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Last active October 27, 2019 09:19
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GDP - 2019 d3.v5

Line chart with legend

Used d3 v5 with svg.

D3 features

  • path with curve lineGenerator
  • mouse hover, scale invert
  • legend clickable
  • legend switch All
  • color scale
  • recalculating y-scale on change
  • data sort without accents


Exported gdp data from

country 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Ausztria 213.6 220.5 226.7 231.9 242.3 254.1 267.8 284.0 293.8 288.0 295.9 310.1 318.7 323.9 333.1 344.3 356.2 369.9 386.1
Belgium 258.2 265.8 275.1 282.6 298.7 311.5 326.7 344.7 354.1 348.8 365.1 379.1 387.5 392.3 400.1 411.1 424.6 439.2 450.5
Bulgária 14.3 15.8 17.3 18.7 20.9 23.9 27.2 32.4 37.2 37.3 38.2 41.3 41.9 41.9 42.8 45.3 48.1 51.7 55.2
Ciprus 10.8 11.6 12.1 12.9 13.9 15.0 16.3 17.6 19.0 18.7 19.3 19.7 19.5 18.1 17.6 17.7 18.5 19.6 20.7
Csehország 66.8 75.4 87.1 88.2 96.0 109.6 123.9 138.3 161.3 148.7 156.7 164.0 161.4 157.7 156.7 168.5 176.4 191.7 206.8
Dánia 178.0 184.0 189.8 193.4 202.4 212.8 225.5 233.4 241.6 231.3 243.2 247.9 254.6 258.7 265.8 273.0 282.1 292.8 297.6
Egyesült Királyság 1787.3 1816.2 1881.2 1809.1 1934.5 2030.9 2150.3 2252.5 1984.0 1725.4 1850.5 1894.9 2089.6 2074.0 2287.9 2611.9 2403.4 2338.0 2393.7
Észtország 6.2 7.0 7.8 8.7 9.7 11.3 13.5 16.2 16.5 14.1 14.7 16.7 17.9 18.9 20.1 20.7 21.7 23.6 25.7
Finnország 136.3 144.4 148.3 151.6 158.5 164.4 172.6 186.6 193.7 181.0 187.1 196.9 199.8 203.3 205.5 210.0 216.1 223.9 233.6
Franciaország 1478.6 1538.2 1587.8 1630.7 1704.0 1765.9 1848.2 1941.4 1992.4 1936.4 1995.3 2058.4 2088.8 2117.2 2149.8 2198.4 2234.1 2295.1 2353.1
Görögország 143.0 152.2 163.5 178.9 193.7 199.2 217.9 232.7 242.0 237.5 226.0 207.0 191.2 180.7 178.7 177.3 176.5 180.2 184.7
Hollandia 452.0 481.9 501.1 512.8 529.3 550.9 584.5 619.2 647.2 624.8 639.2 650.4 653.0 660.5 671.6 690.0 708.3 737.0 773.4
Horvátország 23.6 26.0 28.5 30.7 33.4 36.5 40.2 43.9 48.1 45.1 45.2 44.8 44.0 43.8 43.4 44.6 46.6 49.0 51.5
Írország 108.4 122.0 136.0 145.6 156.1 170.2 185.0 197.2 187.8 170.1 167.7 171.1 175.2 179.9 195.3 262.5 273.2 294.1 318.5
Lengyelország 186.4 212.4 210.1 192.3 206.1 246.2 274.6 313.9 366.2 317.1 361.8 380.2 389.4 394.7 411.2 430.3 426.5 467.3 496.5
Lettország 8.6 9.4 10.2 10.5 11.7 13.7 17.3 22.7 24.4 18.7 17.8 20.2 22.1 22.8 23.6 24.3 25.0 27.0 29.5
