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Last active September 5, 2023 01:44
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@require: stdja
@require: list
@require: math
let-rec ack
| 0 n = n + 1
| m 0 = ack (m - 1) 1
| m n = ack (m - 1) (ack m (n - 1))
type aexpr =
| Num of int
| Fun of aexpr * aexpr
let-rec calc1
| (Num(n)) = Num(n)
| (Fun(Num(0), Num(n))) = Num(n + 1)
| (Fun(Num(m), Num(0))) = Fun(Num(m - 1), Num(1))
| (Fun(Num(m), Num(n))) = Fun(Num(m - 1), Fun(Num(m), Num(n - 1)))
| (Fun(x, y)) = Fun(x, calc1(y))
let calc-all e0 =
let-rec repeat e a =
match e with
| Num(_) -> List.reverse (e :: a)
| _ -> repeat (calc1 e) (e :: a)
repeat e0 []
let-rec aexpr2str
| (Num(n)) = (arabic n)
| (Fun(x, y)) = `A(` ^ (aexpr2str x) ^ `,` ^ (aexpr2str y) ^ `)`
let-rec expr2math
| (Num(n)) = math-char MathOrd (arabic n)
| (Fun(x, y)) =
let x = expr2math x in
let y = expr2math y in
${A\( #x, #y \)}
let-block ctx +eqns mlst =
let em = embed-math ctx in
let print ib = line-break true true ctx (ib ++ inline-fil) in
match mlst with
| [] -> block-nil
| f::[] -> print (em f)
| f::(s::r) ->
let margin = match space-between-maths ctx f ${=} with
| None -> inline-nil
| Some(ibsp) -> ibsp
let indent = inline-skip (get-natural-width (em f)) ++ margin in
let p m = print (indent ++ (em ${= #m})) in p r
|> List.fold-left (+++) (print (em ${#f = #s}))
let-block ctx +Ack m n =
let ms = Fun(Num(m), Num(n))
|> calc-all
|> expr2math
read-block ctx '<+eqns(ms);>
let-block ctx +ctx conf bt =
let c = List.fold-left (fun c f -> f c) ctx conf in
read-block c bt
document (|
title = {Ackermann function};
author = {youz};
show-title = false;
show-toc = false;
|) '<
set-paragraph-margin 8pt 8pt
] <
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