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Created April 29, 2022 08:32
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class OkHttpPlayerTest {
fun handlesFastCancellations() {
val context = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().targetContext
val okHttpClient = OkHttpClient.Builder()
val dataSourceFactory: OkHttpDataSource.Factory = OkHttpDataSource.Factory(okHttpClient)
val dashFactory = DashMediaSource.Factory(dataSourceFactory)
val mediaSource = dashFactory.createMediaSource(MediaItem.Builder()
val duration: Long = 734000
val actionSchedule = ActionSchedule.Builder("handlesFastCancellations")
.seekIncrementally(duration = duration.downTo(duration - 600_000).step(10_000))
.seekAndWait(duration / 2)
.seekIncrementally(duration = duration.downTo(duration - 600_000).step(10_000))
.seekAndWait(duration / 2)
.seekIncrementally(duration = duration.downTo(duration - 600_000).step(10_000))
.seekAndWait(duration / 2)
.seekAndWait(duration - 2_000)
private fun assumeInternet() {
try {
} catch (uhe: UnknownHostException) {
assumeTrue("requires network", false)
private fun ActionSchedule.Builder.seekIncrementally(duration: LongProgression, delay: Long = 25): ActionSchedule.Builder =
duration.fold(this) { builder, position ->
.executeRunnable {
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