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Last active June 10, 2016 05:03
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namespace GivenTree\Certification;
* A simple example orepository pattern (
* In this example I've used in-memory strategy to retrieve records
* Project:
* Framework: Laravel
class PageRepository
* @var array
protected $data = [
1 => [
'id' => 1,
'status' => UserPage::STATUS_NEW,
'title' => 'Basic Info',
'validation' => [
'organization_name' => 'max:255',
'inputs' => [
'websiteInformation' => [
1 => 'Mission Statement',
2 => 'Pictures',
3 => 'Address',
4 => 'Vision',
5 => 'Live Feed',
6 => 'Value / Philosophy',
7 => 'Phone',
8 => 'Informational Video(s)',
9 => 'Email',
'financialInformation' => [
['name' => '990 Forms', 'options' => [1 => 'Most Recent Year', 2 => 'Past 2 Years', 3 => 'Past 3 Years']],
['name' => 'Financial Reports', 'options' => [4 => 'Most Recent Year', 5 => 'Past 2 Years', 6 => 'Past 3 Years']],
['name' => 'Project Info', 'options' => [7 => 'Past Projects(s)', 8 => 'Current Project(s)', 9 => 'Future Projects(s)']],
['name' => 'Board of Directors', 'options' => [10 => 'Names', 11 => 'Pictures', 12 => 'Bio']],
'socialNetworks' => [
1 => 'Facebook',
2 => 'Twitter',
3 => 'Blogs',
4 => 'Linkedin',
5 => 'YouTube',
6 => 'Pinterest',
7 => 'Instagram',
'requiredFields' => [
'comments' => []
2 => [
'id' => 2,
'status' => UserPage::STATUS_NEW,
'title' => 'Philosophy & Approach',
'validation' => [
'inputs' => [
'relyOnExpeditionsFunds' => [
1 => 'Overhead Expenses',
2 => 'Project Materials',
3 => 'Expedition Expenses',
4 => 'Other',
'frequencyOfBoardMember' => [
1 => 'Monthly',
2 => 'Quarterly',
3 => 'Bi-Annually',
4 => 'Annually',
'yesNo' => [
'yes' => 'Yes',
'no' => 'No',
'requiredFields' => [
'comments' => []
3 => [
'id' => 3,
'status' => UserPage::STATUS_NEW,
'title' => 'Financial Health',
'inputs' => [
'fundraising' => [
1 => 'Board Members',
2 => 'Volunteer Program',
3 => 'Government',
4 => 'Companies',
5 => 'Small donations',
6 => 'Grants',
7 => 'Website (Online donations)',
8 => 'Large donors',
9 => 'Foundations',
10 => 'Fundraisers',
11 => 'Other',
'financialTransparency' => [
1 => 'Are your 990 Forms available to public?',
2 => 'Do you have Financial Statements available to public?',
3 => 'Do you have Annual Reports available to public?'
'validation' => [],
'requiredFields' => [
'comments' => []
4 => [
'id' => 4,
'status' => UserPage::STATUS_NEW,
'title' => 'Performance',
'inputs' => [],
'validation' => [],
'requiredFields' => [
'annual_activity_report', 'quarterly_activity_updates'
'comments' => []
function find($pageNumber)
return (object) $this->data[$pageNumber];
function findAll()
foreach ($this->data as $i => $page) {
$pages[$i] = (object) $page;
return $pages;
namespace CityManager\Tests;
use CityManager\Problem\Problem;
use CityManager\Problem\Category;
use CityManager\Problem\Photo;
use \DateTime;
* Unit-test class using PHPUnit Framework, DateTime mocking
* Project: Comercial (I can't share the link)
* Frameworks/Libs: Symfony 2, Doctrine, PHPUnit, php-timecop
class ProblemTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @var string
protected $title = 'There is a BIG hole on my street';
* @var string
protected $description = 'What a hole!!!!';
* @var \DateTime
protected $reportedAt;
* @var Category|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
protected $category;
* @var Problem
protected $problem;
* @var Photo|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
protected $photo;
* @inheritdoc
function setUp()
$this->category = $this->getMockBuilder(Category::class)
$this->photo = $this->getMockBuilder(Photo::class)
* Mocking current time
* @see
$newTime = mktime(12, 0, 0, 4, 11, 2000);
$this->reportedAt = new DateTime('2000-04-01 00:00:00');
* @return Problem
function createProblem()
$problem = new Problem($this->title, $this->description, $this->category);
$reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass(Problem::class);
$reflectionProperty = $reflectionClass->getProperty('reportedAt');
$reflectionProperty->setValue($problem, $this->reportedAt);
return $problem;
* @test
function constructorShouldAssignCorrectAttributes()
$problem = $this->createProblem();
$this->assertAttributeEquals($this->title, 'title', $problem);
$this->assertAttributeEquals($this->description, 'description', $problem);
$this->assertAttributeEquals($this->category, 'category', $problem);
* @test
function constructorShouldAssignCurrentTimeToReportedAtAttribute()
$problem = $this->createProblem();
$this->assertAttributeEquals($this->reportedAt, 'reportedAt', $problem);
* @test
function newProblemMustHaveItsStatusAsUnpublished()
$problem = $this->createProblem();
