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Last active September 22, 2019 08:41
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Save ypchen/46c0cd04c2287f0ec449e883a72cef48 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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def my_gist_hash ():
return '46c0cd04c2287f0ec449e883a72cef48'
def my_version ():
return '1.18.0-gist-r7'
# priv: revision 69
def inc(int_array, by = 1000):
int_array[0] += by
return (int_array[0])
def maplestage_html_verystream_check (link):
return ((-1) != link.find(''))
def maplestage_html_verystream_exec (ifcase, link):
provider = 'verystream'
xbmc.log('[%s, %d, %s] %s' % ('hdp_ims', ifcase[0], provider, 'link={' + link + '}'), xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
if ((-1) == link.find('http:')) and ((-1) == link.find('https:')) and ((-1) != link.find('//')):
# E.g., link={//}
link = 'https:' + link
html = get_link_contents(link)
if ('' == html):
return []
link = '' + str_between(html, 'id="videolink">', '<') + '?mime=true'
inc(ifcase, 1)
xbmc.log('[%s, %d, %s] %s' % ('hdp_ims', ifcase[0], provider, 'playing: link={' + link + '}'), xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
playitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=link)
return playitem
def maplestage_html_player_check (link):
return ((-1) == link.find('http:')) and ((-1) == link.find('https:')) and ((-1) != link.find('//')) and ((-1) != link.find('/player/'))
def maplestage_html_player_exec (ifcase, link):
provider = 'player'
xbmc.log('[%s, %d, %s] %s' % ('hdp_ims', ifcase[0], provider, 'link={' + link + '}'), xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
# E.g., link={//}
link = 'https:' + link
urlHost = str_between(link, '://', '/')
urlPrefix = 'https://' + urlHost
inc(ifcase, 1)
xbmc.log('[%s, %d, %s] %s' % ('hdp_ims', ifcase[0], provider, 'link={' + link + '}'), xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
html = get_link_contents(link)
if ('' == html):
return []
link = re.sub(r".+\|([0-9a-z]{100,240})\|.+", "\g<1>", html)
if ('' == link):
return []
link = urlPrefix + '/player?url=' + link
inc(ifcase, 1)
xbmc.log('[%s, %d, %s] %s' % ('hdp_ims', ifcase[0], provider, 'link={' + link + '}'), xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
html = get_link_contents(link)
if ('' == html):
return []
link = urlPrefix + str_between(html, 'source src="', '"')
inc(ifcase, 1)
xbmc.log('[%s, %d, %s] %s' % ('hdp_ims', ifcase[0], provider, 'playing: link={' + link + '}'), xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
playitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=link)
return playitem
def maplestage_html_rapidvideo_check (link):
return ((-1) != link.find('rapidvideo'))
def maplestage_html_rapidvideo_exec (ifcase, link):
provider = 'rapidvideo'
xbmc.log('[%s, %d, %s] %s' % ('hdp_ims', ifcase[0], provider, 'link={' + link + '}'), xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
if ((-1) != link.find('?')):
connector = '&'
connector = '?'
