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Created October 1, 2011 14:31
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Code Jam Japan Problem A
(require '[ :as io])
;; Main funcs
;; step back
;; get previous position of the target card
(defn un-shuffle [W ab-list]
(let [[A B] ab-list]
(cond (<= W B) (+ W (- A 1))
(and (> W B)
(<= W (+ B A -1))) (- W B)
:else W)))
;; step back all the way
(defn gcj-pA [key-arg cut-list]
(let [[_ _ W] key-arg]
(loop [rev-cut-list (reverse cut-list)
w W]
(if (empty? rev-cut-list)
(recur (next rev-cut-list)
(un-shuffle w (first rev-cut-list)))))))
;; Support funcs
;; get args from the question file.
;; returns them as
;; ((1 ((M T W) ((A1 B1)(A2 B2)...))) (2 ........))
(defn get-gcj-args-list-pA [file-name]
(let [tmptmp
(reduce (fn [[tmp-dat res] dat]
(cond (= (count dat) 3) [[dat []] (conj res tmp-dat)]
(= (count dat) 2) [[(first tmp-dat) (vec (conj (second tmp-dat) dat))] res]
:final (vec (conj (second tmp-dat) dat))))
[[] []]
(map (fn [line-dat]
(map (fn [s] (BigInteger. s))
(.split line-dat " ")))
(drop 1 (io/read-lines file-name))))]
(map list
(iterate inc 1)
(conj (vec (drop 1 (second tmptmp))) (first tmptmp)))))
;; get answar list with answer function f
(defn gcj-get-ans-pA [file-name f]
(pmap (fn [[num args]] [num (apply f args)])
(get-gcj-args-list-pA file-name)))
;; create answar file from question file with answer function f
(defn gcj-create-ans-pA [in-file out-file f]
(with-open [bw (io/writer out-file)]
(io/with-out-writer bw
(for [[num ans] (gcj-get-ans-pA in-file f)]
(println (str "Case #" num ": " ans)))))))
;; invoke
(time (gcj-create-ans-pA
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