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Created March 17, 2022 14:54
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substring(to_char(日付) from 1 for 7) as 年月,
count(*) as 売上回数,
sum(売上金額) as 売上金額合計,
avg(売上金額) as 売上金額平均,
min(売上金額) as 売上金額最小,
max(売上金額) as 売上金額最大,
stddev_pop(売上金額) as 売上金額標準偏差,
stddev_pop(売上金額) / avg(売上金額) as 売上金額変動係数,
sum(case when カテゴリー='A' then 売上金額 else 0.8*売上金額 end) as 重みづけ売上金額,
cast(sum(case when カテゴリー='A' then 売上金額 else 0 end) as float) / nullifzero(cast(sum(売上金額) as float)) as 売上金額A割合,
cast(sum(case when カテゴリー='B' then 売上金額 else 0 end) as float) / nullifzero(cast(sum(売上金額) as float)) as 売上金額B割合,
sum(case when カテゴリー='A' then 売上金額 else 0 end) as 売上金額A合計,
sum(case when カテゴリー='B' then 売上金額 else 0 end) as 売上金額B合計
from データベース名.テーブル名
group by 1,2
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