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Created July 6, 2013 23:07
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Save youxiachai/5941618 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Copyright (C) 2012-10-24 JIN BIN BIN (AstroBoy)
package com.example.datatest;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.UUID;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import android.util.Log;
* 数据处理的工具类
* 主要实现对数据进行加密、解密、排序等
* @author JIN BIN BIN (AstroBoy)
* @date 2012-10-24
public class DataUtil {
* 类标记
private static final String TAG = "DataUtil";
* 所有大写拉丁字母字符
* 所有小写拉丁字母字符
public static final String LOWER_LETTER_CHAR = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
* 所有数字字符
public static final String ARAB_NUMBER_CHAR = "0123456789";
* 所有大写中文数字字符
public static final String UPPER_CHINA_NUMBER_CHAR = "零壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖拾佰仟萬億";
* 所有小写中文数字字符
public static final String LOWER_CHINA_NUMBER_CHAR = "零一二三四五六七八九十百千万亿";
private DataUtil() {
* 随机生成唯一UUID字符串
*@return 返回随机产生的唯一字符
public static String getOnlyStr() {
Log.v(TAG, "getOnlyStr");
return UUID.randomUUID().toString();
* 随机生成字符串
* @param length
* 指定生产字符串长度
* @param chars
* 生成的字符串中的每个字符都是随机从字符粗chars取出字符
* @return 返回随机生成的字符 (不能保证不重复)
public static String generateStr(int length, String chars) {
Log.v(TAG, "generateStr");
String result = null;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
Random random = new Random();
int size = chars.length();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result = sb.toString();
return result;
* 十六进制数值字符串转byte类数据
* @param strhex
* 数据源
* @return 返回转换后的byte数据
public static byte[] hex2byte(String strhex) {
Log.v(TAG, "hex2byte");
if (strhex == null) {
return null;
int l = strhex.length();
if (l % 2 == 1) {
return null;
byte[] b = new byte[l / 2];
for (int i = 0; i != l / 2; i++) {
b<i> = (byte) Integer.parseInt(strhex.substring(i * 2, i * 2 + 2),
return b;
* byte数据转十六进制数值字符串
* @param b
* byte数据源
* @return 返回转换字符串数据
public static String byte2hex(byte[] b) {
Log.v(TAG, "byte2hex");
StringBuffer hs = new StringBuffer(b.length);
String stmp = "";
int len = b.length;
for (int n = 0; n < len; n++) {
stmp = Integer.toHexString(b[n] & 0xFF);
if (stmp.length() == 1)
hs = hs.append("0").append(stmp);
else {
hs = hs.append(stmp);
return String.valueOf(hs);
* MD5加密(一般认为无法解密,不过现在已经被证明可以解密)
* 信息-摘要
* @param data
* 数据源
* @return 返回加密的字符串数据
public static String encryptData2MD5(String data) {
Log.v(TAG, "encryptionData2MD5");
String result = null;
try {
MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
result = byte2hex(md5.digest());
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return result;
* SHA加密 (不可以解密)
* @param data
* 数据源
* @return 返回加密的字符串数据
public static String encyptData2SHA(String data) {
Log.v(TAG, "encyptData2SHA");
String result = null;
try {
MessageDigest sha = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA");
result = byte2hex(sha.digest());
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return result;
* 简单可逆加密解密
* @param data
* 数据源
* @return 解密或加密后的数据
public static String encryptDataReversible(String data) {
Log.v(TAG, "encryptionDataReversible");
char[] chars = data.toCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
chars<i> = (char) (chars<i> ^ '1');
return new String(chars);
* 获取用于加密的公钥和私钥的钥匙包
* @param type
* 加密方式
* @param size
* 生成公钥和私钥的字符大小
* @return 换回生成的钥匙包
public static KeyPair getKeyCase(String type, int size) {
Log.v(TAG, "getKeyCase");
KeyPair keyPair = null;
try {
KeyPairGenerator keyPairGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance(type);
keyPair = keyPairGen.generateKeyPair();
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Log.v(TAG, e.getMessage());
return keyPair;
* 获取消息验证码
* @param data
* 数据源
* @param key
* 获取数据源钥匙
* @return 返回加密的消息验证码
public static String getEncryptHMACMD5(String data, String key) {
Log.v(TAG, "getEncryptHMACMD5");
String result = null;
try {
byte[] keyByte = key.getBytes("UTF-8");
SecretKeySpec sks = new SecretKeySpec(keyByte, "HMACMD5");
Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HMACMD5");
byte[] certifyCode = mac.doFinal();
if (certifyCode != null) {
