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Created April 4, 2017 09:37
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HA cluster



A single point of failure (SPOF) is a part of a system that, if it fails, will stop the entire system from working.

source: wikipedia

Quorom - 정족수(定足數)

A quorum is the minimum number of votes that a distributed transaction has to obtain in order to be allowed to perform an operation in a distributed system.

Arbiter - 조정자

source: wikipedia

Split-brain syndrome

A split-brain(a network partition) indicates data or availability inconsistencies originating from the maintenance of two separate data sets with overlap in scope

source: wikipedia

Cluster computing

Computer cluster consists of a set of loosely or tightly connected computers that work together so that, in many respects, they can be viewed as a single system.

source: wikipedia

Disaster recovery (DR)

A set of policies and procedures to enable the recovery or continuation of vital technology infrastructure and systems following a natural or human-induced disaster.

source: wikipedia


The continuation of a service after the failure of one or more of its components.

Load balancing

The distribution of workloads across multiple computing resources.

Load balancing is often used to implement failover.

source: wikipedia

Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB)

  • DNS based
  • Routing Policy
    • Weighted, Lantency, Failover set, Geo-location
  • AWS Route53

Wildcard DNS record

  • *
  • virtual hosts
    • Host HTTP/1.1 header
    • Multi host names bound to one IP address.

HA example

RAID (redundant array of independent disks)

A data storage virtualization technology that combines multiple physical disk drive components into a single logical unit for the purposes of data redundancy, performance improvement, or both.

source: wikipedia

Linux DM Multipath

DM(device mapper)-Multipathing provides input-output (I/O) fail-over and load-balancing by using multipath I/O within Linux for block devices.

source: wikipedia


Object storage on a single distributed computer cluster. Ceph aims primarily for completely distributed operation without a single point of failure, scalable to the exabyte level.

Link aggregation

Combining (aggregating) multiple network connections in parallel in order to increase throughput beyond what a single connection could sustain, and to provide redundancy in case one of the links should fail.

source: wikipedia

Distributed Replicated Block Device(DRBD)



What does coordinator do?

  • Service Registration
  • Service Discovery
    • DNS support: Consul only
  • Consistent and durable general-purpose K/V store
  • Leader Election

Consul vs Zookeeper vs Etcd

  • Consul

  • ready to use(DNS, health check), commercially supported.

  • Zookeeper

  • Java

  • old but stable

  • Etcd

  • new and just simple K/V store.

  • ttl, atomic


  • TTL
  • compareAndDelete, compareAndSwap


  • znode 단위로 관리된다.
  • znode는 파일 시스템과 유사한 디렉토리 구조(path)를 가진다.
  • znode에 데이터를 저장할 수 있다.
  • znode의 변화 watch
  • Zookeeper와 클라이언트의 연결이 끊어지면 자동으로 삭제
  • No TTL

var zk = require('zkHelper'),
  options = {
		basePath: '/myapps';
		configPath: '/myapps/config',
		node: require('os').hostname(),
		servers: ['zk0:2181', 'zk1:2181', 'zk2:2181'], // zk servers
		clientOptons: { sessionTimeout: 10000, retries: 3 }
zk.init(options, function (err, zkClient) {
  if (zk.isMaster()) {'I am master')
  } else {'master', zk.getMaster() && zk.getMaster().master)
  var config = zk.getConfig();



HAProxy is free, open source software

that provides a high availability load balancer and proxy server for TCP(L4) and HTTP-based applications(L7)

that spreads requests across multiple servers.

  • manpage: fast and reliable http reverse proxy and load balancer

  • LVS(Linux Virtual Server) : L4 only alternative; kernel space impl.

Reverse , Forward proxy

source: wikipedia

haproxy stat - hatop


L4 TCP socket

frontend mqtt_fe
    option tcplog
    bind :1883
    mode tcp
    timeout client 90s
    default_backend mqtt_be

backend mqtt_be
    mode tcp
    timeout server 90s
    server mqtt.1 maxconn 50000 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 3
    server mqtt.2 maxconn 50000 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 3
    server mqtt.3 maxconn 50000 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 3

L7 websocket/ssl, sticky, redirect

frontend mqttwss_fe
    option httplog
    bind :8083
    bind :8483 ssl crt mqtt.pem
    redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }
    mode http
    default_backend mqttwss_be

backend mqttwss_be
    mode http
    cookie SRV insert indirect nocache
    server mqtt.1 cookie mqtt.1 maxconn 50000 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 3
    server mqtt.2 cookie mqtt.2 maxconn 50000 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 3
    server mqtt.3 cookie mqtt.3 maxconn 50000 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 3

wildcard host routing

frontend HttpFrontend
    bind *:80
    mode http
    acl fooBackend hdr_beg(host) -i foo.
    acl barBackend hdr_beg(host) -i bar.

    use_backend fooBackend if fooBackend
    use_backend barBackend if barBackend

    default_backend bazBackend


  • Use haproxy instead of AWS ELB
  • Update haproxy to use all instances running in a security group. [-h] --security-group SECURITY_GROUP [SECURITY_GROUP ...] --access-key ACCESS_KEY --secret-key SECRET_KEY [--output OUTPUT] [--template TEMPLATE] [--haproxy HAPROXY] [--pid PID] [--eip EIP] [--health-check-url HEALTH_CHECK_URL] ```

haproxy command line options

  • -D : daemon
  • -f : config file(/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg)
  • -p : pid file to have its children's pids
  • -sf pidlist
    • Send FINISH signal to the pids in pidlist after startup.
    • The processes which receive this signal will wait for all sessions to finish before exiting.
  • -st pidlist
    • Send TERMINATE signal to the pids in pidlist after startup.
    • The processes which receive this signal will wait immediately terminate, closing all active sessions.

