('214569874521', 'Жапалов Альхан', 'ja', '6')
# a2 = Admin('365214785698', 'Серикбай Хусейн', 'skh', '7')
# e2 = [a1, a2]
# while True:
# print('1. Client')
# print('2. Maneger')
# print('3. Admin')
# print('4. exit')
# num = int(input())
# if num == 1:
# login = input('Введите логин ')
# parol = input('Введите пароль')
# for i in e:
# if i.login == login and i.password == parol:
# i.show_client()
# while True:
# print('1. Погасить кредит')
# print('2. перевод между счетами')
# print('3. взять кредит')
# print('4. проверить просрочку кредита')
# print('5. Проверить есть ли у меня кредит')
# print('6. Выход ')
# n = int(input())
# if n == 1 and i.massage != "Block":
# tg = int(input('введите сумму погашения '))
# e[index].kredit = e[index].kredit - tg
# e[index].show_client()
# elif n == 2 and i.massage != "Block":
# while True:
# print('1. перевести с счета на депозит')
# print('2. перевести с депозита на счет')
# print('3. exit')
# n = int(input())
# if n == 1:
# tg = int(input('сумма перевода '))
# e[index].depozit += tg
# e[index].schet -= tg
# e[index].show_client()
# elif n == 2:
# tg = int(input('сумма перевода '))
# e[index].depozit -= tg
# e[index].schet += tg
# e[index].show_client()
# elif n == 3:
# break
# elif n == 3 and i.massage != "Block":
# print('вы точно уверены что ъотите взть второй кредит? (да \ нет)')
# answer = input()
# if answer.lower() == 'да' or answer.lower() == 'yes':
# if e[index].zp > 250000:
# print('мы можем вам оформить еще кредит')
# kredit_second = int(input('сумма второго кредита '))
# e[index].second_kredit = kredit_second
# e[index].show_client()
# else:
# print('у вас не достоточная зароботная плата для погашение второго кредита, мы вам его не одобряем')
# else:
# print('хорошо, оформлять не будем')
# elif n == 4 and i.massage != "Block":
# for i in e:
# if i.timeday and i.timemonth > vremya:
# print('у вас просрочка')
# elif i.timeday and i.timemonth < vremya:
# print('раскидайте долг, иначе коллектор приедет <3')
# else:
# print('все ок')
# elif num == 5 and i.massage != "Block":
# for i in e:
# if i.kredit > 0:
# print('summma vaeshego kredita:', i.kredit)
# else:
# print('У вас нету кредита')
# elif i.massage == "Block":
# print("Block")
# elif n == 6:
# break
# elif num == 2:
# login = input('Введите логин ')
# parol = input('Введите пароль ')
# for i in range(len(e1)):
# if e1[i].login == login and e1[i].password == parol:
# e1[i].show_maneger
# index = i
# while True:
# print('1. клиенты у кого есть депозит')
# print('2. клиенты у кого просрочена деь оплаты кредита')
# print('3. выход')
# num = int(input())
# if num == 1:
# for i in e:
# if i.depozit > 0:
# i.show_client
# # elif num == 2:
# # for i in e:
# # if i.time
# elif num == 3:
# login = input('Введите логин ')
# parol = input('Введите пароль ')
# for i in e2:
# if login == i.login and parol == i.password:
# while True:
# print('1. Заблокировать счет')
# print('2. Заморозить депозит')
# print('3. exit')
# num = int(input())
# if num == 1:
# name = input('Введите имя человека чей счет вам надо заблокировать')
# for i in e:
# if name ==
# print('Счет',, 'заблокирован')
# i.message = "Block"
# break
# else:
# print('Введите имя правильно')
# elif num == 2:
# name = input('Введите имя человека чей депозит надо заморозить')
# for i in e2:
# if name.lower() ==
# index = i
# cheker = 1
# if cheker == 1:
# print('Депозит',, 'был заморожен')
# else:
# print('Введите имя правильно')
# elif num == 3:
# break
# elif num == 4:
# break
# import random
# class Coll():
# def my_coll(a):
# for i in range(len(a)):
# print('1.Добавить элемент')
# print('2.Удалить элемент')
# print('3.Определить тип элемента')
# print('4.Counter')
# print('5.Copy')
# print('6.Exit')
# n=int(input())
# if n==1:
# a.append(int(input('Vvedite chislo: ')))
# print(a)
# elif n==2:
# print(a)
# b=int(input('Delete element po index:'))
# a.pop(b)
# print(a)
# elif n==3:
# arr=[]
# intarr=[]
# floatarr=[]
# strarr=[]
# for i in range(len(a)):
# if type(a[i])==int:
# intarr.append(a[i])
# elif type(a[i])==float:
# floatarr.append((a[i]))
# elif type(a[i])==str:
# strarr.append((a[i]))
# print('int:',intarr)
# print('float:',floatarr)
# print('string:',strarr)
# elif n==4:
# arr=[]
# for i in range(5):
# arr.append(random.randint(5,20))
# print(arr)
# print(max(arr, key=arr.count))
# elif n==5:
# random.shuffle(a)
# print(a)
# elif n==7:
# break
# else:
# print('Vvedite norm chislo')
# print(a)
# m=int(input('kol cikla:'))
# a=[]
# for i in range(m):
# a.append(int(input('Napishi int chislo:')))
# a.append(input('Napishi slovo:'))
# a.append(float(input('napishi float chislo:')))
# print(a)
# my_coll(a)
import random
