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Created March 16, 2017 01:51
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# A string S is called a square if there is some string T such that S = T + T. For example, the strings "", aabaab" and "xxxx" are squares, but "a", "aabb" and "aabbaa" are not.
# You are given a String s. Find the longest square string that can be obtained from s by erasingsome (possibly none, possibly all) of its characters. In other words, we are looking for the longest square that occurs in s as a subsequence. Return the length of that square.
# Note that the answer is well-defined, as the square "" (the empty string) will always occur in s as a subsequence.
# Input Format
# An alphabetic string
# Constraints
# s will contain between 1 and 50 characters, inclusive.
# Each character in s will be a lowercase English letter ('a'-'z')
# Output Format
# You should print the lenght of the longest square that occurs in s as a subsequence
# Example 1:
# Input: "frankfurt"
# Expected output: 4
# The longest square that occurs in "frankfurt" is "frfr". Its length is 4.
# Example 2:
# Input: "single"
# Expected output: 0
# The letters in the string "single" are all distinct. Hence, the only square that occurs in this string is "". The length of this square is zero.
# Sample Input 0
# frankfurt
# Sample Output 0
# 4
# Sample Input 1
# single
# Sample Output 1
# 0
# Sample Input 2
# singing
# Sample Output 2
# 6
# Sample Input 3
# aababbababbabbbbabbabb
# Sample Output 3
# 18
# Sample Input 4
# x
# Sample Output 4
# 0
class SquareString
attr_accessor :input
def initialize
@input = gets.chop
def largest
max = 0
for i in 0..input.size-2 do
size = size_of_longest_common_subsequence(@input[0..i], @input[i+1, @input.size-1])
max = size if size > max
return max*2
def size_of_longest_common_subsequence(str_1, str_2)
dp = {, 0) }
for i in 1..str_1.length do
for j in 1..str_2.length do
if (str_1[i-1] == str_2[j-1])
dp[i][j] = 1 + dp[i-1][j-1]
dp[i][j] = [dp[i][j-1], dp[i-1][j]].max
return dp[str_1.length][str_2.length];
s =
puts s.largest
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