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Created June 25, 2015 16:13
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Euler: Problem 102
;; Prablem 102
;; "Elapsed time: 1107.975434 msecs"
(defn calc-alfa [[ax ay] [bx by] [cx cy]
[px py]]
(/ (+ (* (- by cy) (- px cx))
(* (- cx bx) (- py cy)))
(+ (* (- by cy) (- ax cx))
(* (- cx bx) (- ay cy)))))
(defn calc-beta [[ax ay] [bx by] [cx cy]
[px py]]
(/ (+ (* (- cy ay) (- px cx))
(* (- ax cx) (- py cy)))
(+ (* (- by cy) (- ax cx))
(* (- cx bx) (- ay cy)))))
(defn triangle-includes-origin? [[a b c]]
(let [p [0 0]
alfa (calc-alfa a b c p)
beta (calc-beta a b c p)]
(and (<= 0 alfa 1)
(<= 0 beta 1)
(<= 0 (+ alfa beta) 1))))
(defn line-to-points [s]
(->> (clojure.string/split s #",")
(map #(Integer/parseInt %) ,,)
(partition 2 ,,)))
(defn pe-102 [triangles-txt]
(with-open [f ( triangles-txt)]
(->> (line-seq f)
(map line-to-points ,,)
(map triangle-includes-origin? ,,)
(filter true? ,,)
(count ,,))))
(pe-102 "")
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