resolutionAttempts = [connector+'q=720p', connector+'q=480p', '']
for resAtt in resolutionAttempts:
inc(ifcase, 1)
xbmc.log('[%s, %d, %s] %s' % ('hdp_ims', ifcase[0], provider, 'resAtt={' + resAtt + '}'), xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
html = get_link_contents(link + resAtt)
if ('' == html):
return []
if ((-1) != html.find('source src="')):
# It may still fail after the listed attempts
link = str_between(html, 'source src="', '"')
inc(ifcase, 1)
xbmc.log('[%s, %d, %s] %s' % ('hdp_ims', ifcase[0], provider, 'playing: link={' + link + '}'), xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
playitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=link)
return playitem
def maplestage_html_dmembed_check (link):
return ((-1) != link.find(''))
def maplestage_html_dmembed_exec (ifcase, link):
provider = 'dmembed'
xbmc.log('[%s, %d, %s] %s' % ('hdp_ims', ifcase[0], provider, 'link={' + link + '}'), xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
if ((-1) == link.find('http:')) and ((-1) == link.find('https:')) and ((-1) != link.find('//')):
link = 'https:' + link
html = get_link_contents(link)
if ('' == html):
return []
htmlToExplode = str_between(html, ',"owner":', ',"reporting":')
videos = htmlToExplode.split('}],')
prefRes = ['"720"', '"1080"', '"480"', '"380"', '"240"']
urlFound = False
for res in prefRes:
for video in videos:
if ((-1) != video.find(res)):
urlFound = True
link = str_between(video, '"type":"video\/mp4","url":"', '"')
link = link.replace('\/', '/')
inc(ifcase, 1)
xbmc.log('[%s, %d, %s] %s' % ('hdp_ims', ifcase[0], provider, 'link={' + link + '} @ ' + res), xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
if (True == urlFound):
inc(ifcase, 1)
xbmc.log('[%s, %d, %s] %s' % ('hdp_ims', ifcase[0], provider, 'playing: link={' + link + '}'), xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
playitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=link)
return playitem
def maplestage_html_ddppnew_check (link):
return ((-1) != link.find('ddppnew'))
def maplestage_html_ddppnew_exec (ifcase, link):
provider = 'ddppnew'
xbmc.log('[%s, %d, %s] %s' % ('hdp_ims', ifcase[0], provider, 'link={' + link + '}'), xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
html = get_link_contents(link)
if ('' == html):
return []
redirecturl = str_between(html, 'var redirecturl = "', '"')
main = str_between(html, 'var main = "', '"')
link = redirecturl + main
inc(ifcase, 1)
xbmc.log('[%s, %d, %s] %s' % ('hdp_ims', ifcase[0], provider, 'playing: link={' + link + '}'), xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
playitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=link)
return playitem
def maplestage_html_share_Nom3u8_check (link):
return ((-1) != link.find('/share/')) and ((-1) == link.find('.m3u8'))
def maplestage_html_share_Nom3u8_exec (ifcase, link):
provider = '+share-.m3u8'
xbmc.log('[%s, %d, %s] %s' % ('hdp_ims', ifcase[0], provider, 'link={' + link + '}'), xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
html = get_link_contents(link)
if ('' == html):
return []
parsed = urlparse.urlparse(link)
replaced = parsed._replace(path=str_between(html, 'var main = "', '"').strip())
link = replaced.geturl()
inc(ifcase, 1)
xbmc.log('[%s, %d, %s] %s' % ('hdp_ims', ifcase[0], provider, 'playing: link={' + link + '}'), xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
playitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=link)
return playitem
def maplestage_html_1drama_check (link):
return ((-1) == link.find('//')) and ((-1) == link.find('.'))
def maplestage_html_1drama_exec (ifcase, link):
provider = '1drama'
