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Created September 26, 2010 14:28
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regexp-readerのテスト #xyzzy
(require "regexp-reader") ;
(require "reut") ;
(defpackage :regexp-test
(:use :lisp :reut))
(in-package :regexp-test)
;;; cl-ppcre-2.0.1/test/simpleより
;;; some simple tests for CL-PPCRE - entered manually and to be read
;;; in the CL-PPCRE-TEST package; all forms are expected to return a
;;; true value on success when EVALuated
(equalp (multiple-value-list (scan #/(a)*b/ "xaaabd"))
(list 1 5 #(3) #(4)))
(equalp (multiple-value-list (scan #/(a)*b/ "xaaabd" :start 1))
(list 1 5 #(3) #(4)))
(equalp (multiple-value-list (scan #/(a)*b/ "xaaabd" :start 2))
(list 2 5 #(3) #(4)))
(null (scan #/(a)*b/ "xaaabd" :end 4))
(equalp (multiple-value-list (scan #/b{0,}/ "bbbc")) ; '(:greedy-repetition 0 nil #\b)
(list 0 3 #() #()))
(null (scan #/b{4,6}/ "bbbc")) ; '(:greedy-repetition 4 6 #\b)
(let ((s #/(([a-c])+)x/))
(equalp (multiple-value-list (scan s "abcxy"))
(list 0 4 #(0 2) #(3 3))))
(equalp (multiple-value-list (scan-to-strings #/[^b]*b/ "aaabd"))
(list "aaab" #()))
(equalp (multiple-value-list (scan-to-strings #/([^b])*b/ "aaabd"))
(list "aaab" #("a")))
(equalp (multiple-value-list (scan-to-strings #/(([^b])*)b/ "aaabd"))
(list "aaab" #("aaa" "a")))
(equalp (register-groups-bind (first second third fourth)
(#/((a)|(b)|(c))+/ "abababc" :sharedp t)
(list first second third fourth))
(list "c" "a" "b" "c"))
(equalp (register-groups-bind (nil second third fourth)
(#/((a)|(b)|(c))()+/ "abababc" :start 6)
(list second third fourth))
(list nil nil "c"))
(null (register-groups-bind (first)
(#/(a|b)+/ "accc" :start 1)
(equalp (register-groups-bind (fname lname (#'parse-integer date month year))
( #/(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2})\.(\d{4})/ "Frank Zappa 21.12.1940" )
(list fname lname (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 date month year 0)))
(list "Frank" "Zappa" 1292889600))
(flet ((foo (regex target-string &key (start 0) (end (length target-string)))
(let ((sum 0))
(do-matches (s e regex target-string nil :start start :end end)
(incf sum (- e s)))
(/ sum (- end start)))))
(and (= 1/3 (foo #/a/ "abcabcabc"))
(= 5/9 (foo #/aa|b/ "aacabcbbc"))))
(labels ((crossfoot (target-string &key (start 0) (end (length target-string)))
(let ((sum 0))
(do-matches-as-strings (m #/\d/
target-string nil
:start start :end end)
(incf sum (parse-integer m)))
(if (< sum 10)
(crossfoot (format nil "~A" sum))))))
(and (zerop (crossfoot "bar"))
(= 3 (crossfoot "a3x"))
(= 6 (crossfoot "12345"))))
(let (result)
(do-register-groups (first second third fourth)
(#/((a)|(b)|(c))/ "abababc" nil :start 2 :sharedp t)
(push (list first second third fourth) result))
(equal (nreverse result)
'(("a" "a" nil nil)
("b" nil "b" nil)
("a" "a" nil nil)
("b" nil "b" nil)
("c" nil nil "c"))))
(let (result)
(do-register-groups ((#'parse-integer n) (#'intern sign) whitespace)
(#/(\d+)|(\+|-|\*|\/)|(\s+)/ "12*15 - 42/3")
(unless whitespace
(push (or n sign) result)))
(equal (nreverse result)
'(12 * 15 - 42 / 3)))
(equal (all-matches #/a/ "foo bar baz")
(list 5 6 9 10))
(equal (all-matches #/\w*/ "foo bar baz")
(list 0 3 3 3 4 7 7 7 8 11 11 11))
(equal (all-matches-as-strings #/a/ "foo bar baz")