Litvánia 12.5 13.7 15.2 16.7 18.2 21.0 24.1 29.0 32.7 26.9 28.0 31.3 33.3 35.0 36.6 37.4 38.8 42.2 45.1
Luxemburg 23.1 23.8 25.1 26.2 27.9 30.0 33.8 37.2 38.1 37.0 40.2 43.2 44.1 46.5 49.8 51.6 53.3 55.3 58.9
Magyarország 51.3 60.1 71.9 75.5 83.8 90.9 91.8 102.2 108.1 94.3 98.8 101.3 99.5 101.9 105.5 110.9 113.9 124.1 131.9
Málta 4.4 4.5 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.1 5.4 5.8 6.1 6.1 6.6 6.8 7.2 7.6 8.5 9.6 10.3 11.3 12.3
Németország 2,116.5 2,179.9 2,209.3 2,220.1 2,270.6 2,300.9 2,393.3 2,513.2 2,561.7 2,460.3 2,580.1 2,703.1 2,758.3 2,826.2 2,938.6 3,048.9 3,159.8 3,277.3 3,386.0
Olaszország 1,239.3 1,298.9 1,345.8 1,390.7 1,448.4 1,489.7 1,548.5 1,609.6 1,632.2 1,572.9 1,604.5 1,637.5 1,613.3 1,604.6 1,621.8 1,652.1 1,689.8 1,727.4 1,757.0
Portugália 128.5 135.8 142.6 146.2 152.4 158.7 166.2 175.5 178.9 175.4 179.9 176.2 168.4 170.3 173.1 179.8 186.5 194.6 201.6
Románia 40.6 45.1 48.7 51.1 60.4 79.2 97.2 127.6 146.6 125.2 125.4 131.9 133.1 143.8 150.5 160.3 170.4 187.5 202.9
Spanyolország 646.3 699.5 749.3 803.5 861.4 930.6 1,008.0 1,080.8 1,116.2 1,079.1 1,080.9 1,070.4 1,039.8 1,025.7 1,037.8 1,081.2 1,118.7 1,166.3 1,208.2
Svédország 282.2 268.2 281.0 293.8 307.8 313.6 335.3 356.9 352.7 310.0 369.5 405.4 423.8 436.2 433.1 449.2 463.1 475.2 466.9
Szlovákia 22.3 23.9 26.3 30.1 34.7 39.3 45.5 56.2 66.0 64.0 67.6 70.6 72.7 74.2 76.1 79.1 81.2 84.9 90.2
Szlovénia 21.9 23.2 25.1 26.3 27.7 29.2 31.6 35.2 38.0 36.2 36.3 36.9 36.1 36.2 37.6 38.9 40.4 43.0 45.9
Európai Unió–28 9,661.0 10,059.3 10,427.5 10,583.2 11,109.7 11,604.4 12,272.0 13,005.7 13,086.5 12,330.6 12,841.5 13,217.5 13,484.2 13,596.8 14,072.0 14,828.7 14,963.8 15,389.3 15,884.0
Eurózóna–19 7,030.3 7,356.1 7,611.9 7,830.5 8,164.3 8,460.8 8,906.0 9,404.6 9,640.7 9,296.2 9,552.2 9,805.6 9,846.8 9,944.0 10,175.2 10,534.8 10,833.2 11,212.0 11,581.0
Észak-Macedónia 4.1 4.1 4.2 4.4 4.6 5.0 5.5 6.1 6.8 6.8 7.1 7.5 7.6 8.1 8.6 9.1 9.7 10.0 10.7
Norvégia 185.9 194.4 207.8 202.4 212.9 248.3 275.3 293.3 317.2 278.6 324.0 358.7 397.1 394.0 376.6 348.4 335.7 354.3 368.4
Oroszország 302.1 368.0 392.3 410.3 512.0 661.5 849.9 1,022.6 1,220.7 947.0 1,238.8 1,474.5 1,707.2 1,727.4 1,554.4 1,222.7 1,160.5 .. ..
Svájc 294.9 311.3 320.2 312.4 317.5 328.7 343.5 350.7 378.2 390.2 441.1 504.0 519.7 518.4 534.9 612.7 605.8 601.4 597.3
Szerbia .. .. 17.1 18.7 20.0 22.3 25.9 31.6 35.7 32.5 31.5 35.4 33.7 36.4 35.5 35.7 36.7 39.2 42.8
