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Created December 26, 2011 16:17
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;;; -*- mode:lisp; package:xyttr -*-
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(require "oauth")
(require "xyttr"))
(in-package "xyttr")
(defvar *upload-url* "")
(defun file2binstr (path)
(let* ((size (file-length path))
(buf (make-vector size :element-type 'character :fill-pointer 0)))
(with-open-file (is path :direction :input :encoding :binary)
(read-into buf is))))
(defun make-media-data (status path boundary)
(let ((fsize (file-length path))
(data (file2binstr path))
(part1 (format nil "--~A\r\n~
Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"status\";\r\n\r\n
Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"media[]\"; filename=\"~A\"\r\n~
Content-Type: image/~A\r\n~
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\n\r\n"
(convert-encoding-from-internal *encoding-utf8n* status)
(file-namestring path)
(pathname-type path))))
(concat part1 data "\r\n--" boundary "--\r\n")
(+ (si:chunk-size (si:make-string-chunk part1))
fsize 8 (length boundary)))))
(defun api-update-with-media (&key status image-path)
(let* ((path "/1/statuses/update_with_media.json")
(url (concat *upload-url* path))
(cred (list :consumer-key *consumer-key*
:consumer-secret *consumer-secret*
:token *token*
:token-secret *token-secret*))
(auth (oauth:auth-header cred 'POST url nil))
(boundary (oauth::random-string 20)))
(multiple-value-bind (data clen)
(make-media-data status image-path boundary)
(with-open-stream (cn (connect "" 80))
(set-stream-encoding cn :binary)
(format cn "POST ~A HTTP/1.1\n~
Authorization: ~A\n~
Content-Length: ~D\n~
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=~A\n\n~
path auth clen boundary data)
(set-stream-encoding cn :text)
(while (not (listen cn)) (sleep-for 0.5))
(while (string/= (read-line cn nil) ""))
(let ((res (json:json-decode (read-line cn nil))))
(if (json-value res error)
(error 'request-error
:host *upload-url* :path path :method 'POST
:status status :response res)
(defvar *photo-directory* (merge-pathnames "Pictures" (si:getenv "USERPROFILE")))
(defun tweet-with-photo ()
(multiple-value-bind (path ok)
(filer *photo-directory* nil "画像ファイル" nil nil)
(unless ok (quit))
(let ((status (read-status "tweet: ")))
(when (api-update-with-media :status status :image-path path)
(message "Uploaded: ~A" path)))))
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