(list "a" "a"))
(equal (all-matches-as-strings #/\w*/ "foo bar baz")
(list "foo" "" "bar" "" "baz" ""))
(equal (split #/\s+/ "foo bar baz
'("foo" "bar" "baz" "frob"))
(equal (split #/\s*/ "foo bar baz")
'("f" "o" "o" "b" "a" "r" "b" "a" "z"))
(equal (split #/(\s+)/ "foo bar baz")
'("foo" "bar" "baz"))
(equal (split #/(\s+)/ "foo bar baz" :with-registers-p t)
'("foo" " " "bar" " " "baz"))
(equal (split #/(\s)(\s*)/ "foo bar baz" :with-registers-p t)
'("foo" " " "" "bar" " " " " "baz"))
(equal (split #/(,)|(;)/ "foo,bar;baz" :with-registers-p t)
'("foo" "," nil "bar" nil ";" "baz"))
(equal (split #/(,)|(;)/ "foo,bar;baz" :with-registers-p t :omit-unmatched-p t)
'("foo" "," "bar" ";" "baz"))
(equal (split #/:/ "a:b:c:d:e:f:g::")
'("a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g"))
(equal (split #/:/ "a:b:c:d:e:f:g::" :limit 1)
(equal (split #/:/ "a:b:c:d:e:f:g::" :limit 2)
'("a" "b:c:d:e:f:g::"))
(equal (split #/:/ "a:b:c:d:e:f:g::" :limit 3)
'("a" "b" "c:d:e:f:g::"))
(equal (split #/:/ "a:b:c:d:e:f:g::" :limit 1000)
'("a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "" ""))
(equal (multiple-value-list (substitute-string "foo bar" #/fo+/ "frob"))
(list "frob bar" 1))
(equal (multiple-value-list (substitute-string "FOO bar" #/fo+/ "frob"))
(list "FOO bar" 0))
(equal (multiple-value-list (substitute-string "FOO bar" #/fo+/ "frob" :case-fold t)) ; (?i)fo+
(list "frob bar" 1))
(equal (multiple-value-list (substitute-string "FOO bar" #/(?i)fo+/ "frob" :preserve-case t))
(list "FROB bar" 1))
(equal (multiple-value-list (substitute-string "Foo bar" #/(?i)fo+/ "frob" :preserve-case t))
(list "Frob bar" 1))
(equal (multiple-value-list (substitute-string "foo bar baz" #/bar/ "[frob (was '\\&' between '\\`' and '\\'')]"))
(list "foo [frob (was 'bar' between 'foo ' and ' baz')] baz" 1))
(equal (multiple-value-list
(substitute-string "bar" "foo bar baz"
'("[frob (was '" :match "' between '" :before-match "' and '" :after-match "')]")))
(list "foo [frob (was 'bar' between 'foo ' and ' baz')] baz" t))
(equal (multiple-value-list (regex-replace "(be)(nev)(o)(lent)"
"benevolent: adj. generous, kind"
(lambda (match &rest registers)
(format nil "~A [~{~A~^.~}]" match registers))
:simple-calls t))
(list "benevolent [be.nev.o.lent]: adj. generous, kind" t))
(equal (multiple-value-list (regex-replace-all "(?i)fo+" "foo Fooo FOOOO bar" "frob" :preserve-case t))
(list "frob Frob FROB bar" t))
(string= (regex-replace-all "(?i)f(o+)" "foo Fooo FOOOO bar" "fr\\1b" :preserve-case t)
"froob Frooob FROOOOB bar")
(let ((qp-regex #/[\\x80-\\xff]/))
(flet ((encode-quoted-printable (string)
"Converts 8-bit string to quoted-printable representation."
;; won't work for Corman Lisp because non-ASCII characters aren't 8-bit there
(flet ((convert (target-string start end match-start match-end reg-starts reg-ends)
(declare (ignore start end match-end reg-starts reg-ends))
(format nil "=~2,'0x" (char-code (char target-string match-start)))))
(regex-replace-all qp-regex string #'convert))))
(string= (encode-quoted-printable "F黎e Sensen na・e H・ner Stra゚e")
"F=EAte S=F8rensen na=EFve H=FChner Stra=DFe")))
(let ((url-regex #/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\-.]/))
(flet ((url-encode (string)
"URL-encodes a string."
