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Created January 30, 2012 07:52
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#xyzzy でバッテリーの状態を確認
;;; -*- mode:lisp; package:battery -*-
(provide "battery")
(defpackage :battery
(:use :lisp :editor))
(in-package :battery)
(export '(get-status))
;;; ref.
(defvar *win32-battery-properties*
'(Availability ; Availability and status of the device
BatteryStatus ; Status of the battery
Chemistry ; Battery's chemistry
Description ; Description of the object
DesignCapacity ; Design capacity of the battery in milliwatt-hours
DesignVoltage ; Design voltage of the battery in millivolts
DeviceID ; Identifies the battery
EstimatedChargeRemaining ; Estimate of the percentage of full charge remaining
EstimatedRunTime ; Estimate in minutes of the time to battery charge depletion
ExpectedLife ; Battery's expected lifetime in minutes, assuming that the battery is fully charged
FullChargeCapacity ; Full charge capacity of the battery in milliwatt-hours
MaxRechargeTime ; Maximum time, in minutes, to fully charge the battery
SmartBatteryVersion ; Data Specification version number supported by the battery
Status ; Current status of the object
TimeOnBattery ; Elapsed time in seconds since the computer system's UPS last switched to battery power,
; or the time since the system or UPS was last restarted, whichever is less
TimeToFullCharge ; Remaining time to charge the battery fully in minutes at the current charging rate and usage
(defmacro whenlet (var test &body body)
`(let ((,var ,test)) (when ,var ,@body)))
(defun get-win32-battery ()
(let* ((locator (ole-create-object "WbemScripting.SWbemLocator"))
(service (ole-method locator 'ConnectServer "."))
(result (ole-method service 'ExecQuery "SELECT * FROM Win32_Battery")))
(ole-for-each (r result)
(return-from get-win32-battery
(mapcan (lambda (s) (list s (ole-getprop r s)))
(defun availability-string (a)
(when (< 0 a 18)
(nth (1- a)
"Running or Full Power"
"In Test"
"Not Applicable"
"Power Off"
"Off Line"
"Off Duty"
"Not Installed"
"Install Error"
"Power Save - Unknown"
"Power Save - Low Power Mode"
"Power Save - Standby"
"Power Cycle"
"Power Save - Warning"))))
(defun battery-status-string (bs)
(when (< 0 bs 12)
(nth (1- bs)
"Fully Charged"
"Charging (High)"
"Charging (Low)"
"Charging (Critical)"
"Partially Charged"))))
(defun chemistry-string (c)
(when (< 0 c 9)
(nth (1- c)
'("Other" "Unknown" "Lead Acid" "Nickel Cadmium" "Nickel Metal Hydride"
"Lithium-ion" "Zinc air" "Lithium Polymer"))))
(defun get-status (&optional key)
(let ((wb (get-win32-battery)))
(whenlet a #0=(getf wb 'Availability)
(setf #0# (availability-string a)))
(whenlet bs #1=(getf wb 'BatteryStatus)
(setf #1# (battery-status-string bs)))
(whenlet c #2=(getf wb 'Chemistry)
(setf #2# (chemistry-string c)))
(if key (getf wb key)
(defun user::battery ()
(let ((bs (get-status)))
(message "~A (~D%)" (getf bs 'BatteryStatus) (getf bs 'EstimatedChargeRemaining))))
battery> (format t "~{~A~30T~A~%~}" (get-status))
Availability Unknown
BatteryStatus Online
Chemistry Lithium-ion
Description 内部バッテリ
DesignCapacity nil
DesignVoltage 11919
DeviceID 00646PanasonicCF-VZSU69
EstimatedChargeRemaining 78
EstimatedRunTime 71582788
ExpectedLife nil
FullChargeCapacity nil
MaxRechargeTime nil
SmartBatteryVersion nil
Status OK
TimeOnBattery nil
TimeToFullCharge nil
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