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Last active December 27, 2015 06:59
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  • Save ysaotome/7286145 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ysaotome/7286145 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
プログラミング用フォントRitcyをOS X Mavericks (10.9)でセットアップ。要 homebrew
## install fontforge
brew install fontforge
##mkdir work
mkdir ~/.Trash/ricty
cd ~/.Trash/ricty
## get fontfiles
curl -L -o 'Inconsolata.otf' ''
curl -L -o '' ''
## get Ricty generator
curl -L -o 'Ricty-3.2.2.tar.gz' ''
tar zxvf Ricty-3.2.2.tar.gz
## generate & install Ricty
cp Inconsolata.otf yascentur-Ricty-36c4bc7/
cp migu-1m-20130617/*ttf yascentur-Ricty-36c4bc7/
./yascentur-Ricty-36c4bc7/ ./yascentur-Ricty-36c4bc7/Inconsolata.otf ./yascentur-Ricty-36c4bc7/migu-1m-regular.ttf ./yascentur-Ricty-36c4bc7/migu-1m-bold.ttf
sudo cp Ricty*.ttf /Library/Fonts/
## delete
cd ~/
rm -rf ~/.Trash/ricty
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