result = byte2hex(certifyCode);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return result;
* 加密
* @param src
* 数据源
* @param key
* 密钥
* @param type
* 加密类型 RAS DSA
* @return 返回加密后的数据
* @throws Exception
public static byte[] encrypt(byte[] src, byte[] key, String type) {
Log.v(TAG, "encrypt");
byte[] reuslt = null;
try {
SecretKeySpec sKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(key, type);
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(type);
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, sKeySpec);
reuslt = cipher.doFinal(src);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
return reuslt;
* 解密
* @param src
* 数据源
* @param key
* 密匙
* @param type
* 加密类型 RSA DSA
* @return 返回解密后的原始数据
* @throws Exception
public static byte[] decrypt(byte[] src, byte[] key, String type) {
Log.v(TAG, "decrypt");
byte[] reuslt = null;
try {
SecretKeySpec sKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(key, type);
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(type);
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, sKeySpec);
reuslt = cipher.doFinal(src);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
return reuslt;
* 使用公钥加密
* @param publicKey
* 加密公钥
* @param srcBytes
* 数据源
* @param type
* 加密类型主要有 RSA
* @return 返回加密后的数据
public static byte[] encrypt(PublicKey publicKey, byte[] srcBytes,
String type) {
Log.v(TAG, "encrypt");
byte[] result = null;
if (publicKey != null) {
try {
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(type);
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, publicKey);
result = cipher.doFinal(srcBytes);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
return result;
* 使用私钥加密
* @param privateKey
* 加密私钥
* @param srcBytes
* 数据源
* @param type
* 加密类型 RSA DSA
* @return 返回加密后的数据
public static byte[] encrypt(PrivateKey privateKey, byte[] srcBytes,
String type) {
Log.v(TAG, "encrypt");
byte[] result = null;
if (privateKey != null) {
try {
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(type);
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, privateKey);
result = cipher.doFinal(srcBytes);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
return result;
* 使用私钥解密
* @param privateKey
* 解密私钥
* @param serBytes
* 数据源
* @param type
* 解密类型 RSA
* @return 解密后的数据
public static byte[] decrypt(PrivateKey privateKey, byte[] serBytes,
String type) {
Log.v(TAG, "decryot");
byte[] result = null;
if (privateKey != null) {
try {
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(type);
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privateKey);
result = cipher.doFinal(serBytes);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
return result;
* 使用公钥解密
* @param privateKey
* 解密私钥
* @param serBytes
* 数据源
* @param type
* 解密类型 RSA DSA
* @return 解密后的数据
public static byte[] decrypt(PublicKey publicKey, byte[] serBytes,
String type) {
Log.v(TAG, "decryot");
byte[] result = null;
if (publicKey != null) {
try {
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(type);
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, publicKey);
result = cipher.doFinal(serBytes);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
return result;
* AES加密
* @param data
* 数据源
* @param key
* 加密钥匙
* @return 加密后的数据
public static String encryptAESStr(String data, String key) {
Log.v(TAG, "encryptAESStr");
String result = null;
if (key != null && key.length() == 16) {
try {
byte[] resultbytes = encrypt(data.getBytes(),
key.getBytes("UTF-8"), "AES");
if (resultbytes != null) {
result = byte2hex(resultbytes);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
return result;
* AES 解密
* @param data
* 数据源
* @param key
* 解密钥匙
* @return 解密后的数据
public static String decryptAESStr(String data, String key) {
Log.v(TAG, "decryptAESStr");
String result = null;
if (key != null && key.length() == 16) {
try {
byte[] databytes = hex2byte(data);
byte[] resultbytes = decrypt(databytes, key.getBytes("UTF-8"),
if (resultbytes != null) {
result = new String(resultbytes);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
return result;
* 3DES加密
* @param data
* 数据源
* @param key
* 加密钥匙
* @return 返回加密后的数据
public static String decrypt3DESStr(String data, String key) {
