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Last active July 7, 2020 06:41
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import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
def W(x):
return (x + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi
def mcf_sparse(x, y, psi, capacity=None):
points = np.vstack((x, y)).T
num_points = points.shape[0]
# Delaunay triangularization
tri = Delaunay(points)
simplex = tri.simplices
simplex_neighbors = tri.neighbors
num_simplex = simplex.shape[0]
if capacity is None:
cap_args = dict()
cap_args = {'capacity': capacity}
# get pseudo estimation of gradients and vertex edges
psi_diff = W(psi[simplex] - psi[np.roll(simplex, 1, 1)])
edges = np.stack((np.roll(simplex, 1, 1), simplex), axis=2).reshape(-1, 2)
# get corresponding simplex's edges orthogonal to original vertex edges
simplex_edges = np.stack((
np.broadcast_to(np.arange(num_simplex)[:, None], simplex_neighbors.shape),
np.roll(simplex_neighbors, -1, 1)), axis=2
).reshape(-1, 2)
# get demands
demands = np.round(-psi_diff.sum(1) * 0.5 / np.pi).astype(
psi_diff = psi_diff.flatten()
G = nx.Graph()
[{'demand': d} for d in demands]))
# set earth node index to -1, and its demand is the negative of the sum of all demands,
# so the total demands is zero
G.add_node(-1, demand=-demands.sum())
# set the edge weight to 1 whenever one of its nodes has zero demand
demands_dummy = np.concatenate((demands, [-demands.sum()]))
weights = np.any(demands_dummy[simplex_edges] == 0, 1)
G.add_weighted_edges_from(zip(simplex_edges[:, 0], simplex_edges[:, 1], weights), **cap_args)
# make graph to directed graph, so we can distinguish positive and negative flow
G = G.to_directed()
# perform MCF
cost, flowdict = nx.network_simplex(G)
# construct K matrix with the same shape as the edges
K = np.empty(edges.shape[0])
# add the flow to their orthogonal edge
for i, (u, v) in enumerate(simplex_edges):
K[i] = -flowdict[u][v] + flowdict[v][u]
# derive correct gradients
psi_diff += K * 2 * np.pi
# construct temporary dict that hold all edge gradients from different direction
psi_dict = {i: {} for i in range(num_points)}
for diff, (u, v) in zip(psi_diff, edges):
psi_dict[u][v] = diff
# integrate the gradients
result = psi.copy()
# choose an integration path, here let's use BFS
traverse_G = nx.DiGraph(edges.tolist())
for u, v in nx.algorithms.traversal.breadth_first_search.bfs_edges(traverse_G, 0):
result[v] = result[u] + psi_dict[u][v]
return result
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