haproxy HA

  • use GSLB
  • Active/Standby

performance tunning

  • sysctls tunning
    • ulimit -a
  • multi-process
    • ssl offloading
    • dedicate process for a task
    • dedicate processor for irq handling


  nbproc 4            # number of processes

frontend access_http
   bind-process 1     # dedicate one process to http
   mode            http
   default_backend backend_nodes

frontend access_https
   bind ssl crt /etc/yourdomain.pem 
   bind-process 2 3 4 # dedicate the other processes to https
   mode            http
   option           forwardfor
   option           accept-invalid-http-request
   reqadd         X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https
   default_backend backend_nodes


Firewall HA



  • VRRP(Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol)
  • LVS(Linux Virtual Server)

Keepalived - VRRP

vrrp_instance E1 {
    interface eth0
    state BACKUP
    virtual_router_id 61
    priority 100
    advert_int 1        # advertise every 1sec to multicast:
    virtual_ipaddress { dev eth0
        2001:db8:15:7::100/64 dev eth0 
    garp_master_delay 1 # 1sec delay for gratuitous ARP after transition to MASTER


Sync {
  Mode FTFW {
    DisableExternalCache Off
  UDP {
		Port 3780
		Interface eth2
		SndSocketBuffer 1249280
		RcvSocketBuffer 1249280
		Checksum on

failover scenario

  • FW1: 장애로, VRRP advertise pkt 전송 안됨.
  • FW2: VIP 할당되고, gratuitous ARP pkt 전송.
    • switch port의 mac address 갱신.
    • nodes의arp table 갱신.
  • FW2: external cache(FW1's conntrack info) --> internal(kernel) cache로 갱신함.
source:[VRRP(Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol) 상세 동작 원리](



provides clustering infracture such as membership, messaging and quorum.


# quorum 이 구성
quorum {
  provider: corosync_votequorum
        two_node: 0
# totem protocol 설정
totem {
  version:                             2
  token:      3000  # token 을 받지 못해서 해당 노드 fail로 판단하는 시간(ms)
  token_retransmits_before_loss_const: 10
  join:                                60
  consensus:  3600 # 새로운 q uorum member을 구성을 시작하는 전 기다리는 시간(ms).


It is an open source high availability resource manager software used on computer clusters since 2004. Its preferred API for this purpose is the OCF resource agent API.

  • OCF(Open Cluster Framework)
    • LSB(linux standard base) init script와 유사한 shell script이다.
    • Resource Agent를 만드는데 이용된다.
    • exit code에 따라 pacemaker가 다른 행동을 한다.

Two-node Active/Passive clusters using Pacemaker and DRBD are a cost-effective solution for many High Availability situations


By supporting many nodes, Pacemaker can dramatically reduce hardware costs by allowing several active/passive clusters to be combined and share a common backup node.


When shared storage is available, every node can potentially be used for failover. Pacemaker can even run multiple copies of services to spread out the workload.


N to N Redundancy

node 13: node-03
node 2: node-01
node 9: node-02

CRM property

property cib-bootstrap-options: \
        dc-version=1.1.12-561c4cf \
        cluster-infrastructure=corosync \
        no-quorum-policy=stop \
        stonith-enabled=false \
        start-failure-is-fatal=false \
        symmetric-cluster=false \

3대의 node 중 1 대의 node가 단절됐을 때

  • 나머지 두 node는 정상 동작.
  • 문제가 된 node는 quorum 구성을 못하고, 해당 node의 모든 resource stop!
    • no-quorum-policy=stop

Resource - ex) conntrackd + vip

conntrackd : one master at a node and slaves are on the other nodes. vip public : one resource at a node.

primitive p_conntrackd ocf:fuel:ns_conntrackd \
	op monitor interval=30 timeout=60 \
	op monitor interval=27 role=Master timeout=60 \
	params bridge=br-mgmt \
	meta migration-threshold=INFINITY failure-timeout=180s

primitive vip__vrouter_pub ocf:fuel:ns_IPaddr2 \
	op monitor interval=5 timeout=20 \
	op start interval=0 timeout=30 \
	op stop interval=0 timeout=30 \
	meta migration-threshold=3 failure-timeout=60 resource-stickiness=1

ms master_p_conntrackd p_conntrackd \
  meta notify=true ordered=false interleave=true clone-node-max=1 master-max=1 master-node-max=1

Resource - ex) conntrackd + vip

vip internal, vip public and conntrackd at the same node.

location master_p_conntrackd-on-node-01 master_p_conntrackd 100: node-01
location master_p_conntrackd-on-node-02 master_p_conntrackd 100: node-02
location master_p_conntrackd-on-node-03 master_p_conntrackd 100: node-03

colocation conntrackd-with-pub-vip inf: vip__vrouter_pub:Started master_p_conntrackd:Master

colocation vip__vrouter-with-vip__vrouter_pub inf: vip__vrouter vip__vrouter_pub



  • WSRep(Write set replication)
  • GTID(Global Transaction ID) : {uuid}:{sequence number}
  • SST(State Snapshot Transfers)
  • IST(Incremental State Transfers)
  • IST trigger condition:
    • 해당 클러스터 그룹의 state UUID와 joiner node의 statu UUID가 같아야 함
    • 모든 missing write-sets이 donor의 write-set 캐시에 존재 해야 함



  • zookeeper, etcd, consul : builing block for own coordinator; loosely connected;

  • haproxy: failover and load balancing micro services.

  • Pacemaker: Pacemaker is really only designed to do membership and failure detection at small scale <50 nodes. tightly connected.

HA Clustering의 요건

  • Technology : ...
  • Process : documented, clear ownership.
  • People : skill set, attitudes, leadership, role & responsibiltiy.

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