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Created July 31, 2016 04:47
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ncmpcpp: execute_on_song_change
#!/usr/bin/env python
Get a notification summary and body from mpc, then send it through dbus.
from subprocess import check_output
from dbus import SessionBus, Interface
mpc = check_output("mpc --format='%album%\n%artist%\t%title%'", shell=True)\
summary, body = mpc.splitlines()[:2]
except ValueError:
bus = {
"path": "/org/freedesktop/Notifications",
"name": "org.freedesktop.Notifications"
notif_args = [
"ncmpcpp", # app_name
227788, # replaces_id
"audio-x-generic", # app_icon
summary, # summary
body.translate(body.maketrans("\t", "\n")), # body
[], # actions
{"bgcolor": "#222222", "fgcolor": "#888888"}, # hints
5000 # expire_timeout
proxy = SessionBus().get_object(bus["name"], bus["path"])
interface = Interface(proxy, bus["name"])
# Get fields from mpc, split by tabs.
IFS=$'\t' read album artist title \
<<< "$(mpc --format="%album%\t%artist%\t%title%")"
notify-send --urgency=low --expire-time=5000 --app-name=ncmpcpp \
--icon=audio-x-generic "$album" "$artist\n$title"
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yrps commented Jul 31, 2016

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Just for completeness, to use the shell version you'd preferably put it on your ncmpcpp configuration folder so most likely ~/.config/ncmpcpp/ and append this line to your ncmpcpp config file (~/.config/ncmpcpp/config):
But also don't forget to set its executable flag like such: chmod +x
Also for gnome I prefer the urgency level to be normal so it pops up for the specified time (expired-time, which gnome 42 seems to ignore).

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