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Created November 21, 2010 18:18
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  • Save ypujante/708980 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ypujante/708980 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This script uploads all your artifacts to maven (staging)
* Copyright (c) 2010-2010 LinkedIn, Inc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
* This script uploads all your artifacts to maven.
* To run this script there are several asumptions:
* - gpg is installed and available in the path
* - you have followed the instructions to set up your pgp key
* (
* - maven is installed and available in the path
* - you have defined the proper server section in your ~/.m2/settings.xml file:
* <settings>
* ...
* <servers>
* <server>
* <id>nexus-releases</id>
* <username>ypujante</username>
* <password>********</password>
* </server>
* </servers>
* ...
* </settings>
* You run the script this way: groovy maven_staging_upload.groovy pathToPomFile1 pathToPomFile2...
* groovy
* Forks a process to execute the command line provided (as a single string) and returns a map
* with 'res' being the return value from the process, 'output' being the output of the process
* as a byte[] and 'error' being the error stream as byte array
def forkAndExec2(char[] passphrase, String commandLine)
def pb = new ProcessBuilder(['bash', '-c', commandLine])
Process process = pb.start()
process.outputStream << passphrase
def out = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
def outThread = Thread.start(commandLine) {
out << new BufferedInputStream(process.inputStream)
def err = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
def errThread = Thread.start(commandLine) {
err << new BufferedInputStream(process.errorStream)
// we wait for the process to be done
def res = process.waitFor()
// we wait for the threads to have finished reading the output and error
def output = out.toByteArray()
def error = err.toByteArray()
return [res: res, output: output, error: error]
* Converts the output into a string. Assumes that the encoding is UTF-8. Replaces all line feeds
* by '\n' and remove the last line feed.
private def toStringOutput(byte[] output)
return output ? new String(output, "UTF-8").readLines().join('\n') : ""
_passphrase = [] as char[]
char[] getPassphrase()
def console = System.console()
_passphrase = console.readPassword("Enter passphrase: ")
return _passphrase
def pgpSign(File f)
def signedFile = new File(f.parentFile, "${}.asc")
def result = forkAndExec2(passphrase, "gpg -ab --batch --passphrase-fd 0 ${f.canonicalPath}")
if(result.res != 0)
throw new RuntimeException(toStringOutput(result.error))
return signedFile
filesToBundleFilter = { f, n ->
if(new File(f, n).isDirectory())
return false
!(n.endsWith('.asc') || n.endsWith('.sha1') || n.endsWith('.md5'))
} as FilenameFilter
def mavenStagingUpload(File pomFile)
def allFiles = pomFile.parentFile.listFiles(filesToBundleFilter) as List
allFiles.collect { it }.each { File f ->
allFiles << pgpSign(f)
def baseName = - '.pom'
println "####### ${baseName} #######"
allFiles.each { file ->
def name = - baseName
def idx = name.indexOf('.')
def classifier = name[0..<idx]
classifier = classifier - '-'
def packaging = name[idx+1..-1]
def cmdline = []
cmdline << 'mvn'
cmdline << 'deploy:deploy-file'
cmdline << '-Durl='
cmdline << '-DrepositoryId=nexus-releases'
cmdline << "-Dfile=${file.canonicalPath}"
cmdline << "-DpomFile=${pomFile.canonicalPath}"
cmdline << "-Dpackaging=${packaging}"
cmdline << "-Dclassifier=${classifier}"
println "...Uploading ${}..."
def result = forkAndExec2(null, cmdline.join(' '))
if(result.res != 0)
throw new RuntimeException(toStringOutput(result.error))
println toStringOutput(result.output)
def cli = new CliBuilder(usage: 'maven_staging_upload [-r <repositoryId>] pomFil1 [pomFil2...]')
cli.r(longOpt: 'repositoryId', 'repository id (from settings.xml)', args:1, required: false)
def options = cli.parse(args)
def poms = options.arguments().collect { new File(it) }
poms.each { File pom ->
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