xbmc.log('[%s, %d, %s] %s' % ('hdp_ims', ifcase[0], provider, 'link={' + link + '}'), xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
# E.g., link={QTBBS1Q5RktNMUlsYUJkdTh6VWJLT2NBLXlvZ3JPbEdkNlBGUG42YXRIM1lfTVBTUkZ5UF9TNW52eTZRMDljal9LemFmUUVkb3FVdlJsOFRPOFdfYm5uc3FYNERzQzNwTnh2RGdPSklzSXlOekdUbFlxanpnSEVwaEEwamFXd24}
html = get_link_contents('' + link, http_header={'Referer': ''})
if ('' == html):
return []
link = str_between(str_between(html, 'var m3u8url =', 'var dp'), " '", "'")
inc(ifcase, 1)
xbmc.log('[%s, %d, %s] %s' % ('hdp_ims', ifcase[0], provider, 'playing: link={' + link + '}'), xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
playitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=link)
return playitem
def maplestage_html_default_check (link):
return True
def maplestage_html_default_exec (ifcase, link):
provider = 'default'
xbmc.log('[%s, %d, %s] %s' % ('hdp_ims', ifcase[0], provider, 'playing: link={' + link + '}'), xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
playitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=link)
return playitem
html_providers = [
'check': maplestage_html_verystream_check,
'exec': maplestage_html_verystream_exec
'check': maplestage_html_player_check,
'exec': maplestage_html_player_exec
'check': maplestage_html_rapidvideo_check,
'exec': maplestage_html_rapidvideo_exec
'check': maplestage_html_dmembed_check,
'exec': maplestage_html_dmembed_exec
'check': maplestage_html_ddppnew_check,
'exec': maplestage_html_ddppnew_exec
'check': maplestage_html_share_Nom3u8_check,
'exec': maplestage_html_share_Nom3u8_exec
'check': maplestage_html_1drama_check,
'exec': maplestage_html_1drama_exec
'check': maplestage_html_default_check,
'exec': maplestage_html_default_exec
def maplestage_html (params):
ifcase = [0]
playitem = None
link = params['link']
if ((-1) != link.find('url=')):
# Mark the 'url=' process
inc(ifcase, 30000)
link = str_between(link, 'url=', "<>")
xbmc.log('[%s, %d] %s' % ('hdp_ims', ifcase[0], 'html: link={' + link + '}'), xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
for html_provider in html_providers:
if (0 < inc(ifcase)) and html_provider['check'](link):
playitem = html_provider['exec'](ifcase, link)
xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(addon_handle, True, playitem)
gimy_filter_URL_prefix = ''
gimy_filter_insert_all = '全部'
gimy_filter_insert_at = '2018'
gimy_filter_insert_this = '2019'
gimy_filter_insert_pre = '-'
gimy_filter_insert_post = '-'
gimy_filter_str1 = '</ul>'
gimy_filter_str2 = '<a '
gimy_filter_str3 = '>'
gimy_filter_str4 = '</a'
gimy_filter_str5 = 'href="'
gimy_filter_str6 = '"'
def gimy_filter (params, url, explodeStart, nextCallback):
html = get_link_contents(url)
if ('' == html):
return []
htmlToExplode = str_between(html, explodeStart, gimy_filter_str1)
videos = htmlToExplode.split(gimy_filter_str2)
siteURLprefix = gimy_filter_URL_prefix
items = []
prevTitle = ''
for video in videos:
title = str_between(video, gimy_filter_str3, gimy_filter_str4).strip()
# order asc
if ((prevTitle == gimy_filter_insert_at) and (title == gimy_filter_insert_all)):
items.append({'title': gimy_filter_insert_this, 'link': link.replace(gimy_filter_insert_pre + gimy_filter_insert_at + gimy_filter_insert_post, gimy_filter_insert_pre + gimy_filter_insert_this + gimy_filter_insert_post), 'action': 'list_items', 'callback': nextCallback, 'isFolder': True})
link = siteURLprefix + str_between(video, gimy_filter_str5, gimy_filter_str6).strip()
# order desc
if ((prevTitle == gimy_filter_insert_all) and (title == gimy_filter_insert_at)):
items.append({'title': gimy_filter_insert_this, 'link': link.replace(gimy_filter_insert_pre + gimy_filter_insert_at + gimy_filter_insert_post, gimy_filter_insert_pre + gimy_filter_insert_this + gimy_filter_insert_post), 'action': 'list_items', 'callback': nextCallback, 'isFolder': True})
