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Last active March 10, 2018 05:51
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Release tag version with some artifacts
### Github create release script
### This script requires following UNIX commands:
### - jq
### - file
### - curl
### - basename
### Those commands might not be installed on CI environment due to tiny OS package,
### So probably you need to install manually.
### For example, on Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install jq file curl
## Configuration for your project
### If you run this script as inline code like Jenkins, define as following:
### But we strongly recommend that specify access token at external environement variable.
#GITHUB_TOKEN="your github access token"
### Directory contains build artifacts if you have.
### If you don't have any artifacts, please keep it empty.
### Determine project repository
### If you are using via some CI service, you can use following server specific variable.
### In Circle CI:
### In Travis CI:
### Determine release tag name
### If you are using via some CI service, you can use following server specific variable.
### In Circle CI:
### In Travis CI:
####### You don't need to modify following area #######
ACCEPT_HEADER="Accept: application/vnd.github.jean-grey-preview+json"
TOKEN_HEADER="Authorization: token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}"
echo "Creatting new release as version ${TAG}..."
REPLY=$(curl -H "${ACCEPT_HEADER}" -H "${TOKEN_HEADER}" -d "{\"tag_name\": \"${TAG}\", \"name\": \"${TAG}\"}" "${ENDPOINT}")
# Check error
RELEASE_ID=$(echo "${REPLY}" | jq .id)
if [ "${RELEASE_ID}" = "null" ]; then
echo "Failed to create release. Please check your configuration. Github replies:"
echo "${REPLY}"
exit 1
echo "Github release created as ID: ${RELEASE_ID}"
# If assets is empty, skip it.
if [ "${ASSETS_DIR}" = "" ]; then
echo "No upload assets, finished."
# Uploads artifacts
for FILE in ${ASSETS_DIR}/*; do
MIME=$(file -b --mime-type "${FILE}")
echo "Uploading assets ${FILE} as ${MIME}..."
NAME=$(basename "${FILE}")
curl -v \
-H "Content-Type: ${MIME}" \
--data-binary "@${FILE}" \
echo "Finished."
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