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Created February 26, 2009 16:04
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ASDF settings for SBCL on Windows
(require :asdf)
(in-package :asdf)
(defvar *win-central-registry*
`((,(user-homedir-pathname) ".sbcl/site/")
(,(sb-ext:posix-getenv "SBCL_HOME") "site/")))
(defun win-sysdef-search (system)
(dolist (dir *win-central-registry*)
(let ((files (directory
(make-pathname :directory '(:relative :wild)
:name (coerce-name system)
:type "asd"
:case :local)
(merge-pathnames (cadr dir) (truename (car dir)))))))
(when files
(return (car (sort files #'string> :key #'namestring)))))))
(pushnew `win-sysdef-search asdf:*system-definition-search-functions*)
(require :asdf-install)
(in-package :asdf-install)
(setq *tar-program* "C:/Msys/1.0.11/bin/tar.exe")
(labels ((pathstr (win-path)
(cl:substitute #\/ #\\ (namestring win-path)))
(tar (args)
(with-output-to-string (o)
(let ((process (sb-ext:run-program *tar-program*
:search t
:wait nil
:output :stream)))
(prog1 (loop for l = (read-line (process-output process) nil nil)
while l
do (write-line l o))
(process-wait process)
(process-close process))))))
(defun get-tar-directory (packagename)
(let* ((tar (tar (list "-tzf" (pathstr packagename))))
(first-line (subseq tar 0 (position #\newline tar))))
(if (find #\/ first-line)
(subseq first-line 0 (position #\/ first-line))
(defun untar-package (source packagename)
(tar (list "-C" (pathstr source)
"-xzvf" (pathstr packagename)))))
(in-package :cl-user)
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