;; won't work for Corman Lisp because non-ASCII characters aren't 8-bit there
(flet ((convert (target-string start end match-start match-end reg-starts reg-ends)
(declare (ignore start end match-end reg-starts reg-ends))
(format nil "%~2,'0x" (char-code (char target-string match-start)))))
(regex-replace-all url-regex string #'convert))))
(string= (url-encode "F黎e Sensen na・e H・ner Stra゚e")
(flet ((how-many (target-string start end match-start match-end reg-starts reg-ends)
(declare (ignore target-string start end match-start match-end))
(format nil "~A" (- (svref reg-ends 0)
(svref reg-starts 0)))))
(string= (regex-replace-all "{(.+?)}"
(list "[" #'how-many " dots]"))
"foo[3 dots]bar[5 dots][2 dots]baz[4 dots]frob"))
(let ((qp-regex #/[\\x80-\\xff]/))
(flet ((encode-quoted-printable (string)
"Converts 8-bit string to quoted-printable representation.
Version using SIMPLE-CALLS keyword argument."
;; ;; won't work for Corman Lisp because non-ASCII characters aren't 8-bit there
(flet ((convert (match)
(format nil "=~2,'0x" (char-code (char match 0)))))
(regex-replace-all qp-regex string #'convert
:simple-calls t))))
(string= (encode-quoted-printable "F黎e Sensen na・e H・ner Stra゚e")
"F=EAte S=F8rensen na=EFve H=FChner Stra=DFe")))
(flet ((how-many (match first-register)
(declare (ignore match))
(format nil "~A" (length first-register))))
(string= (regex-replace-all "{(.+?)}"
(list "[" #'how-many " dots]")
:simple-calls t)
"foo[3 dots]bar[5 dots][2 dots]baz[4 dots]frob"))
(flet ((my-repetition (char min)
`(:greedy-repetition ,min nil ,char)))
(setf (parse-tree-synonym 'a*) (my-repetition #\a 0)
(parse-tree-synonym 'b+) (my-repetition #\b 1))
(let ((scanner (create-scanner '(:sequence a* b+))))
(equal (mapcar (lambda (target)
(scan scanner target))
'("ab" "b" "aab" "a" "x"))
(list 0 0 0 nil nil)))
(setf (parse-tree-synonym 'a*) nil
(parse-tree-synonym 'b+) nil)))
(null (scan #/^a+$/ "a+"))
(let ((*allow-quoting* t))
;;we use CREATE-SCANNER because of Lisps like SBCL that don't have an interpreter
(equalp (multiple-value-list (scan #/^\\Qa+\\E$/ "a+"))
(list 0 2 #() #())))
(string= (parse-string "\\k<reg>") "k<reg>")
(let ((*allow-named-registers* t))
(equal (nth-value 1 #/((?<small>[a-z]*)(?<big>[A-Z]*))/)
(list nil "small" "big")))
(let ((*allow-named-registers* t))
(equal (nth-value 1 (create-scanner '(:register
(:named-register "small"
(:greedy-repetition 0 nil (:char-class (:range #\a #\z))))
(:named-register "big"
(:greedy-repetition 0 nil (:char-class (:range #\a #\z))))))))
(list nil "small" "big")))
(let ((*allow-named-registers* t))
(equalp (multiple-value-list (scan #/((?<small>[a-z]*)(?<big>[A-Z]*))/ "aaaBBB"))
(list 0 6 #(0 0 3) #(6 3 6))))
(let ((*allow-named-registers* t))
;; multiple-choice back-reference
(equalp (multiple-value-list (scan #/^(?<reg>[ab])(?<reg>[12])\\k<reg>\\k<reg>$/ "a1aa"))
(list 0 4 #(0 1) #(1 2))))
(let ((*allow-named-registers* t))
(equalp (multiple-value-list (scan #/^(?<reg>[ab])(?<reg>[12])\\k<reg>\\k<reg>$/ "a22a"))
(list 0 4 #(0 1) #(1 2))))
(let ((*allow-named-registers* t))
;; demonstrating most-recently-seen-register-first property of back-reference;
;; "greedy" regex (analogous to "aa?")
(equalp (multiple-value-list (scan #/^(?<reg>)(?<reg>a)(\\k<reg>)/ "a"))
(list 0 1 #(0 0 1) #(0 1 1))))
(let ((*allow-named-registers* t))
(equalp (multiple-value-list (scan #/^(?<reg>)(?<reg>a)(\\k<reg>)/ "aa"))
(list 0 2 #(0 0 1) #(0 1 2))))
(let ((*allow-named-registers* t))
;; switched groups
;; "lazy" regex (analogous to "aa??")
