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Created December 20, 2011 08:47
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;;; xyzzy起動時に通知を開始するなら .xyzzy に
;;; xyttr起動時から通知を開始するなら ~/.xyttr/config.l に書く
(require "tweets-notifier")
;; Mentionを通知
(xyttr:define-notifier mentions
:apifunc #'xyttr:api-mentions-async ; timeline系API関数 (必ず非同期版を指定する事)
:sticky t ; 通知ウィンドウをクリックorキー操作で閉じるまで表示し続ける
:interval 300 ; 新着取得間隔 (秒)
:callback (lambda (tweet) (user::xyttr-mentions))) ; クリック時に実行するコールバック関数
;; "xyzzy -RT" の検索結果を通知
(xyttr:define-notifier search-xyzzy
:apifunc #'xyttr:api-search-async
:params (:lang "ja" :q "xyzzy -RT" :include_entities "true") ; apifuncに渡すパラメータ
:sticky t
:interval 300
:callback (lambda (tweet) (user::xyttr-search "xyzzy -RT")))
;; 通知開始
(xyttr:start-notifier mentions)
(xyttr:start-notifier search-xyzzy)
;;; -*- mode:lisp; package:xyttr -*-
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(require "cmu_loop")
(require "xyttr")
(require "growl"))
(in-package :xyttr)
(export '(define-notifier
(defvar *notifiers* nil)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defstruct notifier
"tweets notifier"
name fn apifunc params sticky interval callback))
(defmacro define-notifier (name &key apifunc params interval callback sticky)
(setf (getf *notifiers* ',name)
:name ',name
:apifunc ,apifunc
:params (list ,@params)
:interval ,(or interval 60)
:sticky ,sticky
:callback ,callback))
(defun notify1 (tweet sticky callback)
(w/json (user.screen_name user.profile_image_url text) tweet
(concat "@" user.screen_name) text "xyttr notifier" "xyttr"
:name "xyttr" :sticky sticky
:icon user.profile_image_url
(and callback
(lambda (&rest args) (funcall callback tweet))))))
(defun %start-notifier (tn)
(when (notifier-fn tn)
(return-from %start-notifier))
(flet ((f ()
(apply (notifier-apifunc tn)
:since_id #1=(getf (notifier-params tn) :since_id)
(lambda (res)
(when res
(unless #1# (setq res (subseq res 0 5)))
(dolist (tw res)
(notify1 tw (notifier-sticky tn) (notifier-callback tn)))
(setf #1# (json-value (car res) id))))
(lambda (res status header)
(message "HTTP ~D: request failed" status))
(notifier-params tn))))
(start-timer (notifier-interval tn) #'f)
(setf (notifier-fn tn) #'f))))
(defun %stop-notifier (tn)
(whenlet f #0=(notifier-fn tn)
(stop-timer f)
(setf #0# nil))))
(defmacro start-notifier (name)
`(whenlet #0=#:tn (getf *notifiers* ',name)
(%start-notifier #0#)))
(defmacro stop-notifier (name)
`(whenlet #0=#:tn (getf *notifiers* ',name)
(%stop-notifier #0#)))
(defun start-all-notifiers ()
(loop for tn in (cdr *notifiers*) by #'cddr
do (%start-notifier tn)))
(defun stop-all-notifiers ()
(loop for tn in (cdr *notifiers*) by #'cddr
do (%stop-notifier tn)))
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