items.append({'title': title, 'link': link, 'action': 'list_items', 'callback': nextCallback, 'isFolder': True})
prevTitle = title
return items
gimy_videos_str1 = '<div class="box-page'
gimy_videos_str2 = 'iv>'
gimy_videos_str3 = '<ul>'
gimy_videos_str4 = '</d'
gimy_videos_str5 = 'active"><span>'
gimy_videos_str6 = '</span>'
gimy_videos_str7 = '下一頁</a>'
gimy_videos_str8 = '</ul>'
gimy_videos_str9 = 'pagegbk" data="p-'
gimy_videos_strA = '">尾頁</a>'
gimy_videos_strB = '<div class="box-video-list">'
gimy_videos_strC = '<div class="box-page'
gimy_videos_strD = '<li '
gimy_videos_strE = ''
gimy_videos_strF = '</li>'
gimy_videos_strG = '上一頁'
gimy_videos_strH = '">'
gimy_videos_strI = '</a'
gimy_videos_strJ = 'href="'
gimy_videos_strK = '"'
gimy_videos_strL = 'title="'
gimy_videos_strM = '"'
gimy_videos_strN = 'href="'
gimy_videos_strO = '"'
gimy_videos_strP = 'data-original="'
gimy_videos_strQ = '"'
gimy_videos_strR = 'note text-bg-r">'
gimy_videos_strS = '</span>'
gimy_videos_strT = '下一頁'
gimy_videos_strU = '">'
gimy_videos_strV = '</a'
gimy_videos_strW = 'href="'
gimy_videos_strX = '"'
def gimy_videos (params):
data = json.loads(base64.b64decode(params['data']), 'utf-8')
page = int(data['page'])
page = 1
html = get_link_contents(params['link'])
if ('' == html):
return []
pageHtml = str_between(str_between(html, gimy_videos_str1, gimy_videos_str2), gimy_videos_str3, gimy_videos_str4)
pages = []
pages.append(str_between(pageHtml, gimy_videos_str5, gimy_videos_str6))
pages.append(str_between(str_between(pageHtml, gimy_videos_str7, gimy_videos_str8), gimy_videos_str9, gimy_videos_strA))
if ('' == pages[1]):
pages[1] = str(page)
htmlToExplode = str_between(html, gimy_videos_strB, gimy_videos_strC)
videos = htmlToExplode.split(gimy_videos_strD)
siteURLprefix = gimy_videos_strE
items = []
items.append({'title': '第 [COLOR limegreen]' + pages[0] + '[/COLOR] 頁/共 [COLOR limegreen]' + pages[1] + '[/COLOR] 頁', 'link': '', 'action': '', 'callback': '', 'isFolder': False})
pageBlocks = pageHtml.split(gimy_videos_strF)
if (page > 1):
for pageBlock in pageBlocks:
if (gimy_videos_strG == str_between(pageBlock, gimy_videos_strH, gimy_videos_strI).strip()):
link = siteURLprefix + str_between(pageBlock, gimy_videos_strJ, gimy_videos_strK).strip()
items.append({'title': '上一頁 (回第' + str(page-1) + '頁)', 'link': link, 'action': 'list_items', 'callback': 'gimy_videos(params)', 'isFolder': True, 'page': (page-1)})
for video in videos:
title = str_between(video, gimy_videos_strL, gimy_videos_strM).strip()
if ('' != title):
link = siteURLprefix + str_between(video, gimy_videos_strN, gimy_videos_strO).strip()
image = str_between(video, gimy_videos_strP, gimy_videos_strQ).strip()
note = str_between(video, gimy_videos_strR, gimy_videos_strS).strip()
items.append({'title': title + ' -- ' + note, 'link': link, 'action': 'list_items', 'callback': 'gimy_sources(params)', 'isFolder': True, 'image': image})
if (int(page) < int(pages[1])):
for pageBlock in pageBlocks:
if (gimy_videos_strT == str_between(pageBlock, gimy_videos_strU, gimy_videos_strV).strip()):
link = siteURLprefix + str_between(pageBlock, gimy_videos_strW, gimy_videos_strX).strip()
items.append({'title': '下一頁 (到第' + str(page+1) + '頁)', 'link': link, 'action': 'list_items', 'callback': 'gimy_videos(params)', 'isFolder': True, 'page': (page+1)})
return items
kubo_filter_URL_prefix = ''
kubo_filter_insert_all = '全部'
kubo_filter_insert_at = '2018'
kubo_filter_insert_this = '2019'
kubo_filter_insert_pre = '-year-'
kubo_filter_insert_post = '-'
kubo_filter_str1 = '</dl>'
kubo_filter_str2 = '<a '