$this->assertEquals(Problem::STATUS_WAITING_REVISION, $problem->getStatus());
* @test
function publishShouldChangeStatusToPublished()
$problem = $this->createProblem();
$this->assertEquals(Problem::STATUS_PUBLISHED, $problem->getStatus());
* @test
function addPhotosMustPhotoToStack()
$problem = $this->createProblem();
$this->assertContains($this->photo, $problem->getPhotos());
* @test
function getDaysSinceReportMustReturnTotalDaysDifferenceFromReportDate()
$problem = $this->createProblem();
$this->assertEquals(10, $problem->getDaysSinceReport());
* @test
function isResolvedMustReturnProblemInstance()
$problem = $this->createProblem();
$this->assertInstanceOf(Problem::class, $problem->isResolved());
* @test
function isResolvedMustChangeSituationToResolved()
$problem = $this->createProblem();
$this->assertAttributeEquals(Problem::SITUATION_RESOLVED, 'situation', $problem);
* @test
function isResolvedMustChangeResolvedMessageAttribute()
$message = 'WOW... Nice Jobs guys!';
$problem = $this->createProblem();
$this->assertAttributeEquals($message, 'isResolvedMessage', $problem);
* @inheritdoc
function tearDown()
namespace Iugu\Api;
use GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\ServerException;
use Iugu\Api\Exception\ClientException as IuguClientException;
use Iugu\Api\Exception\ServerException as IuguServerException;
* Class tested on RestWrapperTest.php file.
* @package Iugu\Api
class RestWrapper
* @var ClientInterface
protected $client;
* @var ResponseHandler
protected $handler;
* RestWrapper constructor.
* @param ClientInterface $client
* @param ResponseHandler $handler
public function __construct(ClientInterface $client, ResponseHandler $handler)
$this->client = $client;
$this->handler = $handler;
* @param $uri
* @param $options
* @return array
function get($uri, array $options = [])
try {
return $this->handler->handle($this->client->request('get', $uri, ['json' => $options]));
} catch (ClientException $e) {
throw new IuguClientException($e->getResponse()->getBody(), $e->getCode());
} catch (ServerException $e) {
throw new IuguServerException($e->getResponse()->getBody(), $e->getCode());
namespace Iugu\Api;
use GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response;
use GuzzleHttp\Handler\MockHandler;
use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
* Unit-test class using PHPUnit Framework and mocking HTTP requests using Guzzle
* I've made this class to reduce complexity existent on client code.
* Project: (it's a kind of PayPal for startups)
* Frameworks/Libs: Zend Framework 2, Guzzle
* @package Iugu\Api
class RestWrapperTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @var \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject|Client
protected $client;
* @var \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject|ResponseInterface
protected $response;
* @var \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject|ResponseHandler
protected $handler;
function setUp()
$this->client = $this->getMockBuilder(ClientInterface::class)
$this->handler = $this->getMockBuilder(ResponseHandler::class)
$this->response = $this->getMockBuilder(ResponseInterface::class)
* @test
* @dataProvider getMethods
* @param $method
function allMethodsMustConvertResponsesIntoArray($method)
$uri = 'foo';
->with($method, $uri)
$wrapper = new RestWrapper($this->client, $this->handler);
$this->assertInternalType('array', $wrapper->$method($uri));
* @param Response $response
* @return Client
function createClient(Response $response)
$token = 'test-token';
// Create a mock and queue two responses.
$mock = new MockHandler([$response]);
$handler = HandlerStack::create($mock);
return new Client([
'base_uri' => '',
'auth' => [$token, ''],
'handler' => $handler
* @test
* @expectedException \Iugu\Api\Exception\ClientException
* @expectedExceptionMessage Unauthorized
* @expectedExceptionCode 400
* @dataProvider getMethods
* @param $method
function mustThrowExceptionForClientErrors($method)
$response = new Response(400, [], '{"errors": "Unauthorized"}');
$handler = new ResponseHandler(new ResponseConverter());
$wrapper = new RestWrapper($this->createClient($response), $handler);
* @test
* @expectedException \Iugu\Api\Exception\ServerException
* @expectedExceptionMessage Server Error
* @expectedExceptionCode 500
* @dataProvider getMethods
* @param $method
function mustThrowExceptionForServerErrors($method)
$response = new Response(500, [], '{"errors": "Server Error"}');
$handler = new ResponseHandler(new ResponseConverter());
$wrapper = new RestWrapper($this->createClient($response), $handler);
* @return array
function getMethods()
return [
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