# class Set:
# def __init__(self,a,b):
# self.a=a
# self.b=b
# def pop(self,list,nPop):
# print(list)
# try:
# list.pop(nPop)
# except:
# print("That index is not exist")
# print(list)
# def add(self,list,nAdd):
# list.append(nAdd)
# return a.sett(list)
# def union(self,list,list2):
# list3=[]
# list3=list+list2
# return a.sett(list3)
# def difference(self,list,list2):
# list3=[]
# list4=[]
# print(list2)
# for i in range(len(list)):
# count=0
# for j in range(len(list2)):
# if list[i]==list2[j]:
# count+=1
# if count == 1:
# break
# if count ==0:
# list3.append(list[i])
# for i in range(len(list2)):
# count1=0
# for j in range(len(list)):
# if list2[i]==list[j]:
# count1+=1
# if count1 == 1:
# break
# if count1 == 0:
# list4.append(list2[i])
# print("a.difference(b) = ",list3)
# print("b.difference(a) = ",list4)
# def intersection(self,list,list2):
# list3=[]
# for i in range(len(list)):
# count=0
# for j in range(len(list2)):
# if list[i]==list2[j]:
# count+=1
# if count==1:
# list3.append(list[i])
# a.sett(list3)
# def sett(self,list):
# #12 12 13 14
# for i in range(len(list)):
# count = 0
# for j in range(len(list)):
# if list[i]==list[j]:
# count+=1
# if count==2:
# list.pop(j)
# return a.sett(list)
# list=sorted(list)
# print(list)
# def main(self):
# n=int(input("Enter n: "))
# list=[]
# for i in range(n):
# i=int(input("Enter element: "))
# list.append(i)
# print(list)
# a.sett(list)
# while True:
# print("1.pop\n2.add\n3.union\n4.difference\n5.intersection")
# try:
# n = int(input("Enter n: "))
# except ValueError:
# print("Please try again")
# else:
# if n == 1:
# while True:
# try:
# nPop=int(input("Enter index element: "))
# except ValueError:
# print("Please try again")
# else:
# a.pop(list,nPop)
# break
# elif n == 2:
# while True:
# try:
# nAdd=int(input("add new element: "))
# except ValueError:
# print("Please try again")
# else:
# a.add(list,nAdd)
# elif n == 3:
# nSizeNewMass=int(input("Enter size new set: "))
# list2=[]
# for i in range(nSizeNewMass):
# nElement=int(input("Enter elements: "))
# list2.append(nElement)
# a.sett(list2)
# a.union(list,list2)
# elif n == 4:
# nSizeNewMass = int(input("Enter size new set: "))
# list2 = []
# for i in range(nSizeNewMass):
# nElement = int(input("Enter elements: "))
# list2.append(nElement)
# a.difference(list,list2)
# elif n==5:
# nSizeNewMass = int(input("Enter size new set: "))
# list2 = []
# for i in range(nSizeNewMass):
# nElement = int(input("Enter elements: "))
# list2.append(nElement)
# a.intersection(list,list2)
# else:
# print("Please try again")
# a=Set(2,3)
# a.main()
# import random
# a=[]
# for i in range(13):
# a.append(random.randint(1,1001))
# print(a)
# b=[]
# for i in range(len(a)):
# if a[i]%10==0:
# print('X')
# elif a[i]%1000==0:
# print('M')
# elif a[i]%100==0:
# print('C')
# print(b)
# a=['coffe','milk','coffe','pen','milk','coke','coke','book','pen','book','pen','paper cup','coffe','coffe']
# item={}
# for i in range(len(a)):
# item[i]=a.count(i)
# for k, v in item.items():
# print(k,':',v)
# import random
# print('-'.join('012.545.545'.split('.')))
# s='hello'
# d=(list(s))
# print(d)
# print(''.join(d))
# print(s.capitalize())
# c='abcd'
# print(c.startswith('b',1))
# print(c.endswith('a',0))
# text='123,1314,5156'
# aa=text.replace(',','')
# print(aa)
# a=[]
# keys=[31,324,53,5]
# keY=['january','m','g','f']
# for i in range(len(keys)):
# keY.fromkeys(keys,i)
# print(keY)
from collections import defaultdict
import datetime
import time
import random
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