kubo_filter_str3 = '>'
kubo_filter_str4 = '</a'
kubo_filter_str5 = 'href="'
kubo_filter_str6 = '"'
def kubo_filter (params, url, explodeStart, nextCallback):
html = get_link_contents(url)
if ('' == html):
return []
htmlToExplode = str_between(html, explodeStart, kubo_filter_str1)
videos = htmlToExplode.split(kubo_filter_str2)
siteURLprefix = kubo_filter_URL_prefix
items = []
prevTitle = ''
for video in videos:
title = str_between(video, kubo_filter_str3, kubo_filter_str4).strip()
# order asc
if ((prevTitle == kubo_filter_insert_at) and (title == kubo_filter_insert_all)):
items.append({'title': kubo_filter_insert_this, 'link': link.replace(kubo_filter_insert_pre + kubo_filter_insert_at + kubo_filter_insert_post, kubo_filter_insert_pre + kubo_filter_insert_this + kubo_filter_insert_post), 'action': 'list_items', 'callback': nextCallback, 'isFolder': True})
link = siteURLprefix + str_between(video, kubo_filter_str5, kubo_filter_str6).strip()
# order desc
if ((prevTitle == kubo_filter_insert_all) and (title == kubo_filter_insert_at)):
items.append({'title': kubo_filter_insert_this, 'link': link.replace(kubo_filter_insert_pre + kubo_filter_insert_at + kubo_filter_insert_post, kubo_filter_insert_pre + kubo_filter_insert_this + kubo_filter_insert_post), 'action': 'list_items', 'callback': nextCallback, 'isFolder': True})
items.append({'title': title, 'link': link, 'action': 'list_items', 'callback': nextCallback, 'isFolder': True})
prevTitle = title
return items
def kubo_cid (params):
return kubo_filter (params, params['link'], '<dt>子分類', 'kubo_area(params)')
def kubo_cid_skip_area (params):
return kubo_filter (params, params['link'], '<dt>子分類', 'kubo_year(params)')
def kubo_area (params):
return kubo_filter (params, params['link'], '<dt>地區', 'kubo_year(params)')
def kubo_year (params):
return kubo_filter (params, params['link'], '<dt>年份', 'kubo_videos(params)')
kubo_episodes_URL_prefix = ''
kubo_episodes_str1 = '<div class="hideCont"'
kubo_episodes_str2 = '</ul>'
kubo_episodes_str3 = '<li>'
kubo_episodes_str4 = '">'
kubo_episodes_str5 = '</a>'
kubo_episodes_str6 = 'href="'
kubo_episodes_str7 = '"'
def kubo_episodes (params):
html = get_link_contents(params['link'])
if ('' == html):
return []
htmlToExplode = str_between(html, kubo_episodes_str1, kubo_episodes_str2)
videos = htmlToExplode.split(kubo_episodes_str3)
items = []
for video in videos:
title = str_between(video, kubo_episodes_str4, kubo_episodes_str5).strip()
link = kubo_episodes_URL_prefix + str_between(video, kubo_episodes_str6, kubo_episodes_str7).strip()
link = build_url_dict({'action': 'kubo_episode', 'link': link})
items.append({'title': title, 'link': link, 'isFolder': False, 'IsPlayable': 'True'})
return items
kubo_episode_str1 = 'ff_urls='
kubo_episode_str2 = '"Data'
kubo_episode_str3 = 'https'
kubo_episode_str4 = '.m3u8'
def kubo_episode (params):
name = 'kubo_episode()'
link = params['link']
html = get_link_contents(link)
xbmc.log('[%s] %s' % (name, 'input: link={' + link + '}'), xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
if ('' == html):
return []
htmlToExplode = str_between(html, kubo_episode_str1, kubo_episode_str2)
link = kubo_episode_str3 + str_between(htmlToExplode, kubo_episode_str3, kubo_episode_str4).strip() + kubo_episode_str4
link = link.replace('\/', '/')
playitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=link)
xbmc.log('[%s] %s' % (name, 'playing: link={' + link + '}'), xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
playitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=link)
xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(addon_handle, True, playitem)
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