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Last active December 8, 2015 04:58
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* @author Amar
* @description A LiveScript i3status replacement
* @requires ttf-font-icons (AUR)
* @version 1.0.0
require! [fs, child_process, moment]
const username = \amar
const en-interface = \enp2s0f0
const wl-interface = \wlp3s0
const battery-file = \BAT0
const adaptor-file = \ADP1
bar =
# MPV now playing; Artist - Title
playing =
full_text: ''
# TODO: Maybe bluetooth? 
dropbox =
full_text: ''
# Network stuff (separated for potential color)
net-icon =
full_text: \-
separator: false
net-quality =
full_text: ''
separator: false
net-upload =
full_text: ''
#min_width: ' 00.00'
separator: false
net-download =
full_text: ''
#min_width: ' 00.00'
# Basic info
volume =
full_text: \-
battery =
full_text: \-
time =
full_text: \-
# TODO: Use (although unstable) instead of polling files
# Define update functions; called from set-timeout
update-playing = !->
err, playing.full_text <-! "/home/#username/.local/share/mpv/scrobble.txt", \UTF-8
update-dropbox = do ->
statuses =
"Couldn't get status: daemon isn't responding"
"Couldn't get status: "
"Dropbox isn't responding!"
"Dropbox daemon stopped."
"Dropbox isn't running!"
err, status, stderr <-! child_process.exec "dropbox status", _
if err or stderr then return
status .= trim!
dropbox.full_text = if status in statuses then '' else if status is "Up to date" then \ else \
# TODO: Maybe parse status and show how many files are syncing?
# NB: Language matches locale; currently German but could change.
update-network = do ->
build-speed-getter = (intface, is-upload) ->
direction = if is-upload then \t else \r
prev-time = moment!
prev-bytes = 0
(callback) !->
err, bytes <-! "/sys/class/net/#{intface}/statistics/#{direction}x_bytes", \UTF-8, _
if err then return
bytes .= trim!
now = moment!
speed = (bytes - prev-bytes) * (1/131072) / (now.diff prev-time, \seconds, true)
prev-time := now
prev-bytes := parse-int bytes
callback? speed
do get-upload-en = build-speed-getter en-interface, true
do get-upload-wl = build-speed-getter wl-interface, true
do get-download-en = build-speed-getter en-interface, false
do get-download-wl = build-speed-getter wl-interface, false
err, is-ethernet <-! "/sys/class/net/#{en-interface}/carrier", \UTF-8, _
if err then return
is-ethernet = is-ethernet.trim! ~= 1
if is-ethernet
net-icon.full_text = \
net-quality.full_text = ''
up-speed <-! get-upload-en
net-upload.full_text = " #{ 2}"
down-speed <-! get-download-en
net-download.full_text = " #{ 2}"
err, is-wireless <-! "/sys/class/net/#{wl-interface}/carrier", \UTF-8, _
if err then return
is-wireless = is-wireless.trim! ~= 1
if is-wireless
net-icon.full_text = \
up-speed <-! get-upload-wl
net-upload.full_text = " #{ 2}"
down-speed <-! get-download-wl
net-download.full_text = " #{ 2}"
err, quality, stderr <-! child_process.exec "iwlist #{wl-interface} scan | grep Quality | awk '{print $1}' | awk -F '=' '{print $2}'", _
if err or stderr then return
quality = quality.trim!.split \/
quality = (quality[0]*100/quality[1]).<<.0
net-quality.full_text = "#quality"
update-volume = !->
err, is-mute, stderr <-! child_process.exec "amixer sget Master | awk -F'[][]' '/dB/ {print $6}'", _
if err or stderr then return
is-mute = is-mute.trim! == \off
err, vol, stderr <-! child_process.exec "amixer sget Master | awk -F'[[%]' '/dB/ { print $2 }'", _
if err or stderr then return
vol = vol.trim!
icon = ''
if is-mute or vol < 1
icon = \
else if vol < 34
icon = \
else if vol < 67
icon = \
icon = \
volume.full_text = "#icon #vol"
update-battery = !->
err, capacity <-! "/sys/class/power_supply/#{battery-file}/capacity", \UTF-8, _
if err then return
capacity = capacity.trim!
err, is-charging <-! "/sys/class/power_supply/#{adaptor-file}/online", \UTF-8, _
if err then return
is-charging = is-charging.trim! ~= 1
icon = ''
if is-charging
icon = \
else if capacity < 25
icon = \
else if capacity < 50
icon = \
else if capacity < 75
icon = \
icon = \
battery.full_text = "#icon #capacity"
red = (((100-capacity)/100 * 255).<<.0).toString 16
green = ((capacity/100 * 255).<<.0).toString 16
if red.length < 2 then red = "0#red"
if green.length < 2 then green = "0#green"
battery.color = \# + red + green + \00
update-time = !-> time.full_text = moment!.format 'dd D/M H:mm'
update-bar = !-> console.log "#{JSON.stringify bar},"
# Update network info every second
set-interval update-playing, 1000
# Update dropbox info every second
set-interval update-dropbox, 1000
# Update network info every second
set-interval update-network, 1000
# Update volume info 10 times per second
set-interval update-volume, 100
# Update battery info every second (because of icon)#10 minutes
# TODO: Consider separating icon from info to reduce polling frequency
set-interval update-battery, 1000
# Update time every minute
set-interval update-time, 60000
# Update bar 10 times per second (max frequency of change)
console.log '{ "version": 1 }['
set-interval update-bar, 100
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