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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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#!/usr/bin/dmd -run
import std.stdio, std.file, std.path, std.string, std.conv, std.math, std.container, std.algorithm, std.parallelism, std.range;
string filesize(double size){
string units = "KMGT";
double left = cast(double)size.abs();
int unit = -1;
while(left > 1100 && unit < 3){
left /=1024;
unit += 1;
if(unit == -1){
return format("%dB", to!int(size));
if(size < 0)
left = -left;
return format("%.1f%siB", left, units[unit]);
string getcmdln(string pid){
auto ret = cast(ubyte[]) read(pid~"/cmdline");
foreach(ref ubyte c; ret){
if(c=='\0') c=' ';
if(ret[$-1] == ' ')
return cast(string) ret;
ulong checkswap(string pid){
ulong size = 0;
File file = File(pid~"/smaps", "r");
while (!file.eof()){
string line = chomp(file.readln());
size += to!ulong(line.split()[1]);
return size * 1024 ;
struct SwapInfo
string pid;
ulong size;
string comm;
SwapInfo swap_thread(string dir) {
string pid = dir.baseName;
if (pid.isNumeric) {
try {
ulong size = checkswap(dir);
if (size)
return SwapInfo(pid, size, getcmdln(dir));
}catch(Exception) { }
return SwapInfo(null, 0, null);
auto getSwap(){
string[] dir;
foreach(string d; dirEntries("/proc", SpanMode.shallow))
dir ~= [d];
auto map = taskPool.amap!swap_thread(dir);
return sort!"a.size < b.size"(map);
void main(){
string m = "%5s %9s %s";
double total=0;
//defaultPoolThreads(1); //This line
auto result=getSwap();
writeln(format(m , "PID", "SWAP", "COMMAND"));
foreach(ref item; result){
if ( is null)
total += item.size;
writeln(format(m ,, filesize(item.size), item.comm));
writeln(format("Total: %8s", filesize(total)));
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