Törökország 296.9 222.6 249.6 276.1 324.7 401.7 436.3 492.8 521.8 461.9 581.0 596.5 678.5 714.3 703.4 773.0 780.2 753.9 ..
India .. 540.7 535.5 523.7 558.4 653.4 732.6 857.1 858.2 932.5 1,245.8 1,346.4 1,449.6 1,441.5 1,538.5 1,933.3 2,051.0 2,281.1 ..
Izrael .. 145.9 128.0 112.5 108.9 114.5 122.7 130.5 147.4 149.2 176.7 188.1 200.4 220.6 233.8 270.8 288.7 313.0 312.9
Japán 5,295.1 4,812.3 4,370.5 3,935.3 3,875.1 3,830.0 3,608.3 3,297.3 3,415.6 3,755.6 4,304.5 4,428.7 4,829.3 3,880.7 3,662.4 3,955.9 4,459.1 4,302.1 4,209.4
Kína .. 1,495.5 1,555.2 1,467.8 1,571.8 1,837.3 2,192.3 2,592.6 3,122.6 3,657.9 4,593.8 5,424.0 6,644.9 7,262.6 7,834.2 9,837.4 10,065.8 10,758.3 11,530.5
Koreai Köztársaság 608.7 595.9 648.2 602.1 615.8 722.2 806.0 819.5 687.7 649.6 826.0 864.7 951.5 983.2 1,062.9 1,244.8 1,278.5 1,355.3 1,372.0
Dél-afrikai Köztársaság 148.1 136.1 122.9 155.4 184.4 207.0 215.6 218.4 196.5 214.8 283.3 299.5 308.4 275.8 264.2 285.8 268.0 309.2 312.1
Egyiptom 113.4 114.2 95.5 75.3 66.6 75.7 89.9 100.0 116.1 142.2 173.5 178.0 217.0 216.9 230.0 299.3 300.4 209.4 211.3
Brazília .. 624.5 533.7 495.1 538.4 714.9 881.5 1,021.4 1,163.1 1,204.4 1,666.7 1,881.1 1,919.5 1,858.5 1,851.6 1,620.3 1,625.3 1,817.8 ..
Egyesült Államok 11,100.4 11,815.3 11,565.6 10,129.3 9,818.9 10,478.8 11,002.4 10,545.0 10,003.3 10,359.1 11,308.8 11,165.6 12,606.6 12,638.2 13,189.1 16,421.2 16,900.5 17,248.3 17,353.2
Kanada 807.0 825.5 804.5 793.3 826.2 942.2 1,051.2 1,074.8 1,062.6 991.4 1,220.5 1,289.2 1,422.8 1,390.1 1,360.7 1,403.1 1,383.6 1,462.1 1,450.9
Mexikó 766.2 844.5 813.7 644.2 628.9 705.0 776.3 768.3 758.3 647.0 798.6 848.3 935.8 959.5 989.7 1,053.1 973.4 1,027.8 1,036.9
Ausztrália 443.7 435.5 461.0 495.4 545.6 610.6 651.9 720.2 723.6 734.0 982.2 1,112.0 1,238.3 1,160.3 1,103.6 1,124.9 1,185.6 1,254.2 1,227.3
Új-Zéland 59.1 60.4 66.4 74.3 82.5 92.3 88.8 100.3 91.3 87.8 110.7 121.2 137.1 143.6 151.4 159.5 169.9 179.4 173.6
<!DOCTYPE html>
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* WHEN legendCountriesJoin ENTERS new data
* */
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* WHEN legendCountriesJoin UPDATES data
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function key(d, i, j) {
console.log((Array.isArray(this) ? "data\t" : "node\t") + d);
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// Let's kick-off the party
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