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Created March 3, 2017 20:12
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Cura Plugin to pause on layer with delay.
#Name: Pause at layer
#Info: Pause the printer at a certain layer
#Depend: GCode
#Type: postprocess
#Param: pauseLevel(float:10) Pause level
#Param: parkX(float:190) Head park X (mm)
#Param: parkY(float:190) Head park Y (mm)
#Param: moveZ(float:0) Head move Z (mm)
#Param: retractAmount(float:5) Retraction amount (mm)
#Param: pauseAmount(float:1) Pause (seconds)
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2013 David Braam - Released under terms of the AGPLv3 License (Updated by Daniel Yovchev)"
import re
from Cura.util import profile
def getPrintZValue(lineBlock):
look for the last z value found just before (or at the same time) G1 code in the given block
lastZ = -1
for line in lineBlock:
lastZ = getValue(line, 'Z', lastZ)
if line.startswith('G1 ') and (getValue(line, 'X', None) is not None or getValue(line, 'Y', None) is not None):
return lastZ
def getValue(line, key, default = None):
if not key in line or (';' in line and line.find(key) > line.find(';')):
return default
subPart = line[line.find(key) + 1:]
m ='^[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*', subPart)
if m is None:
return default
return float(
return default
with open(filename, "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
z = 0.
x = 0.
y = 0.
pauseState = 0
#state 0 system is not active until we get to a smaller layer than the last encountered layer (default at 99999) (print one at a time support.)
#state 1 system is active and we are looking for our target layer z
#state 2 system found the layer it need to write. We will wait for the first G1 or G0 code to write the content just before. state will be set to 0
with open(filename, "w") as f:
lineIndex = 0
lastLayerIndex = 99999
layerZ = 0
for lIndex in xrange(len(lines)):
line = lines[lIndex]
if line.startswith(';'):
if line.startswith(';LAYER:'):
currentLayer = int(line[7:].strip())
if currentLayer < lastLayerIndex:
pauseState = 1
lastLayerIndex = currentLayer
if pauseState == 1:
layerZ = getPrintZValue(lines[lIndex:lIndex+20])
if currentLayer == pauseLevel:
pauseState = 2
x = getValue(line, 'X', x)
y = getValue(line, 'Y', y)
if pauseState == 2:
g = getValue(line, 'G', None)
if g == 1 or g == 0:# We will do the pause just before printing content. We need to pause from the previous XY position. Not the current.
z = layerZ
pauseState = 0
f.write("G1 E-%f F6000\n" % (retractAmount))
zChanged = False
#Change z before doing the move because the nozzle can hit the glass lock on the UM2
if z + moveZ < 15:
zChanged = True
f.write("G1 Z15 F300\n")
elif moveZ > 0:
newZ = z + moveZ
maxZ = profile.getMachineSettingFloat('machine_height') - 10 #For Safety Leave a 10mm space (endstop)
if maxZ < newZ:
newZ = maxZ
if newZ > z:
zChanged = True
f.write("G1 Z%f F300\n" % (newZ))
#Move the head away
f.write("G1 X%f Y%f F9000\n" % (parkX, parkY))
#Disable the E steppers
f.write("M84 E0\n")
#Wait till the user continues printing
f.write("G4 P%s\n" % (int(pauseAmount)*1000)) # time in seconds to pause.
#Push the filament back, and retract again, the properly primes the nozzle when changing filament.
f.write("G1 E%f F6000\n" % (retractAmount))
f.write("G1 E-%f F6000\n" % (retractAmount))
#Move the head back. Move Z at the same time to prevent hitting the glass locks on the UM2
if zChanged :
f.write("G1 X%f Y%f Z%f F9000\n" % (x, y, z))
f.write("G1 X%f Y%f F9000\n" % (x, y))
f.write("G1 E%f F6000\n" % (retractAmount))
f.write("G1 F9000\n")
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