(equalp (multiple-value-list (scan #/^(?<reg>a)(?<reg>)(\\k<reg>)/ "a"))
(list 0 1 #(0 1 1) #(1 1 1))))
(let ((*allow-named-registers* t))
;; scanner ignores the second "a"
(equalp (multiple-value-list (scan #/^(?<reg>a)(?<reg>)(\\k<reg>)/ "aa"))
(list 0 1 #(0 1 1) #(1 1 1))))
(let ((*allow-named-registers* t))
;; "aa" will be matched only when forced by adding "$" at the end
(equalp (multiple-value-list (scan #/^(?<reg>a)(?<reg>)(\\k<reg>)$/ "aa"))
(list 0 2 #(0 1 1) #(1 1 2))))
(string= (quote-meta-chars "[a-z]*") "\\[a\\-z\\]\\*")
(string= (handler-case
(ppcre-syntax-error (condition)
(format nil "Houston, we've got a problem with the string ~S: Looks like something went wrong at position ~A. The last message we received was \"~?\"."
(ppcre-syntax-error-string condition)
(ppcre-syntax-error-pos condition)
(simple-condition-format-control condition)
(simple-condition-format-arguments condition))))
"Houston, we've got a problem with the string \"foo**x\": Looks like something went wrong at position 4. The last message we received was \"Quantifier '*' not allowed.\".")
(flet ((my-weird-filter (pos)
"Only match at this point if either pos is odd and the
character we're looking at is lowercase or if pos is even and the next
two characters we're looking at are uppercase. Consume these
characters if there's a match."
(cond ((and (oddp pos)
(< pos cl-ppcre::*end-pos*)
(lower-case-p (char cl-ppcre::*string* pos)))
(1+ pos))
((and (evenp pos)
(< (1+ pos) cl-ppcre::*end-pos*)
(upper-case-p (char cl-ppcre::*string* pos))
(upper-case-p (char cl-ppcre::*string* (1+ pos))))
(+ pos 2))
(t nil))))
(let ((weird-regex `(:sequence "+" (:filter ,#'my-weird-filter) "+")))
(equalp (multiple-value-list (scan weird-regex "+A++a+AA+"))
(list 5 9 #() #()))))
(equalp (multiple-value-list (scan #/(?:\\w\*){2}/ "\\w*\\w*"))
(list 0 6 #() #()))
(let ((a "\\E*"))
(equalp (multiple-value-list (scan `(:greedy-repetition 2 2 ,a) "\\E*\\E*"))
(list 0 6 #() #())))
(loop for *optimize-char-classes* in '(:hash-table :hash-table* :charset :charset* :charmap)
for s = #/(([a-c])+)x/
always (equalp (multiple-value-list (scan s "abcxy"))
(list 0 4 #(0 2) #(3 3))))
(equalp (multiple-value-list (scan "\\(a\\)*b" "xaaabd")) (list 1 5 #(3) #(4)))
; -> t
(equalp (multiple-value-list (scan "\\(a\\)*b" "xaaabd" :start 1)) (list 1 5 #(3) #(4)))
; -> t
(equalp (multiple-value-list (scan "\\(a\\)*b" "xaaabd" :start 2)) (list 2 5 #(3) #(4)))
; -> t
(null (scan "\\(a\\)*b" "xaaabd" :end 4))
; -> t
(equalp (multiple-value-list (scan "b\\{0,\\}" "bbbc")) (list 0 3 #() #()))
; -> t
(null (scan "b\\{4,6\\}" "bbbc"))
; -> t
(let ((s "\\(\\([a-c]\\)+\\)x")) (equalp (multiple-value-list (scan s "abcxy")) (list 0 4 #(0 2) #(3 3))))
; -> t
(equalp (multiple-value-list (scan-to-strings "[^b]*b" "aaabd")) (list "aaab" #()))
; -> t
(equalp (multiple-value-list (scan-to-strings "\\([^b]\\)*b" "aaabd")) (list "aaab" #("a")))
; -> t
(equalp (multiple-value-list (scan-to-strings "\\(\\([^b]\\)*\\)b" "aaabd")) (list "aaab" #("aaa" "a")))
; -> t
(equalp (register-groups-bind (first second third fourth) ("\\(\\(a\\)\\|\\(b\\)\\|\\(c\\)\\)+" "abababc" :sharedp t) (list first second third fourth)) (list "c" "a" "b" "c"))
; -> t
(equalp (register-groups-bind (nil second third fourth) ("\\(\\(a\\)\\|\\(b\\)\\|\\(c\\)\\)\\(\\)+" "abababc" :start 6) (list second third fourth)) (list nil nil "c"))
; -> t
