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Forked from AysadKozanoglu/jail.conf
Created March 27, 2017 18:39
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fail2ban nginx 404 400 403 444 filter /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/nginx-4xx.conf
# nano /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/nginx-4xx.conf
failregex = ^<HOST>.*"(GET|POST).*" (404|444|403|400) .*$
ignoreregex =
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As some scanners use HTTP HEAD, I prefer to use the following instead:

failregex = ^."(GET|POST|HEAD)." (404|444|403|400) .*$

However, I noticed that this rule does not work on nginx HTTP 400 errors when the access.log file does not capture the source IP. Another one to investigate, I guess.

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