Log.v(TAG, "decrypt3DESStr");
String result = null;
if (key != null && key.length() == 16) {
try {
byte[] databytes = hex2byte(data);
byte[] resultbytes = decrypt(databytes, key.getBytes("UTF-8"),
if (resultbytes != null) {
result = new String(resultbytes);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
return result;
* 3DES解密
* @param data
* 数据源
* @param key
* 解密钥匙
* @return 返回解密后的原始数据
public static String encrypt3DESStr(String data, String key) {
Log.v(TAG, "encrypt3DESStr");
String result = null;
if (key != null && key.length() == 16) {
try {
byte[] resultbytes = encrypt(data.getBytes(),
key.getBytes("UTF-8"), "DESede");
if (resultbytes != null) {
result = byte2hex(resultbytes);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
return result;
* 3DES解密
* @param data
* 数据源
* @param key
* 解密钥匙
* @return 返回解密后的原始数据
public static String decryptDESStr(String data, String key) {
Log.v(TAG, "decryptDESStr");
String result = null;
if (key != null && key.length() == 8) {
try {
byte[] databytes = hex2byte(data);
byte[] resultbytes = decrypt(databytes, key.getBytes("UTF-8"),
if (resultbytes != null) {
result = new String(resultbytes);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
return result;
* DES加密
* @param data
* 数据源
* @param key
* 加密钥匙
* @return 返回加密后的数据
public static String encryptDESStr(String data, String key) {
Log.v(TAG, "encryptDESStr");
String result = null;
if (key != null && key.length() == 8) {
try {
byte[] resultbytes = encrypt(data.getBytes(),
key.getBytes("UTF-8"), "DES");
if (resultbytes != null) {
result = byte2hex(resultbytes);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
return result;
* RSA私密加密
* @param data
* 数据源
* @param key
* 加密钥匙
* @return 返回加密的数据
public static String encryptPrivateKeyStr(String data,
PrivateKey privateKey, String type) {
Log.v(TAG, "encryptPrivateKeyStr");
String result = null;
try {
byte[] resultbytes = encrypt(privateKey, data.getBytes(), type);
if (resultbytes != null) {
result = byte2hex(resultbytes);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
return result;
* RSA公钥加密
* @param data
* 数据源
* @param key
* 加密钥匙
* @return 返回加密后的数据
public static String encryptPublicKeyStr(String data, PublicKey publicKey,
String type) {
Log.v(TAG, "encryptPublicKeyStr");
String result = null;
try {
byte[] resultbytes = encrypt(publicKey, data.getBytes(), type);
if (resultbytes != null) {
result = byte2hex(resultbytes);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
return result;
* RSA私密解密
* @param data
* 数据源
* @param key
* 解密钥匙
* @return 返回解密后的数据
public static String decryptPrivateKeyStr(String data,
PrivateKey privateKey, String type) {
Log.v(TAG, "decryptPrivateKeyStr");
String result = null;
try {
byte[] databytes = hex2byte(data);
byte[] resultbytes = decrypt(privateKey, databytes, type);
if (resultbytes != null) {
result = new String(resultbytes);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
return result;
* RSA公钥解密
* @param data
* 数据源
* @param key
* 解密钥匙
* @return 返回解密后的数据
public static String decryptPublicKeyStr(String data, PublicKey publicKey,
String type) {
Log.v(TAG, "decryptPublicKeyStr");
String result = null;
try {
byte[] databytes = hex2byte(data);
byte[] resultbytes = decrypt(publicKey, databytes, type);
if (resultbytes != null) {
result = new String(resultbytes);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage());
return result;
* DSA私钥数据签名
* @param data
* 数据源
* @param privateKey
* 签名私钥
* @return 返回已经签名了的数据
public static String signetPrivateKeyDSAStr(String data,
PrivateKey privateKey) {
String result = null;
try { signet =
byte[] resultbytes = signet.sign();
if (resultbytes != null) {
result = byte2hex(resultbytes);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return result;
* DSA公钥验证
* @param data
* 原始数据源
* @param publicKey
* 验证签名的公钥
* @param signed
* 签名的数据源
* @return 返回验证是否通过
public static boolean verificationPublicKeyDSA(String data,
PublicKey publicKey, String signed) {
boolean result = false;
try { signetcheck =
if (signetcheck.verify(hex2byte(signed))) {
result = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return result;
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