(null (register-groups-bind (first) ("\\(a\\|b\\)+" "accc" :start 1) first))
; -> t
(equalp (register-groups-bind (fname lname (#'parse-integer date month year)) ("\\(\\w+\\)[
]+\\([0-9]\\{1,2\\}\\)\\.\\([0-9]\\{1,2\\}\\)\\.\\([0-9]\\{4\\}\\)" "Frank Zappa 21.12.1940") (list fname lname (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 date month year 0))) (list "Frank" "Zappa" 1292889600))
; -> t
(flet ((foo (regex target-string &key (start 0) (end (length target-string))) (let ((sum 0)) (do-matches (s e regex target-string nil :start start :end end) (incf sum (- e s))) (/ sum (- end start))))) (and (= 1/3 (foo "a" "abcabcabc")) (= 5/9 (foo "aa\\|b" "aacabcbbc"))))
; -> t
(labels ((crossfoot (target-string &key (start 0) (end (length target-string))) (let ((sum 0)) (do-matches-as-strings (m "[0-9]" target-string nil :start start :end end) (incf sum (parse-integer m))) (if (< sum 10) sum (crossfoot (format nil "~A" sum)))))) (and (zerop (crossfoot "bar")) (= 3 (crossfoot "a3x")) (= 6 (crossfoot "12345"))))
; -> t
(let (result) (do-register-groups (first second third fourth) ("\\(\\(a\\)\\|\\(b\\)\\|\\(c\\)\\)" "abababc" nil :start 2 :sharedp t) (push (list first second third fourth) result)) (equal (nreverse result) '(("a" "a" nil nil) ("b" nil "b" nil) ("a" "a" nil nil) ("b" nil "b" nil) ("c" nil nil "c"))))
; -> t
(let (result) (do-register-groups ((#'parse-integer n) (#'intern sign) whitespace) ("\\([0-9]+\\)\\|\\(\\+\\|-\\|\\*\\|/\\)\\|\\([
]+\\)" "12*15 - 42/3") (unless whitespace (push (or n sign) result))) (equal (nreverse result) '(12 * 15 - 42 / 3)))
; -> t
(equal (all-matches "a" "foo bar baz") (list 5 6 9 10))
; -> t
(equal (all-matches "\\w*" "foo bar baz") (list 0 3 3 3 4 7 7 7 8 11 11 11))
; -> t
(equal (all-matches-as-strings "a" "foo bar baz") (list "a" "a"))
; -> t
(equal (all-matches-as-strings "\\w*" "foo bar baz") (list "foo" "" "bar" "" "baz" ""))
; -> t
(equal (split "[
]+" "foo bar baz
frob") '("foo" "bar" "baz" "frob"))
; -> t
(equal (split "[
]*" "foo bar baz") '("f" "o" "o" "b" "a" "r" "b" "a" "z"))
; -> t
(equal (split "\\([
]+\\)" "foo bar baz") '("foo" "bar" "baz"))
; -> t
(equal (split "\\([
]+\\)" "foo bar baz" :with-registers-p t) '("foo" " " "bar" " " "baz"))
; -> t
(equal (split "\\([
]*\\)" "foo bar baz" :with-registers-p t) '("foo" " " "" "bar" " " " " "baz"))
; -> t
(equal (split "\\(,\\)\\|\\(;\\)" "foo,bar;baz" :with-registers-p t) '("foo" "," nil "bar" nil ";" "baz"))
; -> nil
(equal (split "\\(,\\)\\|\\(;\\)" "foo,bar;baz" :with-registers-p t :omit-unmatched-p t) '("foo" "," "bar" ";" "baz"))
; -> t
(equal (split ":" "a:b:c:d:e:f:g::") '("a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g"))
; -> t
(equal (split ":" "a:b:c:d:e:f:g::" :limit 1) '("a:b:c:d:e:f:g::"))
; -> t
(equal (split ":" "a:b:c:d:e:f:g::" :limit 2) '("a" "b:c:d:e:f:g::"))
; -> t
(equal (split ":" "a:b:c:d:e:f:g::" :limit 3) '("a" "b" "c:d:e:f:g::"))
; -> t
(equal (split ":" "a:b:c:d:e:f:g::" :limit 1000) '("a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "" ""))
; -> t
(equal (multiple-value-list (substitute-string "foo bar" "fo+" "frob")) (list "frob bar" 1))
; -> t
(equal (multiple-value-list (substitute-string "FOO bar" "fo+" "frob")) (list "FOO bar" 0))
; -> t
(equal (multiple-value-list (substitute-string "FOO bar" "fo+" "frob" :case-fold t)) (list "frob bar" 1))
